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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEExamen de ingles Segundo secundaria Bloque 4

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Examen de ingles Segundo secundaria Bloque 4

Examen ingles Segundo Bloque 4

Alejandro Gonzalez Plascencia
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 17
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ESCOGE LA RESPUESTA CORRECTA. 1.- There are four chairs and a table in this room, the table is in front of the stove. Where are you? In the kitchen In the living room In the bathroom In the bedroom.
2.- There’s a couch, a TV and two armchairs. Where are you? In the dining room In the kitchen In the bathroom In the living room.
3.- When my father and I arrive from school. Where does he park the car? In the kitchen In the garage In the living room In the bedroom.
LEE EL SIGUIENTE CORREO ELECTRÓNICO Y CONTESTA LAS PREGUNTAS 4 A LA 9. (Ignorar de momento estas preguntas, ya que no se encontro la imagen necesaria). 4.- Theo told Kelly about the house that has, how many rooms? 2 rooms 3 rooms 1 room 4 rooms.
5.- According to Theo, is there a T.V. in the house? No, there isn’t Yes, there is No, there aren’t Yes, there are.
6.- Kelly is going to eat at Theo’s house… because Theo cooks well. because Theo wants Kelly to eat at his house. because there isn’t a kitchen in the house. because Kelly doesn’t want to cook.
7. If Kelly wants to watch a movie, where does she have to go? There is a mall next to the house. There is a cinema nearby. There are movies in the house. There are cinemas in front of the house.
8.- If Kelly wants to do some exercise, where can she do it? There is a gym two blocks away. There isn’t a gym where she is staying. There aren’t parks to walk dogs. There is a park near where she can walk and play with her dog.
9.- Kelly wants to go for a walk and play with her dog; where can she go? There are several parks next to her house. There isn’t a place where she can walk and play with her dog. There aren’t parks to walk dogs. There is a park near where she can walk and play with her dog.
RELACIONA LAS COLUMNAS: 10.- Where are the eggs? 11.- Where is the cinema? 12.- Where is your car? 13.- Where are your shoes?.
OBSERVA LAS IMÁGENES Y ESCOGE LA RESPUESTA CORRECTA. 14.- I want to buy this house, I like nature; is there any nature around this house? No, there aren’t No, there isn’t Yes, there are Yes, there is.
15.- I also like to have a good view, how many windows are there? There are four windows There is one window There are two windows There are three windows.
16.- When it’s cold I like to be warm and light up the chimney. Is there a chimney in this house? Yes, there is Yes, there are No, there isn’t No, there aren’t.
17.- You are looking for a new home to purchase. Looking at the home prices you can say that: house A is more expensive than house B. house B is cheaper than house A. house B is more expensive than house A. house B is expensiver than house A.
18.- I like big gardens full of trees and flowers, looking at the pictures you can say that the garden in the house B is: prettier than the garden of the house A. more pretty than the garden of the house A. prettiest than the garden of house A. the most pretty of garden in the house A.
19.- If you have a big family you need a lot of space, then you wouldn’t buy house A because: house B is more big than house A. house A is more small than house B. house A is bigger than house B. house B is bigger than house A.
20.- I like flowers, so if I have to choose one house, I would choose house B because: house B has more flowers than house A. house B has less flowers than house A. house A has most flowers than house B. house A has least flowers than house B.
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