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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEExamen Complexivo Ingles segundo bimestre 2020

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Examen Complexivo Ingles segundo bimestre 2020

Examen Complexivo

Jonathan Guamán
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1. Choose the option that is correct: In a writing situation when you write information from outside source in your own words without changing the meaning, you are actually dealing with: a. Summarizing b. Paraphrasing c. Writing an original passage.
2. Read the topic sentence provide below and choose, according the request, the “topic” or “controlling idea” “The Coast region and the Sierra region of Ecuador have different types of scenarios.” What is the topic? a. Ecuador b. Scenarios c. The Coast region and Sierra region of Ecuador.
3. “The weather in Sierra region of Ecuador is variable, so Loja has a variable weather” What is the controlling idea? a. Weather b. Variable weather in Loja c. Weather in the sierra region of Ecuador.
4. “From the wide range of animals that can be considered as pets, dogs are by far the most loyal pets.” What is the topic? a. Pets b. Loyalty of dogs c. Animals.
5. Read the given statements below, and choose the option that best completes them. The ___________is a summary or review of the main point discussed in the body. a. Introduction b. Body c. Conclusion.
6. Introducing the general topic of essay, and capture reader ’s interest are function of the ________. a. Tesis statement b. General statements c. Conclude statements.
7. Choose the best alternative for controlling idea in the following structure: “Driving on freeways requires skill and alertness” a. Driving b. Driving on freeways c. Skill and alertness.
8. When gatering information for writing the literature review, the research has to consider that a good summary of a journal article should include ____________________. a. the literature review, the purpose of study, the hypothesis of study, the methodology the research used, a description of the subject involved, the results, and any strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the study. b. the problem being addressed, the purpose of the study, the methodology the research used, a description of the subject involved, the results, the conclusions, and any strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the study. c. the problem being addressed, simples of instruments used to gather data, the purpose of the study, the abstract, the results, the conclusions, any strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the study. .
9. Read the following information and choose the correct answer. The following excerpt taken from the study Language Learning Anxiety from EFL learners’ perspective by Mohammad Javad Riasati belongs to which section of a research study? “With the increasing number of people who are willing to learn English as a second language, it is nessesary to find out the factors which many hinder or negatively affect language learning. One of these factors which has not been paid due attention to in academic settings is language learners’ anxiety. Most teachers are not aware of the fact that their students are not able to fully exhibit their potential because of the stressful they are in, or even if they know the students’ anxiety, they pay little, if any, attention to it. Although some teachers knowledge the need to make the learning process as enjoyable and anxiety-free as possible, they are reluctant to find ways to achieve such a goal, hence being unable to respond to the learning needs of individual students. Moreover, learning anxiety can be a debilitating factors that prevents learners from showing their full potential. AS a result, they may not be very successful in their language learning”. a. The problem statement b. The Method c. The abstract.
10. Read and identify which of the following problems is most appropiate to a qualitative approach? a. Determining the relationships between students’ attitudes and their language achievement in an EFL class. b. Identify the effects of students’ achievement of creating a student-centered assessment environment. c. Describing what it is like to work in a school that is changing the decision-marking process from a top-down administratively driving model to a bottom-up, teacher driven-model. .
11. Choose the alternative that contains examples of elicitation measures. a. Validity, reliability, and observations. b. Magnitude estimation, informed consent, and code of ethics. c. Jigsaw tasks, stimulate recall, and surveys.
12. Read the following information and choose the correct answer. In quantitative research, we systematically identify our participants and sites through random sampling; in qualitative research, we identify our participants and sites on purposeful sampling, based on places and people that can best help us understand our central phenomenon. With this in mind, let’s assume you are going to develop a qualitative research in a primary school. What step are you supposed to anticipate in order to gain complete access to the information? a. You will have to develop your own instrument to collect data. Developing an instrument consists of several steps, such as identify the purpose of the instrument, reviewing the literature, writing the questions, and testing the questions with individuals similar to those you plan of study. b. You need permissions to begin your study. In qualitative research you need greater access to the site because you will tipically go to the site and interview people or observe them. c. Decide over a qualitative interview, which occurs when researchers ask one or more participants general, open-ended questions and record their answers. The researcher then transcribes and types the data into computer file to analysis. .
13. Complete: “The importance of knowing how to define a Research Problem lies on the fact that this the main step to start a successful process of ______________________. a. Investigation b. Conveying reflections c. Validations.
14. It is a completed study that reports an investigation or a exploration of a problem, identifies questions to be addressed, includes the collection and analysis of data, and advances an interpretation of the data. a. Outcome b. Interrelating theme c. Research report.
