Título del Test:


javie potosi

Fecha de Creación: 14/07/2023

Categoría: Letras

Número Preguntas: 301
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the plural of blackberry is "blackberryes" T F.
the plural of puppy is " puppies" T F.
the plural of cherry is "cherries" T F.
the singular of monkeys is "monkey" T F.
the plural of bus " bus " T F.
the plural of boss is " bosses" T F.
the plural of roof is "roofs" T F.
the plural of giraffe is " gariffs" T f.
the plural of theif is " thieves" T F.
the plural of way is " ways" T F.
the plural of he is " they" T F.
the singular of she is" they" T F.
the plural of wife is " wives" T F.
the plural of knife is " knives" T F.
the singular of he is " they" T F.
a month of the year is january T F.
a month of the year is december T F.
a month of the year is march T F.
a month of the year is april T F.
verde in english is green T F.
dorado in english is silver T F.
plateado in english is gold T F.
gris in english is gray T F.
morado in english is purple T F.
rojo in english is brown T F.
rosa in english is pink T F.
naranja in english is yellow T F.
cafe in english is black T F.
the cardinal number 60 is written ( sixteen ) T F.
the cardinal number 60 is written ( sixty ) T F.
the cardinal number 50 is written ( fifty ) T F.
the cardinal number 32 is written ( thrity two ) T F.
the cardinal number 97 is written ( ninety eight ) T F.
the cardinal number 20 is written ( twelve ) T F.
the cardinal number 75 is written ( seventy five ) T F.
the cardinal number 1000 is written ( one thousand ) T F.
the cardinal number 2000 is written ( three hundred ) T F.
the cardinal number 67 is written ( seventy six ) T F.
the possessive adjective of ( I ) is ( my ) T F.
the possessive adjective of (you ) is (our ) T F.
the possessive adjective of (he ) is (her ) T F.
the possessive adjective of (she ) is (her ) T F.
the possessive adjective of (we ) is ( our) T F.
the possessive adjective of (they ) is (your ) T F.
the nationality of north korea is south korean T F.
the nationality of greece is graak T F.
the nationality of MEXICO is moroccan T F.
the nationality of portugal is portuguese T F.
the nationality of RUSIA is RUSSUN T f.
the nationality of SWITZERLAND is SWISS T F.
the nationality of denmark is denish T F.
the nationality of finland is finnish T F.
the nationality of poland is polish T F.
the nationality of turkey is turkian T F.
the nationality of sweden is swedian T F.
the nationality of norway is norwegian T F.
the nationality of colombia is colombia T F.
the ordinal number 30th is written (thirtieth) T F.
the ordinal number 31st is written (thirty second) T F.
the ordinal number 29th is written (twenty eighth) T F.
the ordinal number 60th is written (sixtieth) T F.
the ordinal number 13th is written (trirteenth) T F.
the ordinal number 40th is written (fourteenth) T F.
the ordinal number 20 is written (tweentieth) T F.
the ordinal number 32nd is written (thirty second) T F.
the ordinal number52nd is written (fifty second) T F.
the ordinal number 9th is written (ninety) T F.
the past simple of the verb (be) is ( was/were) T F.
the past simple of the verb (dig) is ( dug) T F.
the past participle of the verb (tell) is (told ) T F.
the past participle of the verb (throw) is (threw ) T F.
the past participle of the verb (let) is (let ) T F.
the past participle of the verb (have) is (has ) T F.
the past simple of the verb (do) is ( did) T F.
the past simple of the verb (drive) is (drove ) T F.
the past simple of the verb (eat) is (eaten ) T F.
the past simple of the verb (forget) is (forgotten ) T F.
the past simple of the verb (freeze) is (froze ) T F.
In the following sentence the "to be verb" is correct? "Jhon are from Colombia" . T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Carlos is happy" T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Marco and David is friends". T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Kim and Logan are students"?. T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "I am a doctor"? . T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Harold is from Quito"? . T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is he divorced?" . T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is she at school?" . T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are Jane and Alice sisters?" . T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are Marco twenty five years old?" . T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is Maria married?" . T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are you Maria?". T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are he Jonas?" . T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Ronaldo and Neymar are soccer players?". T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is she Mariana?" . T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does your mother go to work?" . T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do you go to the meeting?". T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do they travel to Europe?". T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do Mary change her haircut?". T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does Pedro and Fernando work in the army?". T F.
The teeths of a person are in the mouth . T F.
The nose of a person is in the chest. T F.
The nose of a person is in the head. T F.
The hair of a person is on the head . T F.
The ears of a person are on the hand. T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Carlos was going to his home". T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Marco and Ruth was studying all the day" . T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "You was sleeping in her home" . T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "She was writting a letter". T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Luciana were riding a horse" . T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Lucas were driving to his home". T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "They were coming with their friends". T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Viviana was reading many books". T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Fabricio were going to the hospital" . T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Nicolas was going to the pool" . T F.
Ana is twenty five years old . T F.
Ana's daugther is in second grade. T F.
