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The regular verbs have a spelling change in the simple past. Los verbos regulares tienen un cambio ortográfico en pasado simple. False True.
The verb (to be) in the present is combined like this: am, is, are. El verbo (to be) en presente se combina así: am, is, are. True False.
The verb to be is used to give information about a person or thing. El verbo to be se usa para dar información sobre una persona o cosa. verdadero falso.
The Thist and These refer to people or things that are close to you. El esto y Estos se refieren a personas o cosas que están cerca de ti. false true.
The That and Those refer to people or things that are far away from you El Eso y Esos se refieren a personas o cosas que están lejos de ti. true false.
Has is used for the second person singular. Has se usa para la segunda persona del singular. verdadero falso.
Has is used for the second person singular. Has se usa para la segunda persona del singular. verdadero falso.
The verb to be is the most important verb for communication in the English language El verbo to be es el verbo más importante para la comunicación en el idioma en Inglés verdadero falso.
The verb”do” is used for the affirmation of action verbs. El verbo “hacer” se usa para la afirmación de verbos de acción. verdadero falso.
The indefinite article "a" is used with nouns beginning with vowels. El artículo indefinido "a" se usa con sustantivos que comienzan con vocales. falso verdadero.
The indefinite article "an" is used with nouns beginning with vowels. El artículo indefinido "an" se usa con sustantivos que comienzan con vocales. verdadero falso.
On means below En los medios a continuación falso verdadero.
In means en-dentro-de- hacia adentro. En significa en-dentro-de-hacia adentro. verdadero falso.
In English chocolate is written the same but its pronunciation is different En inglés chocolate se escribe igual pero su pronunciación es diferente verdadero falso.
To form the plural of nouns ending in: ch, sh, s, o-x, add-es. Para formar el plural de sustantivos terminados en: ch, sh, s, o-x, add-es. verdadero falso.
The present simple is used to talk about things that happen repeatedly El presente simple se usa para hablar de cosas que suceden repetidamente. verdadero falso.
The verbs to be-to have-to do, have a different conjugation than the other verbs. Los verbos to be-to have-to do, tienen una conjugación diferente a los otros verbos. verdadero falso.
When conjugating the present simple, an "s" must be added to the end of the verb only in the third persons. Al conjugar el presente simple, se debe agregar una "s" al final del verbo solo en las terceras personas. verdadero falso.
In front means enfrente de-delante de. Delante significa enfrente de-delante de. verdadero falso.
The word entre, in the English language is written (between) La palabra entre, en el idioma inglés se escribe (entre) verdadero falso.
The English language alphabet consists of 28 letters. El alfabeto del idioma inglés consta de 28 letras. falso verdadero.
The simple past perfect tense is made up of: subject+have+ verb in past participle+complement. El pasado perfecto simple se compone de: sujeto+tener+ verbo en participio pasado+complemento. falso verdadero.
The correct way to make a negative sentence is subject+verb in past participle+have not+complement. La forma correcta de hacer una oración negativa es sujeto+verbo en participio pasado+tener no+complemento. verdadero falso.
The simple past tense is used for actions completed in the past. El tiempo pasado simple se usa para acciones completadas en el pasado. verdadero falso.
The simple past tense is used for habits and customs in the past. El tiempo pasado simple se usa para hábitos y costumbres en el pasado. falso verdadero.
The contraction "did not" is used for affirmative sentences. La contracción "no" se usa para oraciones afirmativas. verdadero falso.
The present perfect indicate events with in a time period up to the present. El presente perfecto indica eventos en un período de tiempo hasta el presente. verdadero falso.
In interrogative sentences, the auxiliary "do" is used after the subject or pronoun. En oraciones interrogativas, el auxiliar "do" se usa después del sujeto o pronombre. verdadero falso.
"Does" is used before the subject or pronoun in the third person singular. "Does" se usa antes del sujeto o pronombre en tercera persona del singular. verdadero falso.
Demonstratives (this-that-these-those) show where an object or person is in relation to the speaker. Los demostrativos (esto-que-estos-aquellos) muestran dónde está un objeto o una persona en relación con el altavoz. verdadero falso.
This(singular) and These(plural) refer to an object or person near the speaker. Esto (singular) y Estos (plural) se refieren a un objeto o persona cerca del hablante. verdadero falso.
If a noun ends in” fe” oor “f”, the ending is chaged to “ves”. Si un sustantivo termina en “fe” o “f”, la terminación se cambia a “ves”. verdadero falso.
A noun ending in "sh-ch-s-z y x" should be added "es" A un sustantivo terminado en "sh-ch-s-z y x" se le debe agregar "es" verdadero falso.