15. When gatering information for writing the literature review. The researcher has to consider that a good summary of a journal article should include ________________. a. the literature review, the purpose of study, the hypothesis of study, the methodology the research used, a description of the subject involved, the results, and any strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the study. b. the problem being addressed, the purpose of the study, the methodology the research used, a description of the subject involved, the results, the conclusions, and any strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the study. c. the problem being addressed, simples of instruments used to gather data, the purpose of the study, the abstract, the results, the conclusions, any strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the study. .
16. Walking from site to site, or striding up and down the aisles the chair is physical characteristic of the teacher that shows: a. Proximity b. Movement c. Appropriacy.
17. The kind of language that students are to likely to understand, a need to think about what to say to the students, and the manner in which to speak (intonation, tone of voice, etc.) have to be considered when… a. Rought-tuning the language b. Conserving the voice c. Giving instructions.
18. From the example below, which does not show good use of talking time? a. The teacher explains the activitys’ directions step by step, then, demostrate the activity with a student. Last, he checks confirmation with a few questions, such as “what will you do first?” and “how about after that?” b. The teacher provides examples before eliciting a few more sentences from the class on a particularly difficult grammar point. c. The teacher talks or calls on students one at a time. In a class of ten during a one-hour, sesión answering question one by one translates to six minute of talking time for each student.
19. Read the following question and then select the appropriate answer. Which Method/approach describes the following statement? After student have been introduced to a situation which exemplifies the meaning and use of the new language (and had the language explained to them), they work on some controlled task before being asked to demostrated through examples the use of the new language themselves. a. Communicative Language Teaching b. Task-based Learning c. Presentation, Practice and Production.
20. Read the following question then select the correct option. This speaking activities provides the instructor with feedback about the student learning and is a way to achieve efective effective objectives. Encouraging student to more active participants in their learning through interaction with the course content and with others can increase their motivation and mastery of the material. a. Role play b. Discussion c. Dialogue.
21. Read the following information and select the correct option to complete it. When students present written work, they spect to recieve comments and suggestion from teachers as they help them to improve it. As such, as teacher, it is important to know how to correct students’ work. One way is to show students how they would write the incorrect sentence, instead of finding the mistake and correct it. This technique is kwon as… a. Selective correction b. Remedial teaching c. Reformulation.
22. Read the following question and select the correct option. When teachers bring to the classroom materials that were not created with the purpose of learning the English language, such as newspaper, invoices, etc., they are focusing in which of the following materials? a. Non-prose materials b. Authentic materials c. Prose materials.
23. Extensive reading fits into the meaning-focused input and _______ strands of a course. a. Fluency development b. Meaning-focused output c. Language influence.
24. Extensive reading is a form of learning from ___________________. a. Meaning-focused input b. Meaning -focused output c. Language-focused learning.
25. During extensive reading learners should be interested in _____________________. a. learning the language features of the text b. learning the language features of the text rather than on what they are reading an should be reading with their attention on the meaning of the text. c. What they are reading and should be reading with their attention on the meaning of the text rather than on learning the language features of the text. .
26. The classic procedure for ___________ is the grammar-translation approach where the teacher works with the learners, using the first language to explain the meaning of a text. a. Extensive reading b. Intensive reading c. Speed reading.
27. The use of ___________ makes sure ___________that students understand a text. a. Translation/intensive reading b. Extensive reading/translation c. Intensive reading/fluency.
28. For this activity, students are divided into groups. The teacher gives the subject of the composition and then students in their groups discuss a make a list of the main ideas that they will write about. Then, the teacher brings the class together and following the students’ suggestions makes a list of the main ideas on the board. After this is discussed, the students return to their groups and write a composition as a group. a. Blackboard composition b. Group class composition c. Group composition.
29. This technique is designed to help learners become fluent in forming letters and words, specially where the writing system of the second language is different from that the first language. a. Delayed copying b. Understanding explanation c. Backwriting.
30. Wich of the following activities is considered not to be used in a meaning-focused Listening class? a. Oral Cloze b. Listen and choose c. One way Listening.
31. The activities meaning-focused Listening have some features as students are able to understand what they are Listening to, the materials is at the right level of students, among others. Which is the characteristic that does not belong to this type of activities? a. There are a few unfamiliar or partly unfamiliar items. b. There are a few unfamiliar or partly unfamiliar items c. There is small quantity of input.
32. The activity in which there is a small amount of written language and learners have to reproduce the message they hear in a new form, is called___________________. a. Information transfer b. Supporting Listening c. Listening and choose.
