TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Fraseología Aeronáutica- examen DGAC Perú
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Fraseología Aeronáutica- examen DGAC Perú Descripción: examen de fraseología dgac piloto privado Autor:
Fecha de Creación: 27/11/2021 Categoría: Test de conducir Número Preguntas: 246 |
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Mantenga por lo menos 1000 pies por encima del N517X Maintain at least 1000 feet below N517X Maintain at least 1000 feet above N517X Maintain at less 1000 feet above N517X. Solicite cambio de nivel a Lima control a las 1715 Request level change from Lima control at 1715 Ask level change to Lima control at 1715 Request level exchange from Lima control at 1715. Siga ascenso hasta 350 Follow climb to 350 Go on climb to 350 Continue climb to 350. Acelere descenso hasta pasar por 280 Accelerate descent until passing 280 Expedite descent until passing 280 Expedite landing until passing 280. Cuando esté listo descienda hasta 200 When ready descend to level 200 When you are ready descend to level 200 When is ready descend to level 200. Prevea ascenso a las 1500 Expect climb at 1500 Predict climb at 1500 Foresee climb at 1500. Solicito descenso a las 1720 Request landing at 1720 Request descent at 1720 Request lower at 1720 . Mantenga propia separación y VMC desde 100 hasta 180 Keep own separation and VMC from 100 to 180 Hold own separation and VMC from 100 to 180 Maintain own separation and VMC from 100 to 180 . Mantenga propia separación y VMC por encima de 080 Maintain proper separation and VMC above 080 Maintain below separation and VMC above 080 Maintain own separation and VMC above 080. Si no es posible, mantanga nivel 280 y notifique If unable maintain level 280 and advise If posible maintain level 280 and notify If able maintain level 280 and advise. Descenso TCAS TCAS TCAS descent TCAS climb . Ascenso TCAS completado, reanudado ascenso a nivel 350 TCAS climb finished, climb to level 350 completed TCAS climb completed, climb to level 350 resumed TCAS climb completed, climb to level 350 terminated. Imposible, aviso de resolución TCAS Unable, TCAS resolution advisory Unable, TCAS resolution report Unable, TCAS resolution notam. Comunique a Lima torre en 118,1 ahora Call Lima tower on 118,1 now Notify Lima tower on 118,1 now Contact Lima tower on 118,1 now . A las 1720 llame a Guayaquil control frecuencia 123,9 At 1720 call Guayaquil control frequency 123,9 At 1720 contact Guayaquil control frequency 123,9 At 1720 stand by for Guayaquil control on frequency 123,9 . Si no establece contacto retorne a esta frecuencia If no contact return to this frequency If no report return to this frequency If no established return to this frequency . Solicito cambio a 128,1 Request change to 128,1 Report change to 128,1 Ask change to 128,1 . Cambio de frecuencia aprobado Frequency change approved Frequency return approved Return to frequency approved. Cuando esté listo comunique Lima Torre en 118,1 When ready call Lima Tower on 118,1 When ready inform Lima Tower on 118,1 When ready contact Lima Tower on 118,1 . Mantenga esta frecuencia Maintain this frequency Remain this frequency Keep this frequency . Modifique distintivo de llamada a OB1248 hasta nuevo aaviso Modify your call sign to OB1248 until further advised Change your call sign to OB1248 until further advised Aleter your call sign to OB1248 until further advised . Vuelva al distintivo de llamada del plan de vuelo Change to flight plan call sign Come back to flight plan call sign Revert to flight plan call sign . Ningún tránsito notificado No traffic notified Traffic reported negative No reported traffic . Estoy observando Looking out Observing Watching. Transito a la vista Traffict to my sight Traffict in sight Traffict not observed. Contacto negativo Contact observed Negative observed contact Negative contact. Transito adicional rumbo sur B747 nivel 270 previsto en Gatuk a las 1920 Additional traffic south B747 level 270 estimated Gatuk at 1920 Additional traffic southbound B747 level 270 reported Gatuk at 1920 Additional traffic southbound B747 level 270 estimated Gatuk at 1920. Viento a nivel 350, 270 grados 14 kilómetros por hora Wind at level 350, 270 degrees 14 kilometers per hour Wind at level 350, 270 celsius 14 kilometers per hour Wind at level 350, 270 degrees 14 kilometers per minute . Alcance visual en la pista 27 no disponible Runway visual range runway 27 not avilable Runway visual range runway 27 not opertaive Runway visual range runway 27 not notified. Notifique condiciones de vuelo Report weather conditions Report flight conditions Report fly conditions . Omita informes de posición hasta Piura Skip position reports