TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Human geography and political organization in the world.
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Human geography and political organization in the world.

UNIT 8/9. 2º ESO Bilingüe

Mª Carmen Cano

Fecha de Creación: 14/05/2022

Categoría: Geografía

Número Preguntas: 45
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During the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, one of the most outstanding changes is the infant mortality rate. It was of 73.2 ‰ in the 1950s but it has decreased to 4.7 ‰ in 2020. True False.
France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and ... created the European Economic Community (EEC). It came into force in 1958. Latvia Liechtenstein Luxembourg Lithuania.
The EEC became the EU. The Euro and the Cohesion Funds were created, and the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) was designed. It came into force in ... 1987 1959 2002 1993.
This treaty modified all previous treaties. Its purpose is to make the EU more democratic and efficient. It came into force on 1 December 2009. Which treaty do we refer to? Treaty of Lisbon Treaty of Rome Amsterdam Treaty Maastricht Treaty.
In 1997, with this treaty, Europol came into existence. The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CSFP) was created and control of the European Parliament over the Commission was increased. It came into force in 1999. Which treaty do we refer to? Treaty of Lisbon Treaty of Rome Amsterdam Treaty Maastricht Treaty.
Certain states are grouped into supranational political organisations. This is the case of the European Union. True False.
To achieve their objectives, the EU member states have created common institutions such as ... It establishes the priorities of the EU, and consists of the Heads of State or Government of the member countries, who meet four times a year. The European Commission The European Council The Council of the European Union The European Parliament.
To achieve their objectives, the EU member states have created common institutions such as ... It represents the member states and passes the laws and the European budget together with the European Parliament. It is made up of one minister from each member state. The European Commission The European Council The Council of the European Union The European Court of Justice.
To achieve their objectives, the EU member states have created common institutions such as ... It represents the interests of the entire EU, proposes and enforces laws and manages the common budget. It is made up of Commissioners, one from each EU country, who are responsible for the different areas of Community policy. The European Commission The European Council The Council of the European Union The European Parliament.
The EU member states have created common institutions known as ... It represents the interests of the entire EU, proposes and enforces laws and manages the common budget. It is made up of Commissioners, one from each EU country, who are responsible for the different areas of Community policy. The European Commission The European Council The Council of the European Union The European Parliament.
When did Spain become a member of the European Union? 1973 1986 1981 1990.
When did Sweden, Finland and Austria become members of the European Union? 1995 1986 1981 1990.
Which country became a member of the European Union in 2013? Croatia Kosovo Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria.
Which countries joined the European Union in 2004? (Choose the right ones) Estonia Croatia Poland Hungary Portugal Czech Republic Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Greece.
An agreement between many countries of the European Union that allows people and goods to pass freely across the borders of each country without passport or other controls. Some European countries outside the European Union are also part of the agreement. The name comes from ... in Luxembourg, where the agreement was signed. Diekirch Remich Vianden Schengen .
n 2017, the European population amounted to 745 million people, which is 9.9 % of the world population. The population ... was 70.4 inhabitants/km2, an average which is not representative of the strong regional contrasts between points of high concentration and demographic vacuum. area rate density edge.
The population ... records the population of a country and some of its economic, social and cultural characteristics at a given moment. In Spain, this census is prepared by the National Statistics Institute (INE) in years which end in ‘1’. census area density rate.
The municipal census maintains a permanent record of variations in municipal populations. True False.
Europe has completed the demographic change inherent to developed countries. Its member states now find themselves under a modern demographic regime, which is characterised by high birth and mortality rates and high or medium natural growth. True False.
Migrations have been very significant in Europe, both in the past and at present. They have been characterised by the similarity of their protagonists (Europeans and non-Europeans), and the variety of migratory destinations, both inside and outside the continent. True False.
The migration ... that took over 50 million Europeans to the so-called new countries of America and Oceania, where people were needed to populate vast territories. The United States, Canada, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, etc. were common destinations. Transcontinental migration Continental migration Oceanic migration Transoceanic migration.
Since the 1960s, European economic growth has slowed interior and exterior traditional migrations. But migratory movements have increased between European countries and from other foreign countries. True False.
African, Latin American and Asian immigrants have provided cheap ... and multiculturalism to Europe. However, a great number of problems have arisen with controlling illegal immigration, the integration of immigrants and their rejection by certain sectors of European society. labour products houses transport.
European and Spanish gender structure is characterised by a predominance of young men, because there are more boys than girls, and a predominance of older women since their ... is greater. population density life expectancy mortality rate birth rate.
Europe has a young population because of the low birth rate, and there are many elderly people due to high life expectancy. True False.
In the European population, the ageing process has been less intense in ... Europe, where population ageing began earlier and where measures were adopted to promote a higher birth rate. north-western north-eastern south-western south-eastern.
The composition of the population according to economic activity classifies people according to labour criteria. In Europe and other developed countries, the employed population working in the primary and secondary sectors has increased in number because of agricultural mechanisation and the modernisation of industry. On the other hand, the unemployed population, which had receded between 1995 and 2007, suffered a sharp decrease due to the 2008 recession and the COVID-19 pandemy since 2020. True False.
States intervene in the population of their territory through various actions. The most common reasons have to do with excessive growth, leading to the control of birth and fertility; or demographic decrease, which favours encouraging the ... life expectancy birth rate ageing population mortality rate.
In Europe, most countries have low ... and an ageing population. This means that generational replacement is not assured. fertility life expectancy population density immigration rate.
To increase fertility rates, some measures are adopted to promote the birth rate along with a balanced immigration that contributes to the young population of childbearing age, and measures to promote active aging. True False.
Countries that form part of the European Union are free to decide on ... policies what leads to the current controversy among advocates of increasing and reducing foreign immigration. economy social migration health.
Realted to migration policies in Europe, all countries have established common procedures for third country nationals in applying for a residence and work permit in a member state, on the granting of asylum and visas, and to avoid irregular immigration. In addition, the majority have adopted measures to favour the integration of immigrants, avoid social rejection or facilitate the return to their country of origin. True False.
At present, all European countries have an aging population, although there are differences between countries caused by their different birth and death rates. True False.
Choose the right concept for the following definition: an organised political community that occupies a defined area of land. Nation State.
Choose the right concept for the following definition: a society or community in which the people share a common language, history and culture. Nation State.
Which concept defines a nation that has its population divided among several states and doesn't have their own state? Stateless Multination states Union of nations State claim.
The ... is the principle that each of these powers should be exercised by a different institution. This prevents one person or institution from holding absolute power state nation sovereignty separation of powers.
In a democratic state, citizens don't participate actively in political life and elect ther political representatives. True False.
The separation of powers was put into practice by the United States Constitution in ... 1787 1789 1793 1791.
In a non-democratic state, policial participation is limited or non-existent. There´s no freedom of expression or pluralism. Power is held by one person of political party. True False.
The average number of children women need to have to sustain population levels (2.1) is called... birth rate replacement-level fertility active population life expectancy.
The European population is considered to be urbanised. Cities represent 75% of its population. Furthermore, even rural areas are quite urbanised. True False.
The demographics of Central (also in the Caribbean) and South America shows a population that is evenly distributed. This region is over 640 million people. True False.
The population in Africa is around 2.200 million people, which represent ...% of the world population. 10% 60% 16% 14%.
Asia is the most populated continent on Earth. With nearly 4.500 million inhabitants, it represents 60% of the world's population. Asia has a high average ... with 180 inhabitants per km2. population density birth rate replacement-level fertility net migration.
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