33. Note taking is an activity to be performed when we want to work on __________listening activities. a. Beginning b. Advanced c. Intermediate.
34. An exercise in which the teacher use a text, which is read several times, then students ask questions about it while the teacher checks understanding of all the words, it is a ___ exercise. a. Listening b. Pre-dictation c. Reading.
35. If a test is completed within the time limit and its production is not so expensive. The characteristic that better suits to a test is: a. Practicality b. Validity c. Accountability.
36. If a test gives clear directions and has uniform rubrics for scoring and evaluation. Besides, the test items or tasks are unambiguous to the test-taker, we say that this test is: a. Practical b. Valid c. Reliable.
37. Curriculum implies all the issues related _______________, which are concieved as a coherent whole with a specified purpose. a. to planning, implementation and evaluation of a series of language learning events b. to teaching, monitoring and assessing English teaching c. to educational policies and laws for English teaching in school and high school .
38. A syllabus is ________________________. a. a list of content areas which are to be taught in a particular course b. a process by which a curriculum designer identifies the students’ needs c. a detailed description of teachers and learners’ experience during a course .
39. Read the following example and determine why the course was successful. In a course designed for medical students, there were 35 participants registered. Most of participants were aged between 24 and 30. The course lasted five weeks. The needs analysis evidenced that the students were able to understanding writing information but they had serios difficulties in expressing ideas in an oral and written way. Thus, the teacher decided to use a functional communicative approach and organized the units of progressions according to skills and sub- skills leaving grammatical and vocabulary items out. In spite of all the efforts put by the teacher and students the results were not satisfactory. a. Contraints like time, level of the learners, teaching methods and class size affected the results. b. The participations’ conflict between the previous knowledge and new knowledge presented, influenced on its success. c. The use of diverse activities and techniques to teach and assess a large classes.
40. Select the item that states the aspects that English teachers must consider when selecting authentic reading material for a course. a. Suitability of content, exploitability, readability and presentation b. Approach, the financial cost, the location of the educational institutions c. The needs of the community, the educational policies and the teaching resources.
41. Choose the correct concept. They can be designed, adapted or adopted by the teacher. These can be, for example, a textbook, a workbook, pictures, CDs, videos, handouts, white board, among others. The use of basic or supplementary instruments as well as technological resources is crucial in the effectiveness of the teaching learning process. a. Teaching curricula b. Teaching materials c. Teaching methods.
42. Needs analysis can play a mayor rol in determining the ____________________. a. content of courses, particularly for language items b. steps of the environment analysis c. number of the students for the course.
43. Materials for teaching English must be basically designed on ___________________. a. Teachers’ needs and interests b. Learners and their needs c. EFL writers and publishers.
44. Choose the strategy that best fits the definition below. What is the name of the strategy used to summarize students’ progress by gathering onservations, performance samples and work samples? a. Reporting back b. Portafolio assessment c. Rubrics.
45. Read the following example which addresses one of the strategies used for teaching English. Then, decide why the teacher used that strategy. Mr. Brown, A fourth-grade teacher is planning a nature study with the class. Thus, considering that the high-school has implemented new technology for teaching, she asks students to work in pairs. During a nature walk, they identify the birds, plants, and animals they see in the area around their school and the lake across the street. They also use different devices with photo applications for taking pictures of the things they see, record the date, time of day, and weather conditions at the time of their observations. They feel specially excited to be able to identify the local birds from the birds pictures and even to be able to identify some birds by the bird-calls available on the application. The final project is a natural journal in which the students document all their sightings with dates and pictures attached. a. Because we want to provide students with a strategy to build Wikis with the information they gathered during the walk b. Because he wanted that his students handheld computers and smartphones to present a report on their learning experience c. Because he wanted that his students practice interactive comprehension skills by preparing a PowerPoint presentation on the birds. .
46. Read the statement below; the choose the option that provides the best option. The structure of paragraph is made of the following parts: a. Subject, verb, complement b. Topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences c. Examples, statistics, and quotations.
47. The topic sentence provides: a. Explanation of the topic, details about the topic b. Signal for the end of the paragraph, important points to remember c. The main idea of the paragraph, and the controlling idea .
48. The main parts of an essay are: a. Introduction, body, and conclusion b. Topic sentence, supporting sentences, and conclusion c. Examples, facts, statistics.
49. The introductory paragraph is mede of two parts: a. Words that signal the end of the essay, and final thoughts of the autor b. General topic of the essay, and hook of the essay c. General statement, and thesis statement.