until Piura Avoid position reports until Piura Omit position reports until Piura . Reanude notificación de posición Resume position reporting Acknowledge position reporting Revert position reporting. Notifique pasando radial 310 Lima VOR Notify passing 310 radial Lima VOR Report passing 310 radial Lima VOR Confirm passing 310 radial Lima VOR. Notifique distancia desde Trujillo DME Reports distance from trujillo DME Notify distance from trujillo DME Confirm distance from trujillo DME. Lima, estado de la superficie de la pista, pista 15, No Actualizada Lima, runway surface condition, runway 15, not current Lima, runway surface condition, runway 15, not updated Lima, runway surface condition, runway 15, not operative . Superficie de aterrizaje operativa Landing surface out service Landing surface operative Landing surface not available . Precaución obras de construcción en calle de rodaje Alpha Caution, construction work on holding bay Alpha Caution, construction work on runway Alpha Caution, construction work on taxiway Alpha . Precaución obras de construcción a ambos lados de la pista 15 Caution construction work both sides of runway 15 Caution construction work inside of runway 15 Caution construction work aside of runway 15. Eficacia de frenado notificada por B767 a las 1030 escasa Braking action reported by B767 AT 1030 poor Braking efficiency reported by B767 AT 1030 poor Braking efficacy reported by B767 AT 1030 poor. Iluminación de calles de rodaje inoperativa Holding bay lighting inoperative Taxiway lighting inoperative Runway lighting inoperative . Confirme aprobación RVSM Confirm RVSM approval Confirm RVSM approved Verify RVSM approved . Imposible autorización para entrar en el espacio aéreo RVSM, Mantenga 280 Unable issue clearance into RVSM airspace, climb to 280 Unable issue clearance into RVSM airspace, descend to 280 Unable issue clearance into RVSM airspace, maintain 280. RVSM imposible debido a turbulencia Unable RVSM due jet blast RVSM not possible due wake turbulence Unable RVSM due turbulence. RVSM imposible debido a equipo Unable RVSM due equipment Unable RVSM due team Unable RVSM due equipped . Informe capacidad para reanudar la RVSM Notify when able to resume RVSM Report when able to resume RVSM Say when able to resume RVSM. Confirme capacidad para reanudar la RVSM Advise when able to resume RVSM Inform able to resume RVSM Confirm able to resume RVSM. Listo para reanudar RVSM Ready to resume RVSM OK to resume RVSM All ready to resume RVSM. Señal GNSS transmitida no fiable debido a interferencia GNSS signal unreliable due to interference GNSS reported unreliable due to interference GNSS notified unrealiable due to interference . GNNS básico no disponible debido a pérdida de RAIM Basic GNSS unavailable due to lose of RAIM Basic GNSS unavailable due to lost of RAIM Basic GNSS unavailable due to loss of RAIM. N517X autorizado a Miami vía ruta plan de vuelo N517X cleared to Miami via flight planned route N517X recleared to Miami via flight plan route N517X clearance to Miami via flight planned route . Entre a espacio aéreo controlado vía Oyón a nivel 280 a las 1635 Enter airspace via Oyon at level 280 at 1635 Enter controlled airspace via Oyon at level 280 at 1635 Enter controlled space via Oyon at level 280 at 1635. Abandone el espacio aéreo controlado vía Oyón a nivel 290 Abandon controlled airspace via Oyon at level 290 Escape from controlled airspace vía Oyon at level 290 Leave controlled airspace via Oyon at level 290. Nivel 240 no utilizable debido a tránsito como alternativas hay nivel 260 y 280, avise Level 240 not available due traffic alternatives are level 260 and 280, advise Level 240 not available, 260 and 280, advice Level 240 not available due traffic alternatives are level 260 and 280, inform. N3736Y Mantenga nivel 310 hasta haber pasado Palon N3736Y maintain level 310 until reaching Palon N3736Y maintain level 310 until passing Palon N3736Y maintain level 310 when passing Palon. N1985W mantenga nivel 350 durante 10 minutos después de pasar por Palon N1985W maintain level 350 before 10 minutes from Palon N1985W maintain level 350 during 10 minutes before passing Palon N1985W maintain level 350 during 10 minutes after passing Palon. AAL801 mantenga 370 hasta que le avise Lima control AAL801 maintain 370 until advised by Lima control AAL801 maintain 370 until notified by Lima control AAL801 maintain 370 until Lima control. DLH533 mantenga 390 hasta nuevo aviso DLH533 maintain at least 390 DLH533 maintain 390 until further advised DLH533 maintain 390 until further adviced. N1989F mantenga 380 mientras esté en espacio aéreo controlado N1989F maintain 380 in controlled airspace N1989F maintain 380 while in controlled space N1989F