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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEGeography and History 3ºESO Bilingual

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Geography and History 3ºESO Bilingual

The 17th century in Europe and Spain

Mari Carmen Cano
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During the 17th century, the international situation was marked by two important European concflicts: The Thirty Years' War and... The Battle of Saint Quentin The Franco-Spanish War The Treaty of Paris The Sacco di Roma.
During the 17th century, the international situation was marked by two important European concflicts: The Franco-Spanish War and... The Concilio of Trento The Sacco di Roma The battle of Lepanto The Thirty Years' War.
When did The Thirty Years' War start? In 1618 In 1603 In 1598 In 1600.
Who supported the Protestants German Princes against The Spanish Emperor in The Thirty Years' War? The Ottoman Empire Only France Only England France, Sweden, Denmark, The United Provinces and England.
Where was the Spanish Emperor defeated at? At Rocroi (1640) At Rocroi (1648) At Rocroi (1643) At Rocroi (1645).
The Thirty Years' War ended with the sign of a treaty. According to that, the emperor accepted religious tolerance and acknowledged the power of the German Princes, while Spain had to accept the independence of the United Provinces. The Treaty was... The Treaty of Westpahlia (1648) The Treaty of Paris (1783) The Peace of Augsburg (1555) The Treaty of The Pyrenees (1659).
The Treaty of Pyrenees (1659) ceded the Catalan territories north of Pyrenees to France. In this treaty, what was also arranged? The annexation of American colonies The inclusion of the Kingdom of Castilla to France The marriage of King Louis XIV of France to Philip IV's daughter, Maria Theresa The control of the Pyrenee access to rest of Europe.
Which country was defeated at the Battle of the Dunes (1658)? Spain Germany France The United Provinces.
Which country led the hegemony in Europe after 1659? France Spain Italy Portugal.
During the 17th century, most European states introduced absolute monarchy. However, in some countries there was a different system called... Communism Dictartorship Protestantism Parliamentarism.
During the 17th century, the best example of an absolute powerful monarch was... Louis XIV Philip II Charles II Philip IV.
In the parliamentary system, the power of the monarch or the most senior authority was limited by... The Parliament The nobility The army The bourgeoisie.
Where was the parliamentary system established? England and The Unity Provincies France Spain and Portugal Only in England.
Parliamentary system adopted different govern types, in England they adopted... A parliamentary monarchy A republic An absolute monarchy A regal state.
What important fact put an end to revolution in England in the 1640s decade? The establisment of the absolute monarchy (1649) The coronation of king Charles (1649) The loss of territories north of country (1649) The execution of the king, Charles I (1649).
The 1688 revolution ended with... The death of James II and the coronation of the Dutch nobleman William of Orange The abdication of William III and the coronation of James II The abdication of James II and the coronation of the Dutch nobleman William of Orange The abdication of Charles I and the coronation of the Dutch nobleman William of Orange.
In England, William III signed... in 1689 A Bill of rights The Treaty of Pyrenee The Treaty of Westphalia The Treaty of Paris.
What was King William III obliged to by the Bill of rignts? To reinforce the royal power To create new taxes to obey laws approved by the parliament to abdicate and create a republic.
Having gained their independence from Spain, the United Provinces established... Their own monarchs A republic with its own parliament A parliamentary monarchy A new Trade Empire.
How many provinces were the United Provinces composed by? 13 3 23 7.
What kind of goverment system did France have? A parliamentary republic An absolute monarchy A parliamentary monarchy An authoritarian monarchy.
Which name did the individuals acting on behalf of the king receive? Corregidores Royal assistants Special viceroys Validos of royal favourites.
The Twelve Years' Truce was agreed with... The Netherlands France Spain Germany.
The junior branch of the House of Austria delegated the tasks of government to validos or royal secretaries. Match every king with his valido. Philip III Charles II Philip IV.
The 17th century was full of different crisis. One of the most meaningful aspects of the demographic crisis in Spain was related with The expulsion of moriscos with Philip III in... 1648 1609 1659 1618.
Check the possible answer, who was an arquitect as well as sculptor during the Baroque? Gian Lorenzo Bernini Francesco Borromini Carlo Maderno Mansart.
The economic crisis in Spain was severe during the 17th century. Relate every category with its issues. The expulsion of moriscos led to market garden crops being abandoned in favour of cereals The wealth acquired from America was used to buy foreign products and Spain lost its foreign market due to its lack of technical expertise. the exchanges with America declined due to pirate attacks. This resulted in less precious metals reaching Spain and having negative effects.
Which social class grew in number through its involvement in trade and business affairs making them wealthier? Peasantry Nobility Bourgeoisie Clergy.
In Spain, the economic crisis increased the number of... in cities. nobles priests and bishops paupers, ruffians and picaros manufacture workers.
What kind of column was used by Baroque arquitects? The Solomonic column The classic column A new specific one create at that moment All of the former ones.
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