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Fecha de Creación: 07/08/2024 Categoría: Personal Número Preguntas: 28 |

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What are the colors of the mexico´s flag? Red, white, green yellow, black, red Blue,green, white. what is the correct mentioned number? sixteen, sixty 60,16 66,16 16,60. complete the setence correctly. This is ______ Sharpencer. a an that. That is _____ envelope an a that. my name´s is Olga. I´m from Russia I´m 21years old. Where is she fom? She´s from Russia She´s from Mexico city She´s from Canada . Complete with the correcct word. arnold schwazennegger is from Austria,so hespeaks_____ and english. German French Nauhtl. Complete correctly: She____and they ______ are, are are, is is, are. Complete correctly: I________ Russian. I´m Mexican. I´m not aren´t isn´t. The countries thar form the unitedkingdom are. Scotland, England,Wales and Nothern Ireland. Canada, USA, Brasil. Japon, China,Scotland. Scotland is in the ___ of the U.K South North East. She _________brown eyes. Is Has got Are. My sister is my mother´s ________. Daughter Son Cousin . You are ______ (for character) Beautiful Clever Pretty. The next adjetive is for apperance Overweigt Funy Friendly. The next adjetive is for character. Slim Kind Toll. __________you swim? Yes, I _________. Can´t can Can, can Can, can´t . The blue car is _________. my mine i . What ___ you _____ in the morning? does, do do,do do, does. I ________ reading comics,but. I ________ reading book. like,like love, like like, love . What time is it? 6:30 It´s six, thirty. It´s half past six. It´s six o´clock. Tom and Meg _____ jogging on saturdays. goes go going. Complete setence: He wears a uniform and protets people: Vet Arquitect Police officer. These things belong to the kitchen. Pillow,beside table. Sink, cooker. Bath, towels Sofa, arm chair. Villas are usually ____ and attractive. Flats are usually ______ and modern. Traditional, empty Small, very expensive Expensive, busy. There ____ a cup in the cupboard. There ____ some cups in the sink. is, are is, is are, is . Where can you buy magazines? In the _______. Chemists. Butcher´s Newsagent´s. Excuse me, is there a bank _____? Near, here Turn right Walk past. A _______of bread. Loaf cup Bottle. |
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