maintain 380 while in controlled airspace. AAL701 cruce Iremi por encima de nivel 290 AAL701 cross Iremi above level 290 AAL701 cross Iremi below level 290 AAL701 cross Iremi after level 290. AFR201 cruce Gatuk a las 1830 o antes a nivel 280 AFR201 cross Gatuk at 1830 or after at level 280 AFR201 cross Gatuk at 1830 or before at level 280 AFR201 cross Gatuk at 1830 or later at level 280. N1989F ascienda en crucero por encima del nivel 290 N1989F cruise climb below level 290 N1989F cruise climb before level 290 N1989F cruise climb above level 290. N1234X espere autorización a las 1530 N1234X wait clearance at 1530 N1234X expect clearance at 1530 N1234X hope clearance at 1530. COA111 notifique si puede cruzar SLS a las 2135 a nivel 180 COA111 advise if able to cross SLS at 2135 at level 180 COA111 advise if unable to cross SLS at 2135 at level 180 COA111 please advice if able to cross SLS at 2135 at level 180. Atención todas las aeronaves cerca de Lima Vor descenso de emergencia en progreso desde nivel 200 Attention all aircraft in the vicinity of Lima Vor emergency descent in progress from level 200 Attention all aircraft in the vicinity of Lima Vor descent in progress from level 200 Attention all aircrafts in the vicinity of Lima Vor emergency descent in progress from level 200. Imposible, tránsito rumbo sur A320 nivel 290 estimado sobre ZCO a las 1727 AAL701. Notifique intenciones Unable, traffic southeast A320 level 290 estimated over ZCO at 1727 AAL701. Advise intentions Unable, traffic southbound A320 level 290 over ZCO at 1727 AAL701. Advise intentions Unable, traffic southbound A320 level 290 estimated over ZCO at 1727 AAL701. Advise intentions. Mantenga Mach 1 o mayor hasta Iremi Maintain Mach 1 or less until Iremi Maintain Mach 1 or greater until Iremi Maintain Mach 1 or upper until Iremi. N5175W no supere Mach 1 N5175W do not surpass Mach 1 N5175W not exceed Mach 1 N5175W do not exceed Mach 1. Notifique si puede seguir derrota paralela desplazada Advise if able to proceed parallel offset Advise if able to proceed displaced offset Advise if able to proceed scrolled offset. Prosiga por derrota desplazada 20 millas a la derecha de UG437 a las 1515 hasta 1545 Proceed displaced 20 miles right of UG437 at 1515 until 1545 Proceed offset 20 miles right of UG437 at 1515 until 1545 Proceed deviated 20 miles right of UG437 at 1515 until 1545. Después de la salida continúe rumbo de pista hasta nivel 050 After departure continue heading to level 050 After departure continue taxiway heading to level 050 After departure continue runway heading to level 050. Vire a la derecha rumbo 030 hasta interceptar UG437 Turn left heading 030 to intercept UG437 Turn right heading 030 to intercept UG437 Turn right radial 030 to intercept UG437. N3736J inicie aproximación a las 2035 N3736J begin approach at 2035 N3736J report approach at 2035 N3736J commence approach at 2035. Solicito aproximación directa pista 15 Request straight-in approach runway 15 Request direct approach runway 15 Request directly approach runway 15. Autorizado aproximación directa pista 15 Authorized straight-in approach runway 15 Cleared straight-in approach runway 15 Cleared direct approach runway 15. DLH533 notifique luces de pista a la vista DLH533 notyfy runway lights in sight DLH533 report taxiway lights in sight DLH533 report runway lights in sight. Solicito aproximación visual Request visual approach Request visual descend Request seen approach. Autorizado aproximación visual pista 15 Cleared watched approach runway 15 Cleared visual approach runway 15 Cleared visual direct runway 15. Notifique Sigas en alejamiento Report Sigas inbound Report Sigas leaving Report Sigas outbound. Notifique Sigas en acercamiento Report Sigas inbound Report Sigas outbound Report Sigas approaching. N1985W notifique inicio viraje reglamentario N1985W report beginning procedure turn N1985W report commencing procedure turn N1985W report starting procedure turn. Solicito descenso VMC Request VMC Request VMC stall Request VMC descent. Mantenga su propia separación Maintain own separation Maintain proper separation Maintain separation. ¿Conoce procedimiento aproximación Charlie? Do you familiar with Charlie approach procedure? Are you familiar with Charlie approach procedure? Have you known Charlie approach procedure?. Mantenga espera visual sobre Ancón Maintain visual over Ancon Hold sight over Ancon Hold visual over Ancon. Solicito instrucciones de espera Request holding instructions Request waiting instructions Request clearance instructions. Prevea autorización posterior para aproximación a las 2210 Expect approach cleared at 2210 Expect approach clearance at 2210 Expect approach clears at 2210. Autorizado hasta radial 