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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEexamen cambridge nivel 2

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examen cambridge nivel 2

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Número preguntas: 40
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We ______ swimming in the lake. 'm 're 's.
We are playing ______ on the beach. volleyball biking karate.
I am having a wonderful day! B:___ That's too bad That's nice I'm sorry to hear that.
How much is ____ hat? these that those.
You wear this when it is cold to keep your hands warm. Gloves Boots A scarf.
Are you wearing your new shoes? B:____ Oh. wow. I'm listening Uh-huh.
She _____ after class ends. cans to leave can to leave can leave.
I love ____ Food. They have amazing curries. indian Indian india.
Manicho is ___ candy bar kind of like a kind of kind of.
they ____ make a lot of calls last year don't doesn't didn't.
she ___ a placemet exam two day ago. tooked take took.
I got the job! B:____ Goob for you Good luck You poor thing.
Was it really fun? B: No, it ____ wasn't waren't isn't.
Did you ___ a trip last year? go on went on took.
I went out last night and had a great time. ____, what did you do last. Really Anyway wow.
Would you like some coffee? B: ____ Yes, I'd like to Yes, please Yes, I'd.
We don't buy many___ salt pepper potato chips.
did you order me a drink or ____? something anything everything.
Is ____ going to work right now? I she we.
My brothers are playing ___ today football running weight training.
I love to play tennis. B ________ Wow! congratulations! That's cool. How often do you play?.
How much____ these sunglasses? is are am.
I need a new ___ glasses. pair of pair pair is.
I am buying you a new coat. B ___ Oh. thanks! Uh-huh Let's see.
You ___ Thai food here. can't getting can't get can't to get.
Do you like __ foof? Brazilian brazil brazilian.
Batidos are ___ milk shakes. a kind kind of like kind of.
She ___ send the report last morth. doesn't don't didn't.
Juan Carlos ___ a lot of work last year. He is a great student. did does do.
We have a big game on satuday. B ___! Good luck Congratulations Good for you.
We __ excited about the pop quiz yesterday. isn't weren't wasn't.
Roberto started running to ___. went healthy go healthy get healthy.
Let's go camping this weekend! B: sounds great.____ I have to go now, but let's talk about this later. Anyway Wow Really.
Would you ___ to dinner with mw tonight? like go like going like to go.
How much ___ is in the salad? lettuce strawberries peanuts.
I usually eat eggs or __ for breakfast. something anything everything.
He___ skiing with a friend. 's 're 'm.
My friends are ___ dinner right now haveing have having.
I'm taking karate now, and I love it.B ___ It's interesting That's terrible That's great.
Do you ___ to buy new sneakers? needs needing need.
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