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, the plural of Boy is Boys True Falls.
, the singular of Boy is Boys True Fall.
The singular of girl is Girls True Fall.
The plural of girl is girsl T F.
The plural or Man is Men T F.
The singular of Man is men T F.
The plural of Women is woman T F.
The singular of Women is woman T F.
The plural of she is they T F.
The plural of party is partys T F.
A Day of the week is monday T F.
A month of the year is May T F.
A Day of the week is friday T F.
A Day of the week is sunday T F.
A month of the year is saturday T F.
A month of the year is saturday T F.
A Day of the week is july T F.
A Day of the week is june T F.
Christmas is celebrated in december T F.
A Day of the week is november T F.
Verde in english is Green T F.
Negro in english is black T F.
Amarillo in english is Orange T F.
Rojo in english is Red T F.
Blanco in english is Brown T F.
Azul in english is Red T F.
The contracción of Iam is Im T F.
The contraction of you are is your T F.
The conctration of she is. Is shes T F.
The contraction of he is. Is hes T F.
The conctration of it is. Is its T F.
The conctration of they are is theyre T F.
The contraction of we are is we re T F.
The cardinal number 15 is written fifty T F.
The cardinal number 23 is written twenty three T F.
The cardinal number 54 is written fifty five T F.
The cardinal number 19 is written ninety T F.
The cardinal number 200 is written theree hundred T F.
A, an, the are articicles T F.
Boy, girl, australia, book are nouns T F.
I, he, it, we, they are pronouns T F.
Write, listen, read are verbs T F.
From, at are preposition T F.
From, at are articles T F.
I, he, it, we, they are nouns T F.
Beautiful, small, tall are ajectives T F.
Write, listen, read are adjectives T F.
Beautiful, small, tall are verbs T F.
The possessive adjective of i is my T F.
Thwe possesive adjetive you Is Our T F.
The possessive adjetive of he is here T F.
The positive adjective of She is here T F.
The posesivo adjetivo we is our T F.
The posesivo adjetivo of they is your T F.
The nacionality of australia is australian T F.
The nationality of china is chinese T F.
The Nationality of Italy is italian T F.
The nationality of Ecuador is ecuatorian F T.
Nacionalidad of France is french T F.
The nationality of brazil is brazilian T F.
The ordinal number 1 is writing First T F.
The ordinal number 2 Is written third T F.
The ordinal Number 3 is writing third T F.
The ordinal number 15 is Written Fiftenn T F.
The original number 17 is whiting Seventeenthe T F.
The ordinal number 18 is written eigthteenth T F.
The ordinal number 21 is written twenty one T F.
The ordinal number 26 is written twenty-sixth T F.
The ordinal number 29 is written ninetieth T F.
The ordinal number 19 is written nineteenth T F.
The past simple of the verb Feel is fel T F.
The past simple of the verb Say is Said T F.
The past simple of the verb Take is took T F.
The past simple of the verb speak is spoken F T.
The past simple of the verb Drive is Drove T F.
The past participle of the verb come is come T F.
The past participle of the verb drink is drunk T F.
The past participle of the verb catch is caught T F.
The past participle of the verb Cut is cutten T F.
The past participle of the verb know is knew T F.
In the following sentences the to be verb is correct Camila Are a pilot F T.
In the following sentences the to be verb is correct I am Police officer T F.
In the following sentences the to be verb is correct Julieta are a musician T F.
In the following sentences the to be verb is correct they are World champions T F.
In the following question the to be Verbs is correct are He at home T F.
In the following simple present question is the auxiliary correct does they live in New York F T.
In the following simple present question is the auxiliary correct do they have a y children T F.
In the following simple present question is the auxiliary correct does she work every saturday T F.
In the following simple present question is the auxiliary correct do you read books F T.
In the following simple present question is the auxiliary correct do Peter paly football T F.
The eyes of a person are in the Head T F.
The hAir of a person is on their foot T F.
The neck of a person is on their Legs T F.
The hand of a person has fingers T F.
The ears of a person are on the Head T F.
In the following past continuous sentences the auxiliar y Verb is correct Carlos was Going To his home T F.
In the following past continuous sentences the auxiliar y Verb is correct marcó a d Ruth was studying all the day T F.
In the following past continuous sentences the auxiliar y Verb is correct you was sleeping in her home T F.
In the following past continuous sentences the auxiliar y Verb is correct she was writting a letter T f.
In the following past continuous sentences the auxiliar y Verb is correct lucían a were riding a hourse T F.
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