280 del vor LIM a 5 millas punto de referencia DME mantenga nivel 100, mantenga rumbo sur, viraje a la derecha, tiempo de alejamiento un minuto. Cleared to the 280 radial of the LIM vor at 5 miles DME fix, maintain level 100, maintain southbound, left hand pattern, inbound time one minute Cleared to the 280 radial of the LIM vor at 5 miles DME fix, maintain level 100, maintain southbound, right hand pattern, approach time one minute Cleared to the 280 radial of the LIM vor at 5 miles DME fix, maintain level 100, maintain southbound, right hand pattern, outbound time one minute. No se prevé demora No delay expected No time expected No distress expected. Hora prevista de aproximación 0926 Expected direct time 0926 Expected approach time 0926 Expected inbound time 0926. Revisión de hora prevista de aproximación 0932 Review of expected approach time 0932 Verified expected approach time 0932 Revised expected approach time 0932. Demora no determinada Delay not determined Delay not specified Delay not defined. Encienda faros de aterrizaje Light on landing lights Show landing lights Start landing lights. Confirme moviendo timón de dirección Acknowledge by moving wings Acknowledge by moving ailerons Acknowledge by moving rudde. Confirme balanceando alas Acknowledge by rocking wings Acknowledge by balancing wings Acknowledge by moving wings. Confirme encendiendo y apagando faros de aterrizaje Acknowledge by turning on landing lights Acknowledge by flashing landing lights Acknowledge by turning off landing lights. Solicito puesta en marcha Request push back Request backtrack Request start up. Puesta en marcha aprobada Start up approved Start up cleared Push up approved. Ponga en marcha a las 0700 Tow at 0700 Start up at 0700 Push back at 0700. Prevea puesta en marcha a las 0710 Expect push back up at 0710 Wait start up at 0710 Expect start up at 0710. Puesta en marcha a su discreción Start up at own discretion Follow up at own discretion Move up at own discretion. Prevea su salida a las 0715 puesta en marcha a su discreción Expect departure 0715 tow up at own discretion Expect departure 0715 start up at own discretion Expect departure 0715 push up at own discretion. Solicito retroceso remolcado Request push up Request push down Request push back. Retroceso remolcado aprobado Push back approved Push up approved Push down cleared. Retroceso remolcado a su discreción Backtrack at own discretion Push back at own discretion Start back at own discretion. N2453B prevea 20 minutos de demora debido a tránsito N2453B expect 20 minutes holding due traffic N2453B expect 20 minutes delayed traffic N2453B expect 20 minutes delay due traffic. Solicito remolque, Lufthansa B747, desde toma 5 hasta zona negra request tow, Lufthansa B747, from gate 5 to black zone request tug, Lufthansa B747, from gate 5 to black zone request backtrack, Lufthansa B747, from gate 5 to black zone. Remolque aprobado via calle de rodaje Alpha Backtrack approved via taxiway Alpha Tow approved via taxiway Alpha Tow approved via runway Alpha. Solicito verificación de hora Request verification of time Request verify time Request time check. Solicito información de salida Request departure information Request take-off information Request depart information. Solicito rodaje Request running Request taxi Request taxiway. Ruede a punto de espera pista 15 Taxi to holding bay runway 15 Taxi to holding stand runway 15 Taxi to holding point runway 15. AZA544, B747 pesada, solicito instrucciones de rodaje detalladas AZA544, B747 heavy, request detailed taxi instructions AZA544, B747 heavy, request taxi instructions AZA544, B747 heavy, request minimum taxi instructions. Espere fuera de pista 15 Wait out of runway 15 Hold short of runway 15 Hold out of runway 15. Vire segunda intersección izquierda Turn first right Take second left Take second right. Ruede vía calle de rodaje Alpha Taxi via taxiway Alpha Taxi via runway Alpha Taxi via holding bay Alpha. Ruede a zona de aviación general Taxi to general aviation zone Taxi to general aviation area Taxi to general aviation field. Ruede a puesto estacionamiento 7 Taxi to parking lot 7 Taxi to parking gate 7 Taxi to stand 7. Solicito rodaje aéreo de calle de rodaje Foxtrot a puesto de estacionamiento de helicópteros Request air-taxiing from taxiway Foxtrot to helicopters stand Request taxiing from taxiway Foxtrot to helicopters stand Request air-taxiing from taxiway Foxtrot to helicopters. Efectúe rodaje aéreo vía calle de rodaje Foxtrot, precaución aeronaves ligeras en rodaje Taxi via taxiway Foxtrot, caution taxiing light aircraft Air-taxi via taxiway Foxtrot, caution taxiing light aircraft Aero-taxi via taxiway Foxtrot, caution taxiing light aircraft. Solicito regresar