50. Choose the best option to complete the following statements. When you paraphrase, you… a. copy another person’ exact words b. do not cite the source c. write outside information by using your own words, and cite the source.
51. To write a good summary, you need to … a. change of the meaning of the original b. use your own words, use your own sentence structures, credit the source c. include only the main points of the original text .
52. In the research world, the word problem can be considered a synonym for _____________. a. mathematics b. controversy c. drawback.
53. Which of the following is broader in terms of extent and scope from the point of view of the researcher? The __________________. a. Research topic b. Research problem c. Purpose of the study.
54. What will be the best source of information for a scientific research about the quality of students’ health at a local college campus? a. A dictionary of American idioms b. A monthly report of national system c. An internal health report of in-campus accidents.
55. What is not a literature review? a. A research paper b. A series o notes taken along a research c. Diagrams drawn after reviewing a test.
56. What inconveniences might arise from poorly structured reports? a. Abundant content with lots of examples b. Messy and hard to understand report c. The readers might want to research every source of information.
57. What personnel can evaluate a Research Report? a. Librarians b. President of a fraternity c. Faculty.
58. What is the seating arrangement that ensures clear visivility for all students? a. Separate tables b. Horseshoe c. Orderly rows.
59. Complete the following statements with the correct information. It is said that students develop learning autonomy when they… a. are paired b. work on their own c. are grouped.
60. Intensive reading has been associated with the teaching of reading in terms of its ________. a. components skills b. experience task c. didactic Method.
61. Extensive Reading means reading as much as possible. It is an alternative teaching approach in which students are allowed to choose the books they want to read depending on their __________ and ______________. a. Interests / level of difficulty b. Background /linguistic knowledge c. Perception /ways of learning.
62. In the past listening was seen as: a. A process by which you kept a conversation b. A passive process by which one person establishes a conversation c. A passive process in wich the information is sent to a listener.
63. In one chance dictation: a. The teacher reads the whole text only one time b. The teacher reads short parts of the text only once c. The teacher reads parts of the text more than one time .
64. Choose the letter of the response that best reflects the principles of practicality and validity on language test. A practical test… a. gives clear directions are rubrics are uniform b. gives learners feedback that enhances their language development c. appropiately utilizes available material resources.
65. A valid test … a. relies as much as possible on empirical evidence (performance) b. contains language that is as natural as possible c. has uniform rubrics for scoring /evaluation.
66. Formal assessment… a. focuses on evaluating and grading students’ achievement b. evaluates students’ performance through incidental comments and responses c. make use of presentation to assess students.
67. Informal assessment … a. applies a method of grading and interpreting grades which allow teachers to assess students’ performance b. uses some exercises and procedures to tap into a storehouse of skills and knowledge c. evaluates students without judging or making decisions about their performance .
68. The principle of washback … a. is used to design task that are unambiguous to the test taker b. provides learners with tests that contain language that is as natural possible c. gives learners feedback that enhances their language development.
69. One of the characteristics of summative assessment is to … a. measure to what extent students have learn the material they have been taught b. provide feedback to the students during the learning process c. use informal assessment to know the students’ progress.
70. Choose the option that correctly completes the statement. The three major parts of the curriculum design model are: _________________________. a. Needs analysis, Environment analysis and principles b. Learner, Teachers, Situation c. Time, Contraints and environment analysis.
71. Needs analysis can play a major role in determining the ______________________. a. content of courses, particularly for language items b. steps of the environment analysis c. number of the students of the course.
72. Materials for teaching English must be basically designed based on __________________. a. teachers’ needs and interests b. learners and their needs c. FFL writers and publishers.
73. The major role of incorporating technology into the curriculum design is to …. a. provide teacher with tools for professional development b. save tiene and to overcome the students’ lack of the basic content knowledge c. enhance motivation and promote collavorative and autonomous learning .
74. The foundation for the selection, creation or adoption of a textbook of language courses are based on __________________. a. standards, principles, and on a selection of syllabus types b. teachers’ preferences and students capacity to afford them c. the availability of the course book in the market and costs.
75. Changes in a course book may be done by using techniques different from those used in the book that is __________ when teaching. a. changing the contents b. adding monitoring c. changing presentation.
76. Circle the letter of the correct answer: It is a plan of action or police designed to achieve a major or overall aim. a. Strategy b. Method c. Skill.
77. It provides examples, gestures, visuals for learners and reduces the anxiety students may have in language learning. We are dealing with: a. Realia strategies b. Modeled talk c. Vocabulary role-play .
78. These strategies encourage teachers to support English learners as they acquire reading and writing skills while improving vocabulary and fluency in English. a. Reading development b. Vocabulary development c. Literacy development.