A polite greeting is when I use ranks and names. Un saludo cortés es cuando uso rangos y nombres. verdadero falso.
It’s not good when I say Sir or Madame in all circumstances. No es bueno cuando digo señor o señora en todas las circunstancias. verdadero falso.
Your superiors are someone that you say “call me Frank. verdadero falso.
It appropriate when your boss says you I’m Dr. Rob Ramoray... Es apropiado cuando tu jefe te dice que soy el Dr. Rob Ramoray... verdadero falso.
Weakness is a sign of rudeness. La debilidad es un signo de rudeza. verdadero falso.
Rudeness is like insolence. La grosería es como la insolencia. verdadero falso.
How do you write car in English? ¿Cómo se escribe auto en inglés? pencil car van.
This is one of the museums in the country. Este es uno de los museos del país. • nursing • top • red.
Complete la oración Is my friend. Complete la oración Es mi amigo. • they • she • when.
The verb to be means? El verbo to be significa? • ser-estar • tener • hacia adentro.
What job does the image represent? ¿Qué trabajo representa la imagen? • pólice man • attorney • architec .
What is your name significa? ¿Cuál es tu nombre? • cuál es su nombre? • dónde es su nombre? • dónde es su calle?.
Transtale the following sentece: ¿Where is my address? Transtale la siguiente frase: ¿Dónde está mi dirección? • ¿dónde es mi domicilio? • ¿cuál es mi calle? • ¿cuál es mi casa?.
Indicate which is the negative phrase of the following sentece “She can swim”. Indique cuál es la frase negativa de la siguiente oración “Ella sabe nadar”. • she doesn´t cam swim • she can´t swims • she can´t swim.
Point out the plural of: “Room” Señale el plural de: “Habitación” • Roomess • Roomes • Rooms.
¿Cómo se escribe en Ingles la siguiente oración?:¿A qué hora sales del trabajo? • What time do you leave to work? • What time do you leave the house? • What time do you leave the office?.
Translate the following interrogative sentence ¿Dormiste? Traduce la siguiente oración interrogativa ¿Dormiste? • did you sleep? • did your sleeping? • ¿do you sleep?.
Fill in the blank using the correct preposition. Completa el espacio en blanco usando la preposición correcta. There is a car the Street. Hay un coche la calle. • at • on • in.
There is a gas station the bank. Hay una gasolinera el banco. • across from/opposite • next to • in front of.
There is a bench the cinema. Hay un banco el cine. • across from/opposite • in back of/behind • near/close to.
There is a dog of the Street. Hay un perro de la Calle. • among • on the corner of • between.
Indicate which is the comparative adjective of:” Hot”. • hottest • hotter • hotel.
¿What is the meaning of “Head”? ¿Cuál es el significado de “Cabeza”? • ojos • cabeza • nariz.
“Last nigth the cinema”. “Anoche cine”. • walked • walks • wallks .
Traduzca la siguiente oración “Es un bonito perro”. • There is a beautiful dog • It is a beautiful dog • It are a beautiful dog.
Traslate the following interrogative sentece “Do you work?: Traduce la siguiente oración interrogativa "¿Trabajas?": • ¿Do you work? • Does you work? • Did you work?.
Which is the correct determiner” person”: Cuál es el determinante correcto de “persona”: • the • an • a.
Translate the following negative sentece” No trabajó la semana pasada”. Traduce la siguiente oración negativa “No trabajó la semana pasada”. • He doesnt work the last week • He did not work the last week • He not work the last week.
¿What is the meaning of the verb “To clean”? ¿Cuál es el significado del verbo “Limpiar”? • limpiar • pertenecer • cepillar.
“Are you at the library? “¿Estás en la biblioteca? • studied • study • studing- STUDYiNG.
Translate the following sentece” Estoy desayunando”. • i am having dinner • i am having breakfast • i am having lunch.
26. Translate the following sentece “Tengo un caballo y dos patos”. • I have one horse and two ducks • Have I one brother and two sisters • I have one sister ando two brothers.
State what is the meaning of “Engineer”. Indique cuál es el significado de "Ingeniero". • carpintero • ingeniero • arquitecto.
28. Translate the following sentece” El niño quitó el vaso de la mesa”. • the boy took the glass of the table • the boy took the glass in the table • the boy took the word son the table.
Fill in the blank using the corret answer “ name is Rubén”: • he • my • i.
Fill in the blank with the correct countable determiner “Have you got camera?”: Completa el espacio en blanco con el determinante contable correcto "¿Tienes ¿cámara?": • a • any • some.
Traslate the following sentece” Mauricio es muy guapo” • Mauricio is more handsome • Mauricio is much handsome • Mauricio is very handsome.