por la pista Request return by the runway Request come back through the runway Request backtrack. Regreso por la pista aprobado Backtrack approved Come back through the runway approved Return by the runway approved. Pista de regreso 06 Return runway 06 Backtrack runway 06 Come back runway 06. AAL801, puerta 11, solicito rodaje hasta punto de espera pista 15 AAL801, door 11, request taxi to holding point runway 15 AAL801, stand 11, request taxi to holding bay runway 15 AAL801, stand 11, request taxi to holding point runway 15. Ruede en línea recta Taxi straight ahead Taxi right ahead Taxi straight behind. Ceda paso a B767 detrás suyo Give way to B767 in front of you Give way to B767 behind you Give step to B767 behind you. Cedo paso a A320 Giving step to A320 Giving space to A320 Giving way to A320. Tránsito a la vista Traffic in sight Traffic in watch Traffic in mind. Ruede a apartadero de espera Taxi into waiting bay Taxi into holding bay Taxi into standing bay. Deje pista libre Free runway Clear runway Vacate runway. Pista libre Runway vacated Runway free Runway clear. Apresure el rodaje debido a tránsito Hurry up taxi due traffic Expedite taxi due traffic Speed up taxi due traffic. Apresurando rodaje Running Acelerating Expediting. Precaución, ruede más despacio, personal trabajando en calle de rodaje Alpha Caution, taxi slower, personnel working on taxiway Alpha Caution, taxi slower, personal working on taxiway Alpha Caution, taxi slower, person working on taxiway Alpha. Rodando más despacio Taxiing slow Slowing down Taxiing slowly. Mantenga posición Maintain position Stop position Hold position. Espero fuera Holding short Wait out Holding out. Solicito cruzar pista 18 Request climb runway 18 Request cross runway 18 Request abeam runway 18. Cruce pista 20, notifique pista libre Cross runway 20, report free Cross runway 20, report cleared Cross runway 20, report vacated. Apresure cruce pista 20, tránsito B757, 2 millas, final Expedite crossing runway 20, traffic B757, 2 miles, final Acelerate crossing runway 20, traffic B757, 2 miles, final Rapid crossing runway 20, traffic B757, 2 miles, final. Ruede a punto de espera pista 15 vía calle de rodaje Alpha, espere fuera de pista 15 Taxi to holding bay runway 15 via taxiway Alpha, hold short of runway 15 Taxi to holding point runway 15 via taxiway Alpha, hold short of runway 15 Taxi to holding stand runway 15 via taxiway Alpha, hold short of runway 15. Entre en tramo a favor del viento, pista 15, QNH 1013,6 hectopascales, tránsito B747 en final pista 15 Enter downwind leg, runway 15, QNH 1013,6 hectopascals, traffic B747 on final runway 15 Join downwind leg, runway 15, QNH 1013,6 hectopascals, traffic B747 on final runway 15 Come downwind leg, runway 15, QNH 1013,6 hectopascals, traffic B747 on final runway 15. Autorizado para toma y despegue Cleared touch and going Cleared touching and going Cleared touch and go. Aterrizaje completo Make full stop Make complete stop Make full landing. Solicito aproximación baja Request below approach Request low approach Request lower approach. Autorizado aproximación baja pista 12 Cleared lower approach runway 12 Cleared below approach runway 12 Cleared low approach runway 12. Solicito pasada baja Request low pass Request lower pass Request below pass. Autorizado a pasada baja Cleared below pass Cleared low pass Cleared low landing. Solicito aproximación en circuito, viraje a la izquierda hasta puesto de estacionamiento de helicópteros Request in circuit approach, left turn to helicopters stand Request circle approach, left turn to helicopters stand Request circling approach, left turn to helicopters stand. Solicito aproximación en circuito, viraje a la izquierda hasta puesto de estacionamiento de helicópteros, mantenga fuera de pista activa Request circling approach, left turn to helicopters stand, hold short of active runway Request circling approach, left turn to helicopters stand, maintain out of active runway Request circling approach, left turn to helicopters stand, hold out of active runway. Entre en circuito de aeródromo Join the aerodrome Circle the aerodrome Circling the aerodrome. Vuele en círculos a la izquierda desde su posición actual Flight in circles left from present position Circle left from present position Orbit left from present position. Dé otra vuelta Make another circuit Make another turn Make another turn around. Motor y al aire Engine and to the air Go around Engine around. Tren de aterrizaje parece desplegado Landing gear disappears down Landing gear appears up Landing gear appears down. La rueda derecha parece replegada Right wheel appears up Right wheel appears down Right wheel appears above. Las ruedas parecen replegada Wheels appear above