Ana's huseband is a pilot. T F.
Ana's huseband is a mechanic. T F.
All the days her huseband works at a restaurant. T F.
Ana lives in New York T F.
Ana lives in Miami T F.
Ana has two children . T F.
Ana's son is at kindergarten . T F.
An's children attend a private school . T F.
Paul is worried. T F.
Paul is happy. T F.
Paul is going to have a lunch . T F.
Paul is stuck in a traffic jam. T F.
Paul can be late for his interview. T F.
Paul cannot be late for his interview. T F.
Paul walk quickly down the street. T F.
The cars behind Paul begin to honk him. T F.
The drivers start to yelling Paul. T F.
Paul is going to an interview. T F.
Francisco has a new appartment . T F.
Francisco has a new house. T F.
Francisco reaches his bag an pulls out the key. T F.
He step at the kitchen and looks around. T F.
Francisco house is dirty and smells bad. T F.
He tries to open a window and it works good . T F.
The place looks beautiful. T F.
The baathroom door is in a good condition. T F.
The bathroom door is in bad condition . T F.
There is a lot of furniture in the house. T F.
Eso es un hospital/ _____ is a hospital. that this these. that this these.
¿Que hay en esa caja?/ What's in _____ box this that those. this that those.
¿Que hay en esa caja?/ What's in _____ box this that those.
¿Qué opinas de estos para tu tío Andres?/ What do you think about ____ for your uncle Andres? these that this .
Hecha un vistazo a estas frases/ Have a look at ____ sentences these that this.
Estos paquetes son sospechosos/ ____ packages are suspicious these that this.
¿Podrías apagar esas velas cerca de ti?/ Could you blow out ____ candles near you? those that this.
Esos no son gatos reales/ _____ aren't real cats those this that.
Ese fue un concierto genial/ ____ was a great concert that this these.
Que les está pasando a esos hombres/ What is happening to _____ men those this these.
Debo usar este cuchillo/ Shall I use ____ knife here this these that.
¿De que color son esos?/ What color are ____? those that these.
Estas son fundas para teléfonos móviles/ ____ are mobile phone cases these that this.
John parecía muy feliz esta tarde/ John seemed very happy ____ afternoon this these that.
Este es Thor/ ____ is Thor this those these.
Este es un buen plato de sopa/ ____ is a nice bowl of soup this those those.
Aquel es un gato/ ____ is a cat that those these.
Casi todo mundo tiene carro estos dias/ Almost wverybody has a car _____ days these this those.
Ese es mi lugar favorito/ ______'s my favourite place that this these.
Esos son mis hermanos/_____ are my brothers those that these.
Esa fue una buena película/ ______ was a good film that this those.
There are many people ____ Berlin in on at.
I met Dayana ____ the West Coast in on at.
My office is ____ the second floor. on in at.
The appointment is ____ 5:50. at in on.
What do you do ____ weekends? on in at.
We often go to the mountains ____ the winter. in on at.
My birthday is ____ the 28th of May. on in at.
Mayra's birthday is ____ June. in on at.
We are getting married ____ the winter. in on at.
My birthday is ____ February. in on at.
We ____ in the house. are is an.
Leo ____ sad. (negative) isn't aren't are.
I ____ fine. am is are.
____ you european? are is am.
My brother and I ____ at school. (negative) aren't isn't am.
Lucas and Vinicio ____ cousins are is am.
The dog ____ on the table is are am.
It ____ a beautiful day is are am.
I ____ 16, I am 21. (negative) am not isn't aren't.
It ____ 5 o'clock is are am.
Carlos _____ (find) a book found fear fat.
Maria _____ (help) me with my math homework. helped help helps.
I ____ (lose) my passport in Berlin. lost last loose.
Veronica was always ____ (worry) about her children worried worry waste.
The new jeans____ (fit) Lucia perfectly. fitted fat foot.
My new car ____ (start) making a noise last month. started star start.
Lucrecia ____ (have) five dogs had has hope.
Marta ____ (buy) a new phone bought buy brang .
Jonas _____ (drink) a soda. drank drunk drink.
I ______ (break) a TV broke broken bring .
It ____ hurt! (negative) doesn't don't do.
______ Mary want to live in Amsterdam? does do don't.
______ you want to stay at home? do doesn't does.
Lupe _____ like, that kind of food (negative) doesn't . don't do.
_____ Ruben like to speak italian? does do don't .
_____ he like video games? does do don't.
______ you drink a beer? Do doesn't do.
_______ she want to work at home? does do don't .
____ Lucas speak english? does do don't .
They _____ like crabs (negative) don't doesn't doesn't .
Tatiana nos llevó a todos en su taxi./ She drove all of us in _____ taxi. her his our.
Nuestra casa está en la ciudad./ ____ house is in on the city. our their his.
Es mi avión/ It’s ____ plane. my your their.
Mi hijo tiene 23 años/ ____ son is 23 years old my his her.
Esta es tu nueva casa/ This is _____ new house your their my.
