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the regular verbs have a spelling change in the past T F.
The verb (to be) in the present is combined like this:am,is,are T F.
The verb to be is used tp give information about a person or thing T F.
The this and these refer to people or things that are close to you T F.
5. The That and Those refer to people or things that are far away from you. T F.
6. Has is used for the second person singular T F.
7. Has is used for the second person singular F T.
8. The verb to be is the most important verb for communication in the English language T F.
The verb”do” is used for the affirmation of action verbs. F T.
10. The indefinite article "a" is used with nouns beginning with vowels. F T.
11. The indefinite article "an" is used with nouns beginning with vowels F T.
12. On means below F T.
13. In means en-dentro-de- hacia adentro F T.
14. In English chocolate is written the same but its pronunciation is different T F.
15. To form the plural of nouns ending in: ch, sh, s, o-x, add-es F T.
16. The present simple is used to talk about things that happen repeatedly T F.
17. The verbs to be-to have-to do, have a different conjugation than the other verbs F T.
18. When conjugating the present simple, an "s" must be added to the end of the verb only in the third persons T F.
19. In front means enfrente de-delante de F T.
20. The word entre, in the English language is written (between) F T.
21. The English language alphabet consists of 28 letters T F.
22. The simple past perfect tense is made up of: subject+have+ verb in past participle+complement F T.
23. The correct way to make a negative sentence is subject+verb in past participle+have not+complement F T.
24. The simple past tense is used for actions completed in the past F T.
25. The simple past tense is used for habits and customs in the past T F.
26. The contraction "did not" is used for affirmative sentences F T.
27. The present perfect indicate events with in a time period up to the present F T.
28. In interrogative sentences, the auxiliary "do" is used after the subject or pronoun. T F.
29. "Does" is used before the subject or pronoun in the third person singular F T.
30. Demonstratives (this-that-these-those) show where an object or person is in relation to the speaker F T.
31. This(singular) and These(plural) refer to an object or person near the speaker F T.
32. If a noun ends in” fe” oor “f”, the ending is chaged to “ves” T F.
33. A noun ending in "sh-ch-s-z y x" should be added "es • Read this text, then answer these questions using the text. use true or false. T F.
34. A polite greeting is when I use ranks and names. T F.
35. It’s not good when I say Sir or Madame in all circumstances F T.
36. Your superiors are someone that you say “call me Frank F T.
37. It appropriate when your boss says you I’m Dr. Rob Ramoray F T.
38. Weakness is a sign of rudeness F T.
39. Rudeness is like insolence T F.
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