Wheels appear up Wheels appear down. La rueda derecha no parece desplegada Right wheel does not appear below Right wheel does not appear outside Right wheel does not appear down. Precaución estela turbulenta de aeronave A320 que sale Caution wake turbulence from departing A320 Caution wake turbulence from arriving A320 Caution jet blast from departing A320. Precaución chorro de reactor Caution wake turbulence Caution jet blast Caution jet stream. Precaución estela (estela de aeronave de hélice) Caution jet blast Caution wake turbulence Caution slipstream. Comunique con tierra 121,9 Contact ground 121,9 Contact earth 121,9 Contact ramp 121,9. Cuando pista libre comunique con tierra 121,9 When vacated contact apron 121,9 When vacated contact ground 121,9 When vacated contact surface 121,9. Acelere pista libre Acelerate vacating Hurry up vacating Expedite vacating. Puesto 7 Your stand 7 Your post 7 Your position 7. Tome la primera intersección a la izquierda y comunique con tierra 121,9 Take first right and contact ground 121,9 Take first left and contact ground 121,9 Take first and contact ground 121,9. Efectúe rodaje aéreo a puesto de estacionamiento de helicópteros zona naval Air-Taxi to helicopter position navy zone Air-Taxi to parking position navy zone Air-Taxi to helicopter parking position navy zone. Efectúe rodaje aéreo a puesto de estacionamiento de helicópteros Air-Taxi to helicopter stand Air-Taxi to helicopter parking Air-Taxi to helicopter post. Efectúe rodaje aéreo vía calle de rodaje foxtrot, precaución detritos libres Air-Taxi via taxiway foxtrot, caution free debris Air-Taxi via taxiway foxtrot, caution loose debris Air-Taxi via taxiway foxtrot, caution lose debris. Efectúe rodaje aéreo vía calle de rodaje foxtrot, evite vehículos Air-taxi via taxiway foxtrot, avoid personnel Air-taxi via runway foxtrot, avoid vehicles Air-taxi via taxiway foxtrot, avoid vehicles. Transferencia radar N5175W respondedor 5775 posición 20 millas LIM vor, nivel 100 Radar handover N5175W squawking 5775 position 20 miles LIM vor, level 100 Radar transfer N5175W squawking 5775 position 20 miles LIM vor, level 100 Radar release N5175W squawking 5775 position 20 miles LIM vor, level 100. Negativo RVSM No RVSM Negative RVSM Unable RVSM. RVSM imposible debido a turbulencia Impossible RVSM due turbulence Negative RVSM due turbulence Unable RVSM due turbulence. RVSM imposible debido a equipo Unable RVSM due equipment impossible RVSM due equipment Negative RVSM due equipment. Notifique rumbo y altitud Report heading and flight level Report heading and altitude Report heading and level. Para identificación vire izquierda rumbo 280 For identification turn left radial 280 For identification turn left track 280 For identification turn left heading 280. Transmita identificación y notifique rumbo Transmit for identification and report heading Transmit for identification and report radial Transmit for identification and report glide path. Contacto radar Radar observed Radar contact Radar service. No identificado, reanude su navegación Not identified, go ahead with own navigation Not identified, start own navigation Not identified, resume own navigation. Pista libre (Nota: Cuando se le pida, el piloto notificará "PISTA LIBRE" cuando toda la aeronave esté más allá del punto de espera de la pista pertinente.) Runway free Runway cleared Runway vacated. Imposible conceder ruta salida SLS 2 debido a tránsito Unable to issue SLS 2 departure due traffic Able to issue SLS 2 departure due traffic Cleared to issue SLS 2 departure due traffic . Notifique listo para salida Notify when ready for departure Report when ready for departure Advice when ready for departure. ¿Listo para salir? Are you ready for airborne? Are you list for departure? Are you ready for departure?. ¿Listo para salir inmediatamente? Are you ready for immediate departure? Are you ready for immediately departing? Are you ready for rapid departure?. Espere, tránsito en final Stand by, traffic on final Wait, traffic on final Maintain, traffic on final. Ruede a posición y espere Line up and maintain Line up and holding Line up and wait. Ruede a posición en pista 15 Line up runway 15 Taxi up runway 15 Taxi to runway 15. Ruede a posición, listo para salida inmediata Taxi up, be ready for immediate departure Line up, be ready for immediate departure Taxi straight, be ready for immediate departure. N5175W Pista 15, autorizado a despegar, notifique en el aire N5175W runway 15, cleared for take-off, notify airborne N5175W runway 15, cleared for take-off, advice airborne N5175W runway 15, cleared for take-off, report airborne. Despegue inmediatamente o deje pista libre Take off immediately or vacate runway Take off immediately