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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEExamen del primer quimestre Tercero Bachillerato Intensivo

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Examen del primer quimestre Tercero Bachillerato Intensivo

Superlatives, time clauses, and use of "should" or "have to"

Lic. Diego Patiño
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 18
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SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) My brother is the fattest in my family. My brother is most fatt in my family.
SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) The Earth is the most beautifulest planet in the solar system. The Earth is the most beautiful planet in the solar system. The Earth is the more beautiful planet in the solar system.
SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) Cotopaxi is one of the bigger mountain from Ecuador. Cotopaxi is one of the biggest mountains from Ecuador.
SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) Lionel Messi is considered the goodest soccer player in the world. Lionel Messi is considered the bestest soccer player in the world. Lionel Messi is considered the best soccer player in the world.
SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best answer for this question (Escoja la mejor respuesta para esta pregunta) Is China the largest country? No, it is not. The largest country in the world is Russia. No, it is not. The largest country in the world is Ecuador.
SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best answer for this question (Escoja la mejor respuesta para esta pregunta) Are the blue whales the biggest animals on earth? No, they aren't. The biggest animals are monkeys. Yes, they are.
SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best answer for this question (Escoja la mejor respuesta para esta pregunta) What is the most successful band ever? The Beatles are the most successful band of all time. The Beatles are the successfulest band of all time.
SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best answer for this question (Escoja la mejor respuesta para esta pregunta) Who is the richest person in America? Jeff Bezos is the richest person in America. I am the richest person in America.
SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best answer for this question (Escoja la mejor respuesta para esta pregunta) Which place is the coldest: Alaska or Antarctica? I think Cuenca is the coldest place in the world. I think it is Antarctica.
SUPERLATIVES (superlativos) Choose the best option (Escoja la opción correcta) English is the most spoken language in the world. English are the most spoken language in the world.
TIME CLAUSES (Clausulas de tiempo) Answer the next question (Responda la siguiente pregunta) What does WHEN mean? - ¿Qué significa WHEN?.
TIME CLAUSES (Clausulas de tiempo) Match the correct (Una lo correcto) Before I go to a party, When I sleep well, I play video games .
RECOMMENDATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS (recomendaciones y obligaciones) Match the correct (Una lo correcto) Has to Shouldn't Should Have to.
RECOMMENDATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS (recomendaciones y obligaciones) Check only the sentences that are mentioned in the video. They are 5 correct (Señale solo las oraciones que aparecen en el video. Son 5 oraciones correctas) You should be more attractive You should be more attentive You should read the bible You shouldn't read the bible The dog shouldn't wait in the street The dog should wait in the street You shouldn't use a jacket You shouldn't wear a coat You shouldn't wear a jacket Should we take an umbrella?.
RECOMMENDATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS (recomendaciones y obligaciones) Order the sentence correctly - Ordene la frase correctamente have You to don't bring_food.
RECOMMENDATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS (recomendaciones y obligaciones) Order the sentence correctly - Ordene la frase correctamente I some_money save for_emergencies should.
RECOMMENDATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS (recomendaciones y obligaciones) Order the sentence correctly - Ordene la frase correctamente We should It's every_day. good for_our_health. exercise.
RECOMMENDATIONS AND OBLIGATIONS (recomendaciones y obligaciones) Order the sentence correctly - Ordene la frase correctamente to Her_boss has at_work. wear She a_uniform is_angry.
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