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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEING03 Prepositions of Place and Movement

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ING03 Prepositions of Place and Movement



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My pencil is ...........the books and the notebooks a.Next b.In c.On d.Between.
I saw them. They were walking..........the town a.Under b.Above c.Towards d.Into.
I took the envelope ...................... my pocket a.Out b.Out of c.Out from.
Be careful when you walk.........the street a.Up b.Across c.Through d.Above.
Please, go.........the stairs carefully a.Through b.Down c.At.
The train is going ............the tunnel a.Below b.At c.Around d.Through.
The red car is.............of the house a.In front b.Under c.Next to d.Behind.
The are two students....................the class a.Front b.Next c.On d.In.
The oranges are not in the basket. There are........the table a.Between b.On c.Next d.In.
He fell......the bridge but he was OK a.Over b.Off c.up d.Under.
There is a big supermarket.......the park a.On b.In front c.Next d.Near.
The temperature is going.................. a.Up b.Along c.Over.
I'll be __________ home all evening at in into on.
Our flat is ________ the second floor of the building. on in into along.
Go __________ the Strand till you see the Ritz on your right along on across at.
Mary came running ___________ the room and threw her books into onto in at.
He jumped ____________ the river into on in at.
I got to the station just in time to see John getting ___________ the train off on in into.
You'll find our house ___________ the end of the next street at in on along.
I couldn't hear the teacher very well. She had a quiet voice and I was sitting _________ the back of the class at in on at.
Linda was injured in a road accident a few days ago. She is still _________ hospital in on at from.
It takes about 90 minutes __________ the lake by ferry. across from through in.
He had been travelling all day ______ Madrid to Paris and was glad to be at home from in at across.
Diamonds are imported ________ South Africa from in on at.
The cat jumped _________ the table and broke the glass onto in on into.
The man the police are looking for has a scar ________ his check on in into across.
The best restaurant is just _______ the road across through in on.
A bird flew into the room ________ a window through into across in.
She lives ________ a little house near Oxford. Her children prefer to live in the town itself in on into at.
We drove ________ Baltimore on our way to Washington through across in at.
We went _________ Spain on our way from France to Portugal through across in at.
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