or hold short of runway Take off immediately or clear the runway. Despegue inmediatamente o espere fuera de pista Take off immediately or vacate the runway Take off immediately or hold short of runway Take off immediately or leave the runway. (Para cancelar autorización de despegue): Mantenga posición, cancele despegue, repito, cancele despegue debido a invasión de personas en la pista Hold position, cancel take-off, repeat, cancel take-off due to invasion of persons on the runway Hold position, cancel take-off, I say again, continue take-off due to invasion of persons on the runway Hold position, cancel take-off, I say again, cancel take-off due to invasion of persons on the runway. (Respuesta del piloto a cancelación de autorización de despeque): Mantengo posición Holding Maintaining Standing by. (Para detener un despegue después que la aeronave ha iniciado el recorrido de despegue): VRG876 Pare inmediatamente, VRG876 pare inmediatamente VRG876 stop soon, VRG876 stop soon VRG876 stop immediately, VRG876 stop immediately VRG876 stop as soon as possible, VRG876 stop as soon as possible. (Acuse de recibo del Piloto cuando el ATC requiere detener un despegue después que la aeronave ha iniciado el recorrido de despegue): Paro Maintain Hold Stopping. Solicito instrucciones de salida Request departure instructions Request depart instructions Request departing instructions. Después de la salida vire derecha, comunique Lima aproximación en 119,7 After departure turn right contact Lima aproximation on 119,7 After departure turn right contact Lima approach on 119,7 After departure turn straight contact Lima approach on 119,7. Solicito viraje izquierda Request right turn Request side turn Request left turn. Aprobado viraje derecha Right turn approved Side turn approved Straight turn approved. Notificará más tarde viraje izquierda Will advise further for left turn Will advise later for left turn Will advise after for left turn. Notifique en el aire Report on the air Report departed Report airborne. En el aire 1959 Airborne 1959 Departed 1959 On the air 1959. Continúe rumbo de pista, comunique Lima aproximación 119,7 Continue runway track, contact Lima approach 119,7 Continue runway course, contact Lima approach 119,7 Continue runway heading, contact Lima approach 119,7. Después de pasar nivel 080 comunique Lima control en 128,1 After passing level 080 call Lima control on 128,1 After passing level 080 contact Lima control on 128,1 After passing level 080 communicate Lima control on 128,1. Derrota de prolongación del eje de pista Track extended centre line Heading extended centre line Runway extended centre line. Ascienda directamente hasta alcanzar nivel 250 Climb straight until reaching level 250 Climb straight ahead until reaching level 250 Climb straight-in until reaching level 250. Efectúe aproximación directa, pista 15, viento 180 grados 14 KMH, temperatura 28, QNH 1013,7 hectopascales, sin tránsito notificado Make straight approach runway 15, wind 180 degrees 14 KMH temperature 28, QNH 1013,7 hectopascals, no traffic reported Make straight-in approach runway 15, wind 180 degrees 14 KMH temperature 28, QNH1013,7 hectopascals, no transit notified Make straight-in approach runway 15, wind 180 degrees 14 KMH temperature 28, QNH 1013,7 hectopascals, no traffic reported. B767, 10 millas, nivel 050, información Charlie, para aterrizar B767, 10 miles, level 050, information Charlie, for landing B767, 10 miles, level 050, information Charlie, for arriving B767, 10 miles, level 050, information Charlie, for departing. Número 2, siga a B757 en final pista 15 Number 2, after B757 on final runway 15 Number 2, behind B757 on final runway 15 Number 2, follow B757 on final runway 15. Efectúe aproximación corta Make short approach Do short approach Perform short approach. Prolongue a favor del viento Enlarge downwind Extend downwind Stretch downwind. Continúe la aproximación, prepare posible motor y al aire Continue landing, prepare for possible go around Continue approach, prepare for engine airborne Continue approach, prepare for possible go around. Pista 06 autorizado a aterrizar Runway 06 cleared to landing Runway 06 cleared to land Runway 06 cleared for land. Continúe rumbo actual Continue present heading Continue present track Continue present radial. Vuele rumbo 060 Flight heading 060 Fly heading 060 Flew heading 060. Interrumpa el viraje rumbo 080 Interrupt turn heading 080 Cut turn heading 080 Stop turn heading 080. Vuele rumbo 210, cuando pueda diríjase directamente a SLS Fly heading 210, when able proceed direct SLS Fly heading 210, proceed direct SLS Fly heading 210, when able go direct SLS. Rumbo correcto Heading correct Heading is good Heading OK. Vire tres, seis, cero