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The plural of blackberry is "blackberryes" T F.
The plural of puppy is "puppies" T F.
The plural of cherry is "cherries" T F.
The plural of bus is "bus" T F.
The singular of monkeys is "monkey" T F.
The plural of boss is "bosses" T F.
The plural of roof is "roofs" T F.
The plural of giraffe is "giraffs" T F.
The plural of thief is "thieves" T F.
The plural of he is "they" T F.
The plural of way is "ways" T F.
The singular of she is "they" T F.
The plural of wife is "wives" T F.
The plural of knife is "knives" T F.
The singular of he is "they" T F.
A month of the year is January T F.
A month of the year is December T F.
A month or the year is March T F.
A month of the year is April T F.
Verde" in english is green T F.
Dorado" in english is silver T F.
Plateado" in english is gold T F.
Gris" in english is gray T F.
Morado" in english is purple T F.
Rojo" in english is brown T F.
Rosa" in english is pink T F.
Naranja" in english is yellow T F.
Café" in english is black T F.
The cardinal number 60 is written (sixteen) T F.
The cardinal number 60 is written (sixty) T F.
The cardinal 32 number is written (thrity two T F.
The cardinal number 50 is written (fifty) T F.
The cardinal number 20 is written (twelve) T F.
The cardinal number 97 is written (ninety eight) T F.
The cardinal number 75 is written (seventy five) T F.
The cardinal number 1000 is written (one thousand) T F.
The cardinal number 2000 is written (three hundred) T F.
The cardinal number 67 is written (seventy six) T F.
The possessive adjective of (I) is (my) T F.
The possessive adjective of (you) is (our) T F.
The possessive adjective of (he) is (her) T F.
The possessive adjective of (she) is (her) T F.
The possessive adjective of (we) is (our) T F.
The possessive adjective of (they) is (your) T F.
The nationality of North Korea is South Korean T F.
The nationality of Greece is Graak T F.
The nationality of Mexico is Moroccan T F.
The nationality of Portugal is Portuguese T F.
48 The nationality of Portugal is Portuguese T F.
The nationality of Rusia is Russun T F.
The nationality of Switzerland is Swiss T F.
The nationality of Denmark is Danish T F.
The nationality of Finland is Finnish T F.
The nationality of Poland is Polish T F.
The nationality of Sweden is Swedian T F.
The nationality of Turkey is Turkian T F.
The nationality of Norway is Norwegian T F.
The nationality of Colombia is Colombia T F.
The ordinal number 31st is written (thirty second) T F.
The ordinal number 29th is written (twenty eighth) T F.
The ordinal number 60th is written (sixtieth) T F.
The ordinal number 13th is written (thirteenth) T F.
The ordinal number 40th is written (fourteenth) T F.
The ordinal number 20th is written (tweentieth) T F.
The ordinal number 32nd is written (thirty second) T F.
The ordinal number 52nd is written (fifty second) T F.
The ordinal number 9th is written (ninety) T F.
The past simple of the verb (be) is (was/were) T F.
The past simple of the verb (dig) is (dug) T F.
The past participle of the verb (tell) is (told) T F.
The past participle of the verb (throw) is (threw) T F.
The past participle of the verb (let) is (let) T F.
The past participle of the verb (have) is (had) T F.
The past simple of the verb (do) is (did) T F.
The past simple of the verb (drive) is (drove) T F.
The past simple of the verb (eat) is (eaten) T F.
The past simple of the verb (freeze) is (froze) T F.
The past simple of the verb (forget) is (forgotten) T F.
In the following sentence the "to be verb" is correct? "Jhon are from Colombia" T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Carlos is happy" T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Marco and David is friends" T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Kim and Logan are students"? T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "I am a doctor"? T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Harold is from Quito"? T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is he divorced?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is she at school?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are Jane and Alice sisters?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are Marco twenty five years 88 old?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is Maria married?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are you Maria?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are he Jonas?" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Ronaldo and Neymar are soccer players? T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Is she Mariana?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do you go to the meeting?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does your mother go to work?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do they travel to Europe?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do Mary change her haircut?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does Pedro and Fernando work in the army?" T F.
The nose of a person is in the chest T F.
The nose of a person is in the head T F.
The hair of a person is on the head T F.
The ears of a person are on the hand T F.
the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? “Carlos was going to his home" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? “Marco and Ruth was studying all the day" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? “You was sleeping in her home" T F.
In the following past continuos ? “She writting a letter" T F.
In the following past continuos “Luciana were riding a horse" T F.
In the following past continous sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? They were coming with their friends “ T F.
In the following past continous sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? Viviana was reading many books “ T F.
In the following past continous sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? Fabricio were going to the hospital T F.
In the following past continous sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? Nicolás was going to the pool “ F T.
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