TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Enseñanza del inglés 1-4
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Enseñanza del inglés 1-4



Fecha de Creación: 04/01/2024

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 52
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Which of the following is more common in writing than in oral speech? idioms time fillers subordinate clauses .
Which of the following is NOT a type of reformulation when speaking? self-correction time fillers false starts.
According to our course manual, ___ is any collection of pieces of written or oral speech that cohere. discourse language text.
___ is a common positive communication strategy in which a learner defines or explains the word that escapes him or her when speaking. circumlocution overelaboration topic avoidance.
The ___ stage of writing is to check for problems or mistakes. planning, formulation and revision thinking, planning and production structuring, planning and revision.
Codeswitching is usually done by employing ___ in another language. clauses single words phrases.
___ describes what happens in everyday speech when a consonant at the end of a word is connected with a vowel at the beginning of the next word. Intrusion linkage elision.
Employing vocabulary which is too formal for the context is an example of ___. overgeneralization transfer of lexical rules overelaboration .
Students can do activities in which they mark the stress in a sentence in order to... improve spelling improve listening to fast speech improve listening comprehension skills .
he ___ stage of writing is to check for problems or mistakes. planning revision thinking.
Which of the following is NOT a difficulty associated with monologues? The speaker must think quickly to respond to the interlocutor. The stress of the situation often causes inhibition. There are high linguistic demands to be clear, concise and coherent.
Asking for clarification from the interlocutor is an example of a ____. metacognitive strategy cognitive strategy socio-affective strategy .
One possible listener response is ____, in which the listener outlines or summarizes something he hears. condensing duplicating transferring.
Adding "-ed" for the past form instead of using the appropriate irregular form is an example of ___. overelaboration overgeneralization transfer of grammatical rules.
In the European Language Portfolio, speaking skills are divided between spoken production and ___ communicative strategies aural reception spoken interaction.
___ is a speaking text that is delivered by just one person. dialogue oral input monologue.
When evaluating listening comprehension, it is important to set a ____ and select the evaluation tool. level context purpose.
__ is generally permanent, not attached to time, and worked to be a final draft. Mental language written language spoken language.
The ___ sub-skills of speaking include planning and negotiation of meaning. interactive perception grammatical.
The ___ sub-skills of speaking include management of interaction and production. grammatical perception interactive.
___ is the person being spoken to directly, as in a conversation, that has speaking rights. An addressee a participant auditor.
__ always precedes ___ in the process of language acquisition. Speaking ... writing Writing ... reading reading...writing.
The words "skate" and "state" share the same ___. rime onset meaning.
The ___ to reading suggests that readers process a text from the most basic levels to the more complex ones. top-down approach bottom-up approach interactive approach.
___ is a person being spoken to, as in a conference, that has limited rights to respond. An overhearer addressee participant.
When learning to write, typical mistakes may include ___, when we add an extra letter or letters (untill instead of until). transposition substitution insertion.
___ is using a word from the same semantic family of the one the speaker would like to say but does not know or cannot remember. Circumlocution word coinage approximation.
The basic unit of oral communication is the ____. word speech act sound.
An example of a formal method of turn-taking in a conversation is ___ a decline in volume a change in gaze direction raising a hand.
The employment of false friends is an example of a transfer of ___. phonological rules sybtactical rules lexical rules.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an authentic communicative task? has a clear addressee has a product at the end is done individually .
___, one of the two sub-skills of oral comprehension, involves recognizing phonemes and compounding them into words and then sentences. Cognition perception listening.
A post-listening exercise in which students are asked to answer comprehension questions is an example of ___. an extensive activity a selective activity a responsive activity.
Observing students' role plays in small groups is an example of ___ of speaking skills. self-assessment formal assessment informal assessment.
___ reading is reading long texts for pleasure. Intensive adapted extensive.
The main goal of ___ language is to convey information and ideas. listener-related transactional interactional.
One possible listener response is ____, in which the listener provides text beyond what he hears, such as giving an end to a story. extending doing choosing.
The ___ function of speaking includes the conversational aspects of communication. compensatory transactional interactional.
The ___ stage of writing is to check for problems or mistakes. planning thinking revision.
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an authentic communicative task? has a clear addressee has a product at the end is done individually.
The employment of false friends is an example of a transfer of ___. phonological rules sysntactical rules lexical rules.
___ describes what happens in everyday speech when a consonant at the end of a word is connected with a vowel at the beginning of the next word. Elision intrusion linkage.
____ focus on trying to solve the communication problem that the speaker is facing. Transfers Achievement strategies Avoidance strategies.
Adding an "e" or schwa sound before a word beginning with "s" is an example of a transfer of ___. syntactical rules phonological rules lexical rules.
___ is the person being spoken to directly, as in a conversation, that has speaking rights. An auditor a participant an addressee.
Processing a written text through ___ involves recognizing words through the symbols that make it up and saying the words aloud. the interactive approach the bottom-up the dual-route.
___ is the change of one sound between two words, which normally carries grammatical meaning, such as sing, sang, sung. Gradation pronunciation intonation.
Which of the following does a good listener NOT do? asks the speaker to slow down if necessary makes use of information provided by the context of the situation allows himself to become anxious.
According to the article by Herazo Rivera, an example of an authentic oral interaction is... teacher-student interaction of initiation-response-feedback students practicing a prepared dialogue a student-student survey based on pictures of daily tasks.
____ is using a word from the same semantic family of the one the speaker would like to say but does not know or cannot remember Approximation circumlocution word coinage.
Repeating what you have heard is an example of a ____. cognitive strategy socio-affective strategy metacognitive strategy.
A ___ is a single sound within a word. syllable phoneme letter.
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