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Helicobacter pylori.

Patrick. R, (2021) Microbiología médica.

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Helicobacter pylori es un cocobacilo grampositivo. Verdadero. Falso. .
Los helicobacter tienen una una forma espiral o bacilar en los cultivos recientes, pero pueden adoptar una morfología cocoide en los cultivos de mayor edad. Verdadero. Falso.
H. pylori es una bacteria en forma de espiral gramnegativa. Verdadero. Falso. .
H. pylori es: Catala + oxidasa + y ureasa + Catalasa + oxidasa + y ureasa - Ureasa - Oxidasa + Ninguna de las anteriores. .
La actividad de la ureasa bacteriana es clínicamente importante porque forma la base de varias pruebas invasivas y no invasivas para diagnosticar infecciones. Verdadero. Falso .
Los helicobacter se clasifican en función de: Las catecidinas. La adaptación. La capacidad de fermentar glucosa. La secuencia del ARNr 16s.
Los helicobacter oxidan y fermentan carbohidratos. Verdadero. Falso.
El tratamiento para erradicar H. pylori es: Un IBP, Penicilina, Amoxicilina + un inhibido de betalactamasa. Un IBP, un macrólido (Claritromicina) y dicloxacilina. Un IBP, Un macrólido y Una cefalosporina de primera generación. Un IBP, un macrólido y un B-lactámico (Amoxicilina).
Son factores que le permiten sobrevivir y proliferar en el medio gástrico. Porinas, las betalactamasas y la forma espiral que tiene H. pylori. La ureasa, la motilidad y la capacidad para adherirse al epitelio gástrico. El tropismo que presenta por los receptores gástricos. .
Es un factor de virulencia importante de H. pylori El gen asociado a la citotoxina (cagA)que se localiza en un islote de patogenicidad que contiene unos 30 genes. La proteína de shock tóxico. La proteína ligadora de PBP-1 La proteína enterohemorrágica. .
Los genes cag fosforribosilantronilato isomerasa también inducen la producción de: Gastrina. Factor de necrosis tumoral-alpha. IL-8 Producción de IgE.
A 45-year-old man presents to the primary care physician with a several month history of epigastric abdominal discomfort. The patient describes a burning sensation after eating, abdominal fullness, and distension. He reports taking omeprazole for the symptoms without relief. An endoscopy with biopsy is performed demonstrating the following histologic specimen: From which area of the gastrointestinal tract was this biopsy most likely taken? Duodenum. Antrum of the stomach. Gastroesophageal junction. Esophagus.
A 40-year-old man comes to his gastroenterologist for nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and loss of appetite and weight persisting for the past five days. A urea breath test indicates that the patient's stomach has been infected by Helicobacter pylori, leading to destruction of cells in the stomach whose cytoplasm stains deeply eosinophilic and are generally located in the middle of the stomach's fundic glands. Levels of which of the following substances is expected to be increased in this patient? Gastrin. Ghrelin. Hydrochloric acid. Intrinsic factor. Pepsin.
A 47-year-old man presents to his doctor with epigastric pain that worsens a few hours after eating. He has a history of heartburn and reports loss of appetite, nausea, and an episode of vomiting in the past month. Administration of a breath test identifies a microbial origin of his symptoms. Which of the following proteins best explains the mechanism of the positive test result? Flagellin. Coagulase. Catalase. Oxidase. Urease.
A 40-year-old woman comes to the clinic because of chronic epigastric pain and dyspepsia. She has no weight loss, blood in stool, nausea, or vomiting. She received 6 weeks of omeprazole treatment that mildly relieved her symptoms. Physical examination shows no abnormalities. Abdominal ultrasound shows no gall bladder stones. Upper GI endoscopy with gastric biopsy is done and shows chronic gastric inflammation, mucosal infiltration with mononuclear inflammatory cells, and gram-negative rod organism that is urease positive, oxidase positive, and catalase positive. Which of the following enzymes is the most important for this organism to resist low gastric pH? Catalase. NADPH oxidase. Phospholipase. Somatostatin. Ureasa. .
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