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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESESé lo que hicisteis el último verano

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Sé lo que hicisteis el último verano


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Which of the following SQL statements are included in the category of DML? Choose 2 correct answers. SELECT INSERT CREATE TABLE GRANT and REVOKE DROP PROCEDURE.
Which of the following are HANA SQLScript extensions to ANSI SQL? Choose 2 correct answers. UPSERT CHAR and VARCHAR datatypes Imperative SQL statements GRANT and REVOKE ABAP commands.
A primary key is a column or set of columns that uniquely identifies every row in a table. True False.
Which of the following objects is used to ensure data consistency? Constraints Stored Procedures Tables Triggers Views.
Which of the following clauses is NOT in a SELECT statement? GROUP BY FROM WHERE SET HAVING.
Only one column may be specified in the SELECT clause of a SELECT statement. True False.
How is a literal value specified in SQL? By enclosing it in single quotes By enclosing it in double quotes By using single quotes if it is a string and without quotes if it is numeric Quotes are not allowed in SQL.
Which clause is used in a SELECT statement to eliminate duplicate rows in a result set? WHERE DISTINCT CASE TOP LIMIT.
A null is not greater than, less than, or equal to any column value. True False.
What is the difference between SUM and COUNT? COUNT cannot be used in a SELECT clause SUM can only be used in a WHERE clause SUM can only be used on a numeric column COUNT does not support the use of DISTINCT.
What is the result if the MIN aggregate is used on a string column? The first value in alphabetic order is displayed The last value in alphabetic order is displayed A random value is displayed, depending on the sort order An error is displayed.
What is the purpose of a UNION command? To combine the result sets of multiple queries To return only records that exist in all query results To return results from the first query that don’t exist in the second To connect every row of the left table to every row of the right.
Which of the following types of join will list all rows from one table and the matching rows from the other? An inner join A left outer join A full outer join A cross join.
A self join always requires the use of an alias. True False.
The only operator allowed in the join condition is an equality. True False.
What type of subquery returns exactly one row? Quantified predicate Expression Correlated Non-correlated.
A query that contains a join cannot contain a subquery. True False.
In what type of subquery does the inner query reference the outer query? Quantified predicate Expression Correlated Non-correlated.
If an UPDATE statement does not have a where clause, how many rows will be updated? 0 1 2 All.
If an INSERT does not specify a value for a non-null column lacking a default, what is the result? An error A null value will be inserted in the column All the other columns will be inserted, but not the non-null value The primary key value will be inserted in the column.
How many rows will be inserted in a table by a standard INSERT? Choose 2 correct answers. 0 1 2 All.
In an UPSERT with a WHERE clause, if the WHERE clause does not match existing rows, the rows are inserted. Otherwise, the rows are deleted. True False.
Which of the following data types are numeric? Choose 2 correct answers. SMALLINT VARCHAR DOUBLE DATE TIMESTAMP.
Which of the following will prevent duplicate values in a column? Choose 2 correct answers. Primary key Default Not null Unique VARCHAR.
The ALTER TABLE command can drop columns from a table unless those columns are part of the primary key. True False.
Which conditions suggest that a table should be a column table? Choose 2 correct answers. The table has frequent data changes The table has a limited number of rows and columns Queries against the table never use aggregates A query is likely to access all the columns for a single row The table is very large.
What benefits do views provide? Choose 2 correct answers. Simplify queries Improve performance Limit access to data Allow the use of other languages than SQL.
If the view has a WHERE clause in which ColA = 100, and the select from the view has a WHERE clause in which ColA = 200, how much data will be selected? 0 rows, but no error 1 row All the rows in the base table An error will be generated.
Inserts, updates, and deletes can be performed against any view. True False.
What is the difference between GROUP BY CUBE and GROUP BY ROLLUP? GROUP BY CUBE is not part of the ANSI SQL-99 standard. GROUP BY CUBE aggregates in every dimension. GROUP BY ROLLUP cannot be used in a SELECT statement. GROUP BY ROLLUP cannot be used in a SELECT statement.
In a SELECT with an OVER() clause, which of the following statements are true? Choose 2 correct answers. PARTITIONED BY specifies the order of the rows in the result set. ORDER BY specifies the order of the rows in the result set. An OVER clause with ORDER BY cannot contain a PARTITIONED BY. The SELECT statement cannot return NULL values. The PARTITION BY clause is optional.
If the current row has a value of 5000 and the three preceding rows have a value (in order) of 1000, 1500, and 3000, which rows would be included in ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING? 1500 1000 and 1500 1500 and 3000 1000, 1500, 3000, and 5000.
If the current row has a value of 5000 and the three preceding rows have a value (in order) of 1000, 1500, and 3000, which rows would be included in RANGE BETWEEN 3500 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW? 1000, 1500, and 3000 1000, 1500, 3000, and 5000 1500, 3000, and 5000 3000 and 5000 5000.
Table User-Defined Functions can accept any number of input parameters and return any number of table results. True False.
Stored procedures must utilize only scalar parameters, or only table parameters. True False.
What kinds of error codes may be assigned to a declared CONDITION? System error codes and user-defined error codes. XXX YYY.
What commands can be used to associate custom error text with custom error conditions that lack error codes? SIGNAL or RESIGNAL. XXX.
What are the major differences between SIGNAL and RESIGNA? RESIGNAL is used as part of an EXIT HANDLER and does not declare a particular exception to be active. By contrast, SIGNAL is executed as an independent command (although it may reference an EXIT HANDLER). SIGNAL indicates that a particular exception is in effect. XXX.
Which commands can be used to create an index? Choose 2 correct answers. CREATE INDEX INSERT GRANT UPSERT CREATE TABLE.
Every table is inside a schema. True False.
What effect will the GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA command have? Choose 2 correct answers. The user will be able to select from any table in the schema The user will be able to execute any stored procedure in the schema The user will be able to select, insert, update, or delete any table in the schema The user will have no access to the schema The user will be able to select from any view in the schema.
If a user is not explicitly granted access to a table or a schema, they cannot select from the table. True False.
Which SQL commands explicitly end a transaction? Choose 2 correct answers. SELECT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE COMMIT ROLLBACK.
Creating a column table causes an implicit commit. True False.
According to the ACID definitions, durability means that the entire transaction is completed, or none of it is. True False.
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