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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEExamen de ingles de Primero Bloque 1

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Examen de ingles de Primero Bloque 1

Examen ingles primero 1

Alewjandro Gonzalez Plascencia
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 17
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LEE Y COMPLETA EL SIGUIENTE DIÁLOGO CON LA OPCIÓN MÁS ADECUADA EN LAS SIGUIENTES 4 PREGUNTAS. EN LA ESCUELA OMAR Y SU ALUMNO ANDRÉS CONVERSAN EL PRIMER DÍA DE CLASES. (7:30am) ANDRÉS: Hi! (1)__________ . OMAR: Hello. Welcome. (2)________. A: Fine, thanks. And you? O: Fine. I’m Omar, your teacher. What’s your name? A: Andres. O: Mmm…(3)____________. A: A-n-d-r-e-s O: Thank you. How old are you? A: I am (4) _____________ years old. O: Ok. Andy, thank you. Sit down, please. 1.- Good morning Good night Good evening Good afternoon.
2.- How do you do? How are you? What do you do? What are you doing?.
3.- How do you pronounce it? Could you repeat, please? And your last name? How do you spell it?.
4.- 15 16 60 18.
SELECCIONA LA OPCIÓN CORRECTA In Mexico we celebrate Independence Day… on November 20th on September 16th in November 20 in September 16.
This is not a school object: eraser book dictionary flower.
This is the person who repairs your car: Teacher Plumber Doctor Mechanic.
A: What is that? B:I’ts a place where there are doctors, nurses, patients, and lots of medicine A: Ahh! You mean a _______ church hospital drugstore school.
RELACIONA LAS SIGUIENTES COLUMNAS: What do you do? Are you a teacher? What's your mother name? How old are you?.
Lee el siguiente texto y escoge las opciones más adecuadas para completarlo en las preguntas de las opciones de la 10 a la 14. His name is Angel. He is 25 years old. He is not single, he is (10) _____. Angel lives in Veracruz. He is a teacher, he works in a school from 8am to 12:30 pm. In the (11) ______ he plays soccer with his friends from 4pm to 7pm. He has got a daughter, (12) _____ name is Lucia. She was born in 2003, so she is (13)_____ years old. Angel´s wife is Sofia, she is (14)___ architect. She is not Mexican she is French. They are a happy family. 10.- married student worker employee.
11.- night evening afternoon morning.
12.- her she he his.
13.- two ten three six.
14.- a the one an.
Utilizando la información del texto, escoge la respuesta correcta Sofia, Angel´s wife, is French, she is from ... French Finland France Finlandian.
If you are from Mexico, then your nationality is ... Mexico Mexician Mexican Spanish.
Angel´s family is ... small short big large.
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