Título del Test:

Simple past, prepositions of time and place, present perfect, intensifiers.

English Lab.

Fecha de Creación: 01/07/2022

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 26
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SIMPLE PAST: Match the verbs in present from column A with the right verbs in past from column B Think Sell Build Speak Make Go Take Do Teach Bring.
Prepositions of time: Pick the right preposition for the missing part of the following sentence. Her birthday is __________ March. in on at .
Prepositions of time: Pick the right preposition for the missing part of the following sentence. I like going to the park __________ sundays. in on at.
Prepositions of time: Pick the right preposition for the missing part of the following sentence. They got married _______ May 15th. in on at.
Prepositions of time: Pick the right preposition for the missing part of the following sentence. We are going to spain ____________ the summer. in on at.
Prepositions of time: Pick the right preposition for the missing part of the following sentence. ____ Christmas, we usually go shopping. in on at.
Prepositions of place: Pick the right preposition for the missing part of the following sentence. The book is ________ the table on over above.
Prepositions of place: Pick the right preposition for the missing part of the following sentence. The boat is ___________ the cupboard. in below next to .
Unscramble the folowing sentences using the grammatical structure known of the present perfect tense. The left bus station. has the already.
Unscramble the folowing sentences using the grammatical structure known of the present perfect tense. has mother the washed My not dishes.
Unscramble the folowing sentences using the grammatical structure known of the present perfect tense. a you Have the ipad What nice item! new ? bought.
Intensifiers: Read carefully and use the adverb that really match the meaning of the sentence. I am______________ devastated by the news of his passing. too quite a little .
Intensifiers: Read carefully and use the adverb that really match the meaning of the sentence. Could you help me with these bags? They are __________ heavy. too fairly somewhat.
Intensifiers: Read carefully and use the adverb that really match the meaning of the sentence. She is a ____________ good chef. pretty kind of so.
Intensifiers: Read carefully and use the adverb that really match the meaning of the sentence. They are not _________ interested in learning anything. So sad ! really rather somewhat.
Parts of the speech: Identify what role has been given to the following words in these sentences. He is going to school, but I am going to work. But in this sentence is: adverb adjective conjunction .
Parts of the speech: Identify what role has been given to the following words in these sentences. I met a homeless person in New York. The word homeless is: noun pronoun adjective.
Parts of the speech: Identify what role has been given to the following words in these sentences. I have never been to Corn Island but someone told me that i´s very expensive staying there. The word never is: adjective Adverb Interjection .
Parts of the speech: Identify what role has been given to the following words in these sentences. Wow ! That is tottaly awesome. The expression wow is: Preposition Pronoun Interjection .
Parts of the speech: Identify what role has been given to the following words in these sentences. The New York Times is one the best 10 newspapers in the world. The word Time is: Noun Conjunction Adverb.
Parts of the speech: Identify what role has been given to the following words in these sentences. The Brain is located inside the skull. The word inside is: Preposition Conjunction Adjective .
Time expression and its usage: Match the following time expression with the definition provided on the right side. Ever Never Already yet Since For.
Connectors: Unscramble the following two sentences joined by a conjunction. wife loves home. at holidays, He prefers whereas to stay his.
Connectors: Unscramble the following two sentences joined by a conjunction. polluted. since to in it´s Waters some is unsafed rivers drink,.
Connectors: Fill in the blank space with the right connector. ____________ she was exhausted, sleep didn't come. Although whereas Since .
Connectors: Fill in the blank space with the right connector. I won´t go to the party, ___________ she invites me ! Since But Unless.
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