32. Fill in the blank with the correct answer” ¿Quieres que venga alguien?” ¿Do you want to come? • something • anyone • somebody.
Indicate the meaning of the word” West”. Indique el significado de la palabra “Oeste”. • oeste • este • norte.
Which is the correct determiner” person”. Cuál es el determinante correcto “persona”. • the • an • a.
Underline the correct answer “Tía”. Subraya la respuesta correcta “Tía”. • uncle • aunt • daughter.
Translate the following negative sentece “No trabajó la semana pasada”. • He not work the last week. • He did not work the last week. • He doesn`t work the last week.
I want to be a teacher when I . Quiero ser profesor cuando yo. • grow • grow up • age.
I'm fed up this exercise. Estoy harto de este ejercicio. • with doing • to do • to doing.
After ten years working for the same company, she from her job yesterday. Después de diez años trabajando para la misma empresa, ella de su trabajo ayer. • resigned • reneged • renounced.
She has been of murdering her husband. Ha sido de asesinar a su marido. • accused • charged • blamed.
You aren't allowed to use your mobile so No tienes permitido usar tu móvil, así que • there`s no point in leaving it on(no tiene sentido dejarlo encendido) • there`s no point to leave i ton it`s no point in leaving it on.
You the cleaning. I would have done it tonight. Tú la limpieza. Lo hubiera hecho esta noche. • can`t have done(no puede haber hecho) • couldn`t have done • needn`t have done.
They have put speed bumps on the road to accidents. Ellas han puesto golpes de velocidad en el camino a los accidentes. • evade • prevent • forbid.
We would never have had the accident if you so fast. Nunca habríamos tenido el accidente si fueras tan rápido hadn`t been driving(no había estado conduciendo) had driven wouldn`t drive.
The tree by lightning. El árbol por un rayo. • was struck(fue golpeado) • struck • was flashed .
If only I richer. Si tan solo yo más rico. • am • were • will be.
the better team, we lost the match. el mejor equipo, perdimos el partido. • despite being • despite • despite of being(a pesar de ser).
By this time next year, I all my exams. Por esta época el próximo año, tengo todos mis exámenes. • will take • will have taken(habrá tomado) • take.
What colour will you paint the children's bedroom? ¿De qué color pintarás el dormitorio de los niños? • I hope it was right • We can`t decide • It wasn`t very difficult.
I can`t understand this email. No puedo entender este correo electrónico. • Would you like some help? • ¿Don`t you know? • I suppose you can.
I`d like two tickets for tomorrow night. Quisiera dos entradas para mañana por la noche. • How much did you pay? • Afternoon and evening. • I`ll just check for you.
Shall we go to the gym now? ¿Vamos al gimnasio ahora? • I`m too tired(Estoy demasiado cansada) • It`s very Good • Not at all.
His eyes were _ bad that he couldn`t read the number plate of the car in front. Tenía los ojos mal porque no podía leer la matrícula del coche de delante. • such • very • too.
The Singer ended the concert her most popular song. La Cantante cerró el concierto con su canción más popular. • as • in • with.
I was looking forward at the new restaurant, but it was Esperaba con ansias el nuevo restaurante, pero era • to eat • to have eaten • eating.
It was only ten days ago she started her new job. Hace solo diez días que comenzó su nuevo trabajo. • then • since • after.
The shop didn`t have the shoes I wanted, but they`ve a pair specially for me. La tienda no tenía los zapatos que quería, pero tienen un par especial para mí. • booked • ordered(ordenado) • asked .
22. She came to live here a month ago. Vino a vivir aquí hace un mes. • quite • already • almost(casi).
Once the plane is in the air, you can your seat belts if you wish. Una vez que el avión está en el aire, puede abrocharse los cinturones de seguridad si lo desea. • unfasten • unlock • untie.
It wasn`t a bad crash and damage was done to my car. No fue un choque grave y mi auto sufrió daños. • light • small • little.
I left my last job because I had no to travel. Dejé mi último trabajo porque no tenía para viajar. • possibility • opportunity • position.
This new printer is recommended as being realiable. Esta nueva impresora se recomienda por ser fiable. • reliable • greatly • highly(altamente) .
When I realised I had dropped my gloves,I decided to my steps. Cuando me di cuenta de que se me habían caído los guantes, decidí seguir mis pasos. • regress • retrace • resume.
¡Don`t touch this bracelet, it`s ! ¡No toques esta pulsera, es! • me • my • mine.
Hey! This is Susan's book so it's not _! ¡Oye! ¡Este es el libro de Susan, así que no es _! • yours • you • your.
This is not so bad after all, it could have been. Esto no es tan malo después de todo, podría haberlo sido. • bad • dadder • worse(peor).