Su vestido es azul/ _____ dress is blue her our their.
Madrid es nuestro hogar/ Madrid is ____ hometown our theri my.
Soy tu madre/ I’m _____ mother your his her.
Diego será tu compañero/ Diego will be ____ partner your his my.
Este es nuestro departamento/ This is ____ appartment our his my.
We _____ (negative) playing video games. weren't was wasn't.
My mother _____ a nurse at a big hospital. was were weren't.
We _____ (negative) recording a song weren't was wasn't .
He_____ angry, because he was fired. was were . weren't .
______ Leopoldo your friend at school? was were weren't .
Where _____ he? was were weren't .
Nicolas _____ (negative) my friend in 2001. weren't was wasn't .
This time last year Javier ____ (negative) at United States wasn't were weren't .
Rafael _____ (negative) so happy with his new car. wasn't were weren't.
Kim ____ (negative) correct on the debate wasn't were weren't.
cabeza in english is _______ head nouse neck.
cabello in english is _______ hair waist fingers.
hombro in english is _______ shoulder foot leg.
rodilla in english is _______ knee lips head .
dedos in english is _______ fingers arm neck.
codo in english is _______ elbow eye foot .
estomago in english is _______ stomach neck tooth .
tobillo in english is _______ ankle eye knee.
cara in english is _______ face arm mouth.
cintura in english is _______ waist chest lips.
escritor in english is _______ writer lawyer surgeon.
psicólogo in english is _______ psychologist journalist musician.
enfermera in english is _______ nurse scientist teacher .
periodista in english is _______ journalist vet dentist.
músico in english is _______ musician writer nurse.
policia in english is _______ police manager engineer.
ingeniero in english is ______ engineer vet dentist.
gerente in english is _______ manager nurse teacher.
contador in english is _______ accountan surgeon journalist.
bombero in english is _______ firefighter pilot police.
naranja in english is orange grey yellow.
morado in english is purple silver beige.
dorado in english is golden pink silver.
plateado in english is _____ silver golden white.
amarillo in english is _____ yellow red green .
gris in english is ___ grey white black .
café in english is _____ brown golden purple.
blanco in english is ____ white silver golden .
turquesa in english is _____ turquoise beige silver.
beige in english is _____ beige pink yellow.
lunes in english is ____ Monday March may.
martes in english is ____ Tuesday Thursday May.
miércoles in english is __ Wednesday Saturday Sunday.
jueves in english is ____ Thursday Tuesday March.
viernes in english is ____ Friday Saturday Sunday.
sábado in english is ___ Saturday Sunday September.
domingo in english is ____ Sunday . Saturday September.
1:15 It's quarter past one It's ten to twelve It's quarter to six.
4:30 It's half past four It's quarter to six It's twelve past six.
10:02 It's two past ten It's twenty past ten It's quarter past twelve.
6:50 It's ten to seven It's two past five It's ten to eigh.
7:45 It's quarter to eight It's ten to eight It's six o'clock.
1:30 It's half past one It's quarter to ten It's quarter past ten .
10:10 It's ten past ten It's quarter to eight It's half past seven.
11:55 It's five to twelve It's half past six It's quarter to six.
5:08 Its eight past five It's five to eight It's quarter past seven.
8:50 It's ten to nine It's five past six It's quarter past five.
3:40 It's twenty to four It's half past six It's quarter to six.
12:55 It's five to one It's quarter to eight It's half past seven.
4:10 It's ten past four It's five past six It's quarter past five.
3:50 It's ten to four It's two past five It's ten to eight.
6:45 It's quarter to seven It's ten to twelve It's quarter to six.
6:15 It's quarter past six It's two past five It's ten to eight.
8:08 It's eigth past eigth. It's quarter to eight It's half past seven.
8:52 It's eigth to nine It's five to eight It's quarter past seven.
9:30 It's half past nine It's quarter to six It's twelve past six.
6:50 It's ten to seven It's twenty past ten It's quarter past twelve.
It's ten to twelve 11:50 11:45 11:30.
It's quarter to seven 6:45 6:05 6:15.
It's twenty past ten 10:20 10:02 9:40.
It's two past five 5:02 5:10 4:02.
It's ten to eight 7:50 8:50 9:50.
It's quarter to ten 9:45 8:15 8:00.
It's quarter to eight 7:45 7:15 7:30.
It's half past six 6:30 6:15 6:45.
It's five to eight 7:55 7:05 8:55.
It's five past six 6:05 5:55 6:00.
It's half past six 6:30 7:30 8:30.
It's quarter to ten 9:45 8:45 10:45.
It's five past six 6:05 6:06 5:55.
It's five past five 5:05 5:50 5:55.
It's ten to eleven 10:50 11:00 10:10.
It's half past eleven 11:30 11:05 11:15.
It's quarter to one 12:45 1:40 1:15.
It's five to nine 8:55 9:55 8:50.
It's quarter to six 5:45 6:50 5:15.
It's twenty to two 1:40 2:20 1:20 .
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