79. Literacy development involves a particularly complex set of skills and attitudes. Phonemic awareness, phonics, oral reading fluency, comprehension, and writing skills are all acquired over time and require innovative _______________. a. Execution b. Monitoring c. Instruction.
80. Technology can play an integral part in providing English learners with valuable language experiences as they are acquiring a new ______________________. a. Habit b. Strategy c. Language.
81. Read the following text and answer and then aswer the question belw: Students are reading a story tale about " The three lttle pigs". After they read the story, the teacher reecnacts it by using some pictures cards about some scenes. The teacher asks some comprehension questions to make sure her students have understood the story. Another activity students are asked to do is to work in groups to cut some props and practice the story. Which of the followong is considered? a. Interpersonal intelligence, since students are required to work in groups. b. Musical intelligence, since students are asked to listen to the story. c. Naturalist intelligence, since students reenact the story outdoors.
82. How can the existencial intelligence be set up? a. Students are asked to draw the main characters from the story and show them to their classmates. b. Students are asked to write about how the main characters of the story felt each other. c. Students are asked to listen to a song, repeat it several times and then complete an exercise.
83. Read the example below and identify the option that contains the strategy that is applied by the teacher. Every day, in an English calss, when the teacher gets into the class, students stand up and starting singing "Good morning teacher, good morning teacher, how are you? how are you?", then teacher asks them to sit down to star the class. After that, when the teacher says: Now, We are going to wath a movie, the students immediately arrange their seats to create a comfortable atmosphere to enjoy the film. a. The teacher starts the movie with a rewiew and preview strategy helping students remind the contents of the previous class. b. The teachers' predictable routines and signal strategy make students react without any detailed guidance. c. The teacher use the small groups strategy and ask students to create a good environment to nvolve all learners in the activity.
84. Identify which of the following test is an achievement test? a. A test to measure capacity or general avility to learn a foreing language. b. A test given to a student to measure his/her knowledge regarding the previous course. c. A test appied to a group of students to know how much they have learned.
85. Select the type of tests whose purpose is to test the learners' global competence in a language. a. Aptitude test b. Placement test c. Proficiency test.
86. The focus of __________ is to examine the contexts for the success of a program or course. a. curriculum research b. needs analysis syllabus design.
87. One of the principles of language teaching, in curriculum design, refers to the language system. This principle is applied when the teacher: a. provides learners estrategies for learning and coping with low-frequency items themselves. b. explains the underlying concept of an unknow word rather than just focusing on the meaning c. checks the sequence of the items tom see that strongly related items are not presented together.
88. Read the following activity and decide which principles of language teaching have been applied: A reading text is followed by some comprehension questions. The learners are not supposed to look at the text while they answer the question. The question require the learners to think about the text, not just repeat parts of it. a. Time on task, language system, and interference b. Learning style, feedback and comprehensible input c. Retrieval, deep processing, and comprehensible input.
89. Why is "controller" as part of the role of the teacher susceptible to have a negative pursuance for the learners? a. It allows for the students to consults teachers, thus preventing the trial and error method of language learning. b. The students are only able to selft-evaluate their own work, therefore taking away the role of the teacher. c. There is little chance for the students to take much responsibility for their own learning.
90. A lesson plan includes different parts which make it effective; one of them is "procedures" . Which of the following options describes it? a. Teachers attach examples of the material they are to use with the students to their plan. b. Teachers includes patterns of interaction, timing, activities to be used to explain, contents, etc. Teachers amke a note of supplementary tasks they could include if things go quicker than anticipated.
91. Read the following information and choose the appropiate alternative. They can be use to paractice recieving and giving directions and determining the most effective routine. a. Graphs and tables b. Maps c. Diagrams.
92. Read the following dialogues and then select the appropiate option to complete the statement: A: Peter: Excuseme, what time is ti? Alice: It is six thirty. B: Mike: What is the most urgent task for today? Sam: It is the working calendar. C: Rose: What is your name? Phil: Phil Rose: How is it going? Phil: Not bad, and you? Rose: I am good The comversation are example of ........... type of asking. a. responsive b. interactive c. intencive.
93. The amount of literature cited at the begining of the study in a cuantitative research is _________ , and, in a qualitative research it is __________. a. from books; from journals b. substancial; minimal c. justified; extensive.
94. __________ is literature that summarizes ______________ sources. a. primary; secondary b. Primary; handbook c. Secondary; primary.
95. A ____________ is a plan for a research report, initiated and developed before the research actually begins. a. conference paper b. journal article c. dissertation or the sisproposal.
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