¿Do you believe that a fortune teller can really your future? ¿Crees que un adivino puede realmente tu futuro? • foresee(prever) • review • preview.
Don`t buy these cakes, they`re full of . No compre estos pasteles, están llenos de. • conservatives • conversation • Preservatives.
The doctor gave me a for some medicine yesterday. El doctor me dio una medicina ayer. • note • prescription • récipe.
¿Can you tell me when ? ¿Puedes decirme cuándo? • the train leaves(el tren parte) • leaves the rain • does leave the rain.
I a reply to my letter in the next few days. Yo una respuesta a mi carta en los próximos días. • hope(esperar) • expect • get.
When Simon back tonight, he'll cook dinner. Cuando Simon regrese esta noche, preparará la cena. • comes(proviene) • will come • come.
37. We arrived England two days ago. Llegamos a Inglaterra hace dos días. • to • in • on .
38. 'Why are you so hungry?' 'Oh, I breakfast this morning.' '¿Por qué tienes tanta hambre?' 'Oh, desayuno esta mañana.' • hadn`t • didn`t have • haven`t.
You better see a doctor. Será mejor que veas a un doctor. • did • had • would.
41. 'Did you speak to Juliet?' 'No, I've seen her. ¿Hablaste con Julieta? 'No, la he visto. • nearly • hardly • often(con frecuencia).
He told me that he in Spain the previous year. Me dijo que estuvo en España el año anterior. • has been working • had been working(estado trabajando) •has worked .
43. She looks she's going to be sick. Ella parece que va a estar enfermo. • as if • as • like.
The best way to learn a language is a little every day. La mejor manera de aprender un idioma es un poco todos los días. • by speaking • in speaking • to speaking.
45. She me to go to school. Ella me para ir a la escuela. • said • told(dicho) • made.
One with lines as appropriate. Uno con líneas según corresponda. Good Morning Good Afternoon Good Night.
dasa I You They.
asda My sister beautiful. My Friends in the party. Thalia a famous Mexican Singer.
sada Where are you? How is your father? What is this?.
asda How much money is this? How many students are in the class? How old are you?.
7. One with lines as appropriate. What are the colors of the flag of? is Madonna? Is a Radish?.
saas A an a/an.
9. One with lines as appropriate. Never leave luggage unattended. Please be quiet. Busy traffic.use the bridge to cross.
10. Match with the opposite adjectives. Lazy Young Big.
12. One with lines as appropriate. On (Surface) At (near) In(enclosed).
11. Match words al your left according their definions. Umbrela Rain Tornado.
ss Next to Across from/opposite In front of.
ss In back of/behind On the corner of Among.
15. One with lines as appropriate. In At On.
ss In you nee to read a book you can go to the: If you need you see a doctor you can go to the: If you want to send a package or a letter you can go to the:.
17. One with lines as appropriate. If you want to eat food, then you go to a: If you need some medicine you can go to a: If you need some fruit you can go to a:.
One with lines as appropriate Feliz Enojado Triste.
One with lines as appropriate. My brother is a new song. I am a new book about África. The teacher to the zoo yesterday.
20. One with lines as appropriate. They `ve a new car. She is to visit her parents a couple of weeks. We to a new restaurant last weekend.
21. One with lines as appropriate. I`m not the party. Maricela won`t let him . My friend didn`t the movie.
22. Line the negative senteces with their corresponding verb. His mother hasn`t to Brasil before. I hadn`t at this hotel Mark doesn`t cooking.
23. Line the negative senteces with their corresponding verb. They aren`t to eat pizza tonight. She can`t the piano. He may not al home.
24. Line up the interrogative senteces with their meaning in Spanish. ¿Are you coming or staying? What does your company do? Did she enjoy the concert?.
25. Line up the interrogative senteces with their meaning in Spanish. ¿Don`t you think this puppy is adorable? Was Carolina ill last week? What are you doing tonight?.
26. Line up the interrogative senteces with their meaning in Spanish. Will they finish the Project time? Who was that girl I saw you with last night? Haven`t we signed the contract yet?.
27. Line the exclamatory senteces with their meaning in Spanish. This is a beautiful painting! What a lovely comment to make! That hurts!.
28. Line the exclamatory senteces with their meaning in Spanish. ¡I don`t believe it! How Good to see you here! ¡I love you!.
29. Line the exclamatory senteces with their meaning in Spanish. ¡He`s such a sweet baby! ¡I`m so mad at you! You know that`s not true!.
30. Line the senteces with adjectives with their meaning in Spanish. Paul, our boss,is richer than your father. My aunt,Laura,is a great woman It is something very unusual.
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