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Which of the following sets of expressions is incorrect? Seleccione una: a. more bigger than - happyer than - more hardly than - more good than b. more complex than - healthier than - more difficult than - better than c. more exhausting than - warmer than - tidier than - more organized than d. more complicated than - hotter than - more interesting than - dryer than.
Match the sentence beginning with its corresponding ending. There is only one possible answer. If I'd known she lived far away, Seleccione una: a. I would've asked her out. b. I wouldn't have asked her out. c. I could ask her out.
Mark the statement that best completes the sentence. I wish my parents... Seleccione una: a. hadn't gone on holiday without me. b. had go on holiday without me. c. hadn't go on holiday without me. d. had gone on holiday without me. a. hadn't gone on holiday without me. b. had go on holiday without me. c. hadn't go on holiday without me. d. had gone on holiday without me.
Which statement explains the following wish? The Wellers wish they didn't have to deal with so noisy neighbours. Seleccione una: a. The Wellers live in a very quiet area. b. The Wellers live in a very naughty area. c. The Wellers live in a very nosy area. a. The Wellers live in a very quiet area. b. The Wellers live in a very naughty area. c. The Wellers live in a very nosy area. d. The Wellers live in a very noisy area.
Which of the following statements is correct? Seleccione una: a. There are only imaginary conditional sentences. b. There are real and unreal conditional sentences. c. There are conditional sentences only about the past. a. There are only imaginary conditional sentences. b. There are real and unreal conditional sentences. c. There are conditional sentences only about the past. .
Mark the statement that best completes the sentence. ...see my relatives more often. Seleccione una: a. I wish I... b. I wish I did... c. I wish I could... d. I wish I couldn't... a. I wish I... b. I wish I did... c. I wish I could... d. I wish I couldn't...
What is the correct reported speech sentence for the following information? Jake to his girlfriend: You shouldn't go back home too late. a. Jake said her girlfriend that she shouldn't go back home too late. b. Jake told to his girlfriend that she shouldn't go back home too late. c. Jake told his girlfriend that she shouldn't go back home too late. .
What is the correct reported speech sentence for the following information? The president: We are all here to celebrate a glorious moment in our lives. Seleccione una: a. The president said that us were all there to celebrate a glorious moment in their lives. b. The president told that we were all there to celebrate a glorious moment in our lives. c. The president said that we were all there to celebrate a glorious moment in our lives.
What is the correct reported speech sentence for the following information? The doctor to her patient: You have to take these pills tonight and tomorrow. Seleccione una: a. The doctor told her patient that he had to take these pills tonight and the following day. b. The doctor said her patient that he had to take those pills that night and the following day. c. The doctor told her patient that he had to take those pills that night and the following day.
What is the correct reported speech sentence for the following information? The news report: Authorities have sent a warning about a new influenza virus. Seleccione una: a. The news report said that authorities had sent a warning about a new influenza virus. b. The news report told that authorities had sent a warning about a new influenza virus. c. The news report told to that authorities had sent a warning about a new influenza virus. .
What is the correct passive voice sentence for this sentence: The people in the village never saw such a strange animal. Seleccione una: a. Such a strange animal had never be seen by the people in the village. b. Such a strange animal had never been seen by the people in the village. c. Such a strange animal had never saw by the people in the village. .
Read the following set of words. Reorder them so that you create a logical sentence. Don't forget to use correct punctuation. not to were They asked do that They were asked not to do that asked were they not to do that.
Write the corresponding missing section in the following setence: If the authorities had paid more attention to the neighbours' complaints, there Respuesta a. wouldn't been too many complications right now. b. wouldn't have.
Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Use capitals only if necessary. For years, people have wished that time didn't go.
Match the statements to create logical sentences. Teachers of this course RESPUESTA were more responsible with their assignments. Lucy wishes she RESPUESTA hadn't had to live in Ecuador on her own... Charles and his parents wish they RESPUESTA → hadn't been all together in the same bedroom Jakes wishes his family RESPUESTA were easier to live with.
Match each beginning with its corresponding ending. There are two extra options you will not have to use If parents didn't care for their children What would you do If it rains tonight She would buy a new car .
Which statement explains the following wish? The Wellers wish they didn't have to deal with so noisy neighbours. Seleccione una: a. The Wellers live in a very quiet area. a. The Wellers live in a very quiet area. b. The Wellers live in a very naughty area. c. The Wellers live in a very nosy area. d. The Wellers live in a very noisy area.
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