grados izquierda por tránsito Make a three six turn left due traffic Make a three sixty turn right due traffic Make a three sixty turn left due traffic. Vire en círculo izquierda por tránsito Orbit left due traffic Orbit right due traffic Orbit left hand due traffic. Interrumpa viraje ahora Cut turn now Stop turn now Interrupt turn now. Mantenga 250 nudos o más hasta SLS Maintain 250 knots or more until SLS Maintain 250 knots or less until SLS Maintain 250 knots or greater until SLS. No exceda 200 nudos Do not exceed 200 knots Do not pass 200 knots Do not run 200 knots. Reanude velocidad normal Renew normal speed Resume normal speed Continue normal speed. Reduzca a velocidad mínima de aproximación Reduce to minimum speed Reduce to minimum straight-in approach speed Reduce to minimum approach speed. Sin limitaciones de velocidad por ATC No ATC speed restrictions No ATC restrictions No ATC speed problems. Omita informes de posición hasta Palón Omit positions until Palon Omit position reports until Palon Omit reports until Palon. Reanude informes de posición Renew position reporting Start position reporting Resume position reporting. Tránsito a las tres, 10 millas, rumbo sur, desconocido Traffic three o´clock, 10 miles, southbound, unknown Traffic three o´clock, 10 miles, southbound, known Traffic three o´clock, 10 miles, southbound, not known. Tránsito a las dos, 20 millas, rumbo norte, lento Traffic two o´clock, 20 miles, northbound, fast moving Traffic two o´clock, 20 miles, northbound, slow moving Traffic two o´clock, 20 miles, northbound, slow motion. Tránsito a las seis, 20 millas, rumbo norte, rápido Traffic six o´clock, 20 miles, northbound, fastly moving Traffic six o´clock, 20 miles, northbound, faster moving Traffic six o´clock, 20 miles, northbound, fast moving. Tránsito a las cinco, 15 millas, rumbo este, acercándose Traffic five o´clock, 15 miles, eastbound, closing Traffic five o´clock, 15 miles, westbound, closing Traffic five o´clock, 15 miles, eastbound, close. Tránsito a las siete, 15 millas, rumbo sur, mismo sentido Traffic seven o´clock, 15 miles, eastbound, similar direction Traffic seven o´clock, 15 miles, southbound, same direction Traffic seven o´clock, 15 miles, southbound, opposite direction. Tránsito a las dos, 15 millas, rumbo oeste, sobrepasando Traffic two o´clock, 15 miles, westbound, overpassing Traffic two o´clock, 15 miles, westbound, overcrossing Traffic two o´clock, 15 miles, westbound, overtaking. Vire izquierda inmediatamente rumbo 030 para evitar tránsito no identificado a las dos, 20 millas Turn left immediately heading 030 to avoid unidentified traffic two o´clock, 20 miles Turn left immediately heading 030 to skip unidentified traffic two o´clock, 20 miles Turn left immediately heading 030 to verify unidentified traffic two o´clock, 20 miles. En caso de falla de radio, proceda de acuerdo a su última autorización If radio contact lost, proceed with last clearance If radio contact lost, proceed according your last clearance If radio contact lost, proceed according your clearance. Si no recibe comunicación durante 3 minutos, retorne a esta frecuencia If no transmissions received for 3 minutes, keep on this frequency If no transmissions received for 3 minutes, come back to this frequency If no transmissions received for 3 minutes, return to this frequency. Si me recibe, presione el micrófono dos veces If you read me, press the microphone twice f you read me, press the microphone two times If you read me, press the microphone double. Control radar terminado Radar control finished Radar control terminated Radar control over. Servicio radar terminado Radar service finished Radar service out of service Radar service terminated. La identificación se perderá pronto,reasuma propia navegación Will shortly lose identification, resume own navigation Will shortly lose identification, resume proper navigation Will shortly lose identification, start own navigation. Radar secundario fuera de servicio Secondary radar unavailable Secondary radar out of service Secondary radar fuser. Notifique establecido sobre localizador Report established on glide path Report established on track Report established on localizer. Mantenga 3000 pies hasta interceptar trayectoria de planeo Maintain 3000 feet until glide path interception Maintain 3000 feet until localizer path interception Maintain 3000 feet until ILS interception. Notifique establecido en trayectoria de planeo Report established on glide track Report established on glide path Report established on localizer. Transpondedor negativo Negative transponder Without transponder Negative squawq. Crepúsculo Sunset Twilight Sunrise. |
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