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I.T. The new language

English02 unit2 DAW


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Which of these expressions does NOT usually go with the past simple? Next week. Last season. Two days ago. In 1985.
Which of the following verbs is irregular? go like play remember.
Yes/No questions have a rising intonation. True or false? Falso Verdadero .
Last week I _____ about you a lot. thorough thought through though.
Which of the following devices is a communications device? NIC card interface cat NIC cart Interface card.
Which of the following verbs is regular drink drive live hit.
Can you write a suitable question for this answer: "We got there by car."?.
Match every verb with their definition To call on a telephone To take up an store electricity again To take a message or messages Change in location or position.
Match the following words to their definitions. A computer that has been optimized to provide services to other computers over a network an ultra high-performance computer made for high volume, processor intensive computing. They are typically used by large businesses. A PC that is not designed for portability is a desktop computer. The expectation with desktop systems are that you will set the computer up in a permanent location. Portable computer that integrate the display and many other perifericals in the same device slightly large than an average hardcover book.
Match the following verbs to a word with the same vowel sound. sat heard saw.
Match the past simple form of the following regular verbs with their pronunciation. Lived Asked Wanted.
Match the following words according to their vowel sound. map turn ink.
Can you write a suitable question for this answer: "She was upset because she didn't get the promotion."?.
I have an appointment with the board of directors _____ Tuesday morning. on in at from.
Write the name of the peripherical that match with the following definition ... Device that expands a single USB port into several so that they are more ports available to connect devices to a host. hub usb usb hub.
which of the following devices is NOT a peripherical. RAM memory Speakers Webcam Printer.
Which of the following sentences is correct? We don't saw the news yesterday. I didn't wait for the bus. He tooks the train two hours ago. He didn't stayed at home last night.
Which of the following devices is an output device? Pen drive Computer case Monitor Keyboard.
The Past Simple tense is used... Seleccione una o más de una: to refer to actions that were in progress in the past. to refer to a past habit or state. to refer to finished states, actions or situations that happened in the past. to refer to past actions which happened one after the other. .
Which of these verbs can you use with "phone calls"? Seleccione una o más de una: Speak Answer Do Make .
Choose two suitable answers for this question: Whose car is that? Seleccione una o más de una: It's a Ferrari it's broken It's Paul's It's theirs .
We use negative questions in speech... Seleccione una o más de una: to express surprise, admiration or annoyance. to ask for confirmation. to show how much we know.
Write the name of the peripherical that match with the following definition ... A hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen.
Match the following words with their meanings. Sound card Flash drive Hard disk Motherboard.
Sorry, I didn't _____ the question. Could you repeat it? look see catch find.
To form the Past Simple form of irregular verbs we add -ed. True or false? Verdadero Falso .
One of these sentences is NOT correct. Which one? My sister was studying while I was cooking. He was having a shower when the bell rang. We were playing tennis every day. Were you studying when I phoned you last night?.
The ending used to form the past simple and past participle of regular verbs is pronounced /id/ after /t/ or /d/ sounds. True or false? Verdadero Falso.
Which of the following words is NOT a school subject? ST PE RE ICT.
I didn't revise so I _____ my exam. passed didn't pass missed didn't fail.
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