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Exámen Modelo A 2020


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Número preguntas: 20
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1. Which of the terms below appropriately describes the relationship between the sentences in (i) and (ii)? (i) Alice exterminated the termites that were destroying the wall. (ii) The termites that were destroying the wall disappeared. a. presupposition b. synonymy c. entailment.
2. Representational theories of meaning are based on a. the relation between linguistic expressions and objects or situations of the world. b. the relation between linguistic expressions and conceptual representations. c. both (a) and (b). .
3. In which of the examples the underlined expressions have the same referent but different senses? a. Two times two is four. b. Boris Johnson is still the prime minister of the UK. c. My sister is a teacher by profession. .
4. A part-whole relation between lexical items is described as a. hyponymy. b. metonymy. c. meronymy.
5. Consider the following example: If today is a holiday, then John will not go to work. Today is a holiday. Therefore, John will not go to work. Which of the following rules of inference does the example illustrate? a. modus ponens b. modus tollens c. disjunctive syllogism.
6. Which of the following statements can be used as a test for stativity? (Note: ? and * indicate grammaticality judgments: ? – ‘sounds strange’; * - ‘is ungrammatical’) a. ?What happened was that Alice believed in ghosts. b. ?Alice believed that the king of France is bald. c. Alice believed in ghosts for years/*in years. .
7. Dowty’s theory of proto(typical) theta-roles construes proto-Agent and proto-Patient as clusters of features or entailments. Which of the two features below characterize proto-Agent? a. sentience, causes change of state b. movement, undergoes change of state c. volition, stationary relative to movement.
8. Which of the following pairs of sentences illustrate the phenomenon known as scalar implicature? a. (i) I wrote a poem for my brother. (ii) I have a brother. b. (i) I bought five books for my children. (ii) I didn’t buy many books for my children. c. (i) I invited some of my friends. (ii) I invited not all of my friends. .
9. The term indirect speech act refers to a. a non-standard matching between a sentence type and a speech act. b. a mismatch between the speaker’s intention and the effect of an utterance. c. a mismatch between felicity conditions and the corresponding type of utterance. .
10. Semantic markers and distinguishers in Katz’s semantic theory are two types of semantic components. Choose the correct characterization of these components. a. Semantic markers provide links with other lexical items, whereas distinguishers identify the idiosyncratic lexical information. b. Semantic markers provide idiosyncratic lexical information, whereas distinguishers identify the links with other lexical items. c. Semantic markers are external to the lexical meaning of an item and come from other vocabulary items, whereas distinguishers identify the idiosyncratic lexical information. .
11. Which type of alternation is illustrated by the following pair of examples? (i) John cracked the ice with a thick knife. (ii) The ice cracked. a. causative/inchoative alternation b. locative alternation c. dative alternation.
12. According to Pustejovksy (1995), a qualia structure a. reflects contextual information that influences the interpretation of a lexical item. b. reflects information about different properties of objects as they are reflected in a lexical item. c. reflects systematic lexical relations of a word with other lexical items. .
13. Generalized quantifier theory a. treats all nominal phrases, including proper names, as quantifiers. b. treats all nominal phrases, apart from proper names, as quantifiers. c. treats predicates as quantifiers and nominal phrases as their arguments.
14. Indefinite nominals in DRT (Discourse Representation Theory) a. are considered bound variables. b. introduce new discourse referents. c. are treated like pronouns. .
15. Which of the following statements represent one of the basic postulates of cognitive semantics? a. Our thinking processes are independent of our linguistic capacities. b. Linguistic reality as reflected in language is a product of human mind. c. Grammatical explanations should be given in abstract linguistic terms.
16. A ‘dead metaphor’ is a. an expression that stops being a metaphorical utterance and becomes a conventional utterance. b. an expression that acquires a new metaphorical meaning on the basis of another metaphorical meaning. c. a metaphorical expression that is no longer used in language. .
17. What kind of a metonymic relation does the following sentence illustrate? The White House issued a statement regarding the resignation of Bolivian president Evo Morales. a. place for institution b. institution for people c. place for event.
18. The demonstrative that in the sentence "That summer we had a little cottage by the sea" is an example of a. paraphrasis. b. spatial deixis. c. temporal deixis.
19. Which of the examples below illustrates a resultative construction? a. The door is open. b. The heat is melting the ice. c. The window has been broken. .
20. The statement "a natural number is bigger than all the other natural numbers" can be represented as: a. ∀x∃y Bigger(y,x) b. ∃x∀y Bigger(x,y) c. ∃x∀y Bigger(y,x) .
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