TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: English Pronuntiation: Phonetics and Phonology
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English Pronuntiation: Phonetics and Phonology

Primer bimestre


Fecha de Creación: 08/06/2022

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 64
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The branch of linguistics concerned with the study of speech processes, including the production, perception, and analysis of speech sounds from both an acoustic and a physiological point of view is known as: Phonology Phonetics.
The branch of Linguistics that deals with the study of the patterns of sounds in a Particular language and across languages, is called: Phonology Phonetics.
This field of Phonetics describes the production of speech sounds by speechorgans, and explains the articulatory process during the sounds production.Itis true about: Articulatory Acoustic.
In the word clock , phonemes are: / k/ /l/ / Ͻ/ / k / /c/ / l/ / Ͻ / /c/.
Choose the correct phonemic symbol for the underlined letter in the word PRE SS URE: / s / / ʃ /.
Segmental features of pronunciation are represented by: pitch, tone, utterance diphthongs, consonants, vowels.
The supra segmental aspects of speech are represented by: stress, rhythm, utterance consonants, vowels, triphthongs.
Choose the distinctive characteristic proper for CONSONANT phonemes: aspiration length.
Choose the characteristic that is NOT proper for VOWEL phonemes: length aspiration.
Depending on their syllable position, vowels can be both voiced and voiceless Verdadero Falso.
The term PHONEME refers to the letters of the alphabet Verdadero Falso.
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), a standardized representation ofspeech sounds, is universal in all the foreign language dictionaries false verdadero.
Phonetics refers to the study of physical properties of the sounds and explanationof how these sounds are produced. verdad false.
Phonology is the study of the sound system of world languages. verdad false.
Accent is caused by the exposure to incorrect speaking model of target language. verdad false.
The main purpose of Reform Movement regarding teaching foreign language wasto help educators with innovative methodologies. false verdad.
As a result of Reform Movement, the emphasis in teaching was given to the spoken language. false verdad .
Vowels are always voiced. v f.
Articulators are: lower lip, tongue, vocal cords. v f.
Phonemes that are NOT aspirated are in the words: pray, star, crush pile, cost, postman.
An audible escape of air following some consonant sound is called: Pregunta aspiration manner of articulation.
The sound / t / is aspirated in the word: take travel.
Which of the following elements refers to the duration of the sound: length voice aspiration.
Voiceless phonemes are in the words: lauGH, THunder, churCH pleaSure, Zebra, Jelly.
Choose the voiced phonemes: laZy, pLate, phOne auTHor, teaCHer, couGH.
Choose the words with the vowels that belong to spread lip position. lEAp, jEAns, EIght bOOk, cUp, wAr.
Words containing nasal sounds are: Nice, siNg, Milk Pen, kiTe, Line.
Words containing rounded vowels are: awful, over, boat, ocean above, lack, plough, culture.
The words with the diphthong / aʊ / are: proud, mouse pie, boy.
The words with the sound / ɛ / are: bread , bed, again rain, day, break.
Simple vowels are in the words: tAn, lOst, wEt, AUthority pOst, gAte, brAke, lOOse.
Vowels are classified according to: mouth shape, lip and tongue position .
……… vowels change the position of speech organs during their articulation: complex simple.
....... vowels retain the same position of the speech organs during articulation: complex simple.
Approximants are in the words: Well, Yes, RaRe Write, waLk, cheCK.
Choose the organs of speech that represent articulators: tongue alveolar ridge.
Choose the organs of speech that represent points/places of articulation alveolar ridge and upper teeth vocal chords and tongue.
In the words vote, vast, invest, voice , the phoneme is: /v/ /vi/.
Which of the flowing fields of phonetics studies physical properties of speech, sounds, their frequency and amplitude during sound transmission? Articulatory. c. Auditory. b. Acoustic.
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) was created with the purpose to: Provide a standardized representation of speech sounds and it is universal in all foreign language dictionaries. Represent the sounds of oral language.
The main purpose of Reform Movement regarding teaching foreign language was to: Create new alphabet. b. Emphasize pronunciation and speaking.
The Reform Movement was created in: 1886. 1998.
As a result of creation of IPA, teaching foreign languages was organized: In a sequential way. b. From simple to complex grammar topics.
One of the founders of IPA was: Paul Passy. Noam Chomsky.
In the word knock there are _____ phonemes 2 3.
When articulating DIPHTHONGS: Organs of speech remain in the same position. b. Organs of speech change the position.
Words containing simple vowels are: Bruise, smile, go, mouse, broke. Assault, peasant, determined, lost, leather.
Words containing spread vowels are: Tea, eight. b. First, after.
To pronounce the vowels in the word EARN, lips should be in _____ position: Spread. c. Neutral.
In the words, leap- lip, sheep- ship, the difference between vowels consists in: Length. b. Voicing.
The shape of the resonance chamber and position of lips influence the production of vowel sounds v f.
Voiceless phonemes are in the words: Laugh, thunder, church. b. Pleasure, zebra, jelly.
Choose the voiced phonemes: b. Lazy, plate, phone. a. Author, teacher, cough.
Consonants usually constitute the centre of syllable nucleus. f v.
In the words like yellow, yell, yet, yolk, young the initial sound is / dʒ /. f v.
9. ( ) The consonant in the words sooth, feather, leather is /θ/. f v.
10. ( ) Classification of consonants depends on their manner and place of articulation. v f.
In phonology, voicing refers to sound changes whereby a consonant changes its type of voicing from voiceless to voiced, or vice versa, due to the influence of its phonological environment. v f.
Voiceless consonants such as p, t, k in the initial position ARE ALWAYS aspirated before a stressed vowel. The aspiration symbol is ph, th, kh v f.
place (points) of articulation - manner of articulation - voicing - aspiration Are phonetics features: v f.
The word “consonant” came from Latin word symphonon, that means pronounced with. v f.
Diphthongs are vowel sounds in which the tongue starts in one position and rapidly moves to another. f v.
Triphthong refers to three sounds, or three tones. This complex vowel sound is complex vowel sound resulting from the succession of three simple vowel sounds and functions as one unit. f v.
Di- and thriphthongs are COMPLEX vowels. v f.
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