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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEExamen final del quimestre/Primero de bachillerato

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Examen final del quimestre/Primero de bachillerato

Intermediate english

Lcdo. Diego Patiño
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 20
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Choose the best option to complete this sentence (Escoge la mejor opción para completar esta oración) 1. Mary ____ _____ in the office are working is working.
Choose the best option to complete this sentence (Escoge la mejor opción para completar esta oración) 2. Their parents ___ _____ now. are traveling is traveling.
Choose the best option to complete this sentence (Escoge la mejor opción para completar esta oración) 3. The class ___ _____ a song for Christmas is singing are singing.
Choose the best option to complete this sentence (Escoge la mejor opción para completar esta oración) 4. The governor of California ___ _______ a lecture to many people are giving is giving.
Choose the best option to complete this sentence (Escoge la mejor opción para completar esta oración) 5. Mike ___ ______ to a meeting with his boss are attending is attending.
Choose the best answer for the image (Escoge la mejor respuesta para la imagen) They are talking They are laughing They are singing.
Choose the best answer for the image (Escoge la mejor respuesta para la imagen) She's eating a hot-dog She's not eating anything She's eating a hamburger She's watching a movie.
Choose the best answer for the image (Escoge la mejor respuesta para la imagen) He's walking alone He's doing exercise He's listening to music He's running with another person.
Choose the best answer for the image (Escoge la mejor respuesta para la imagen) The kid is swimming in the pool The kid is swimming in the bathtub The kid is swimming in the river.
Choose the best answer for the image (Escoge la mejor respuesta para la imagen) The band is giving a concert for The Music's Day The band isn't giving a concert to anybody.
Choose the correct present continuous form to complete each sentence (Escoge la forma correcta del presente continuo para completar cada oración) 1. Look! Andy ____________ in the garden am working are working is working.
Choose the correct present continuous form to complete each sentence (Escoge la forma correcta del presente continuo para completar cada oración) 2. Listen! Sue and John __________ an argument right now! am having are having is having.
Choose the correct present continuous form to complete each sentence (Escoge la forma correcta del presente continuo para completar cada oración) 3. Look! My friends and I __________ to the concert at the stadium! am going are going is going.
Choose the correct present continuous form to complete each sentence (Escoge la forma correcta del presente continuo para completar cada oración) 4. FC Barcelona´s team ________ economic problems these days. am having are having is having.
Choose the correct present continuous form to complete each sentence (Escoge la forma correcta del presente continuo para completar cada oración) 5. Mrs. Millen ___________ English at the moment. am teaching are teaching is teaching.
Check the 4 correct sentences according to the next picture (Señala las 4 oraciones correctas de acuerdo a la siguiente imagen) Gary is shorter than Tony Rashida is whiter than Gary Rashida is shorter than Gary Gary is taller than Rashida Tony is fatter than Rashida Rashida is balder than Gary Gary is thinner than Tony.
Check the 3 correct sentences according to the next picture (Señala las 3 oraciones correctas de acuerdo a la siguiente imagen) Sue is shorter than Ann Ann is thinner than Sara Bob is taller than Ann Pete is more elegant than Bob Ann is taller than Sara Ann is more introverted than Sara.
Which sentence is correct? (¿Que oración es la correcta?) That girl is more beautiful than the other one That girl is the most beautiful than the other one.
Which sentence is correct? (¿Qué oración es la correcta?) My friends was sad because of her death My friends were sad because of her death.
Which sentence is correct? (¿Que oración es la correcta?) Andrew weren't ready for that invitation. Andrew wasn't ready for that invitation. Andrew aren't ready for that invitation.
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