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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEExamen de ingles Segundo secundaria Bloque 2

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Examen de ingles Segundo secundaria Bloque 2

Examen ingles Segundo Bloque 2

Alejandro Gonzalez Plascencia
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Look at the picture and choose the best answer. wrist head arm foot.
2.- leg hand back finger.
3.- elbow stomach knee nose.
Read the following conversation and choose the right answer. Paulina: Hello John, ______ (4) you fine? John: Hello Paulina, I’m not so well. Paulina: Why? Are you ____(5)? John: I don’t know. Paulina: ______ (6) the matter? John: I have a terrible headache. Paulina: Oh, you ________ (7) take and aspirin. John: Yes, you are right. That’s what I will do. Thank you Paulina! 4.- is am aren't are.
5.- happy sick angry sad.
6.- where's what are is what what's.
7.- would should shouldn't wouldn't.
Choose the best answer. 8. If I have a toothache I should __________. go the dentist going to the dentist go to the dentist went to the dentist.
9.- If you have a cold you should ___________. stay in bed and rest go out and play go to the movies eat a lot of ice cream.
Read the conversation and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. Pepe: Hi Iris! How are you? Iris: Well, I have a horrible cold. Pepe: If I ______ (10) you, I ________(11) drink some tea. Iris: I guess you are right. Pepe: Oh! And definitely I _________ (12) drink cold things. Iris: Thank you very much Pepe! 10.- was am were are.
11.- would should could should't.
12.- should wouldn't couldn't would.
Choose the correct answer. 13.- A: I fell from a tree and my leg hurts a lot! B: Well, I ________ rub it until it stops. will would should am.
14.- The dentist said I _______ to brush well my teeth. has can have do.
15.- You have two hands and two _______. foots feets foot feet.
16.- A: I feel sick, I have a sore throat. B: ___________________to the doctor? why not you go why don’t you go why don’t why don’t go you.
17.- A: Excuse me, how much are the eggs? B: Well, It depends on ____________ do you want. how many how much many much.
18.- A: I’m hungry; I want something hot to eat. B: Ok, let’s have ____________ soup. a few of a cup of a bowl of a glass of.
19.- I don’t eat meat __________ I’m vegetarian. but and or because.
20.- Maria plays the piano ______ the guitar. and but so because.
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