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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEExamen del primer quimestre Segundo Bachillerato Intensivo

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Examen del primer quimestre Segundo Bachillerato Intensivo

SO and NEITHER, -ING and -ED adjectives, the present perfect simple tense

Lic. Diego Patiño
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 20
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SO and NEITHER Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) I was at work this morning. So am I. I was at work this morning. So was I. .
SO and NEITHER Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) I watched the game yesterday. So watched I. I watched the game yesterday. So did I.
SO and NEITHER Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) I do not go to the church on Sundays. Neither do I. I do not go to the church on Sundays. So do I.
SO and NEITHER Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) I am not a good student. Neither I am. I am not a good student. Neither am I.
SO and NEITHER Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) I cannot swim. Really?, I can. I cannot swim. Really?, I cannot.
SO and NEITHER Match the correct - Una lo correcto "So" , "Neither" + auxiliares originales Auxiliares inversos de la oración original.
-ING and -ED adjectives Match the correct - Una lo correcto -ED adjectives -ING adjectives.
-ING and -ED adjectives Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) I feel boring when I'm in class I feel bored when I'm in class.
-ING and -ED adjectives Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) Mike and kate are exciting about their trip to USA Mike and kate are excited about their trip to USA.
-ING and -ED adjectives Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) The student is tired because the lesson is tiring The student is tiring because the lesson is tired.
-ING and -ED adjectives Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) The book seems to be interesting because the boy looks interested The book seems to be interested because the boy looks interesting.
-ING and -ED adjectives Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) The project was exhausted. I'm really exhausting! The project was exhausting. I'm really exhausted!.
-ING and -ED adjectives Match the correct - Una lo correcto Embarrased Frightening Tiring Dissapointed Annoyed Dissapointing.
Present Perfect Simple Choose TRUE or FALSE (Escoja VERDADERO o FALSO) The present perfect uses HAVE / HAS + PAST PARTICIPLE OF THE VERB TRUE FALSE.
Present Perfect Simple Choose TRUE or FALSE (Escoja VERDADERO o FALSO) We use HAVES for singular third persons (HE, SHE, IT) TRUE FALSE.
Present Perfect Simple Choose TRUE or FALSE (Escoja VERDADERO o FALSO) We use DON'T HAVE or DOESN'T HAVE for making negative sentences in present perfect TRUE FALSE.
Present Perfect Simple Order the sentence correctly (Ordene la oración correctamente) him_today. seen have I.
Present Perfect Simple Order the sentence correctly (Ordene la oración correctamente) has Amy the_whole_truth! told.
Present Perfect Simple Order the sentence correctly (Ordene la oración correctamente) Marcos_and_Louis haven't to_each_other for_a_long_time talked.
Present Perfect Simple Order the sentence correctly (Ordene la oración correctamente) ever you somebody? Have have. to given I Yes, an_expensive_gift.
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