Mi Daypo


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First Grade Second Term

Review 1 I

Teacher: Edgardo García
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 30
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WRITE THE WORDS THAT ARE MISSING: This is a ___________ about Snow White. She is nice and pretty but very __________. The evil Queen is not her mother, she is her _____________________________. The Queen is always in front of her magic mirror asking: «Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most ___________________________ of us all?» - «It’s Snow White.» says the mirror. HUNTER, KILL, MAN, LETS, KNOCK! KNOCK!, WOMAN, RED APPLE, STORY, SHY, STEPMOTHER, BEAUTIFUL, POISONED, GROUND, COFFIN, YOUNG,.
What day is next Tuesday? Monday Wednesday Thursday Sunday.
What day is before Monday? Friday Saturday Sunday Monday.
What moth is before January? October December November September.
What month is before December? January April November July.
What month is next March? May April July August.
The Zocalo is a.... Time Place Day Month.
This clock show us.... Day Place Time Finish.
This place is.... Zocalo Xochimilco Plaza 5 de Mayo Huatabampito.
What is it? a website a magazine an itinerary a guidebook.
How many days does the week have? Six days. Seven days. 5 days. 4 days.
She is a ..... setting conflict resolution character.
This story is about a girl who eats a poisoned apple and falls asleep. Cinderella Snow White and the 7 dwarf. The Little Red Riding Hood Peter Pan.
This fairytale is about a girl who visits her sick grandmother. Snow White and the 7 dwarf. Cinderella The Little Red Riding Hood Peter Pan.
This story is about a servan girl who goes to a dance. The Little Red Riding Hood Snow White and the 7 dwarf Cinderella Gretel, the witch and Hansel.
1) After walking for a long time, they saw a house made of chocolate, candies and cake. 2) Once upon a time a sad woodcutter took his children to the forest and left them there. 3) Hansel and Gretel ate the house, but an evil witch lived there. 4) The witch opened the oven door to bake the children. Hansel pushed the witch into the oven and the children were saved. 5) When the witch saw Hansel and Gretel she wanted to eat them and locked the children in a cage. Choose the correct order of the events. Escoge el orden correcto de los eventos. 2,1,3,5,4 1,4,2,3,5 2,3,1,4,5 3,2,1,4,5.
Who are the characters in the picture given? Gretel, the witch and Hansel Aladdin, Jasmine and a Sultan Cinderella, the stepmother an a prince Snow White, the dwarfs and a witch.
The forest is the... conflict setting character resolution.
The ____________ is where the story takes place. setting resolution character conflict.
The _______________ is how the problem is solved. setting character resolution conflict.
Match the pictures with the sentences. Using the future going to. She is going to cook. It is going to rain. They are going to play soccer. He is going to do homework.
Match the pictures with the sentences. Using the future going to. She is going to cook. He is going to sing. They are going to dance. We are going to study English.
Is it going to be sunnny? Yes. No. Yes, it is. No, it is not.
Is it going to be rainy on Tuesday? Yes, it is. No, it is not. No. Yes.
It is going to be___________. Sunny Rainy Windy Cloudy.
What is it? Onomatopoeia Comic strip panel Speech bubble.
Identify the Comic Strips parts Title Speech bubble Comic Panel Cartoonist’s name.
Recognize the genre of comic strips Horror Romance Comedy Superhero.
Recognize the genre of the comic strips. Romance Horror Superhero Comedy.
Choose the correct onomatopoeia. CHIRP, CHIRP CRASH! PURR, PURR BANG!.
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