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Ingles Final A


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This is what the patient tells you is wrong ,for example:chest pain. Chief complaint Present complaint Symptom Pain.
The questions,does it radiate /move anywhere else ? ,it refers to: Time course Severity Radiation Site.
Is a illness that causes body temperature to rise Flu Cold Fever Headache.
Is a viral illness that can cause fevers,aches ,and wheezing Flu Fever Flue Cold.
Is a pain felt in the head Hurt Chest pain Cold Headache.
What type of injurie is Cut Swell Bruise Burn.
Your nose is full.It is hard to breathe from your nose Fatigue Congestion Constipation Sneeze.
Your stool (poop) is too hard. It doesnt come out easily Headache Congestion Diarrhea Constipation.
Hard to eat or drink because throat hurts Cough Congestion Sore throat Sneeze.
Feel faint or wobbly Nausea Dizziness Headache Paint.
Is to have pain that comes and goes very quicly Sharp pain Hurt Symptom Trob.
Is a feeling or physical change that indicates illnes Fever Pain Depression Symptom.
Is to breathe with difficulty in a noisy manner Sore throat Cough Sneeze Whezze.
Is the start or first instance of something Present medical history Obejtive data Onset Beginning.
Having liquid leaking from the nose Bloody nose Sneeze Flu Runny nose.
Is a collection of information Medical history Complaint Data Diary.
Is the act of tapping on an area of the body such as the chest or abdomen to determine the condition of the underlying bone or tissue Tapping Inspection Auscultation Percussion.
A organized examination of a patient´s physiological state as compared to what is understood to be normal Palpation Evaluation Inspection Auscultation.
Is the examination of something by touching Tapping Palpation Percussion Auscultation.
Is the examination of something by listening with or without an instrument as a stethoscope,for example internal organs Auscultation Percussion Inspection Palpation.
It refers to de overall appearance and shape of a persons body Inspection Demographic Objetive data Body build .
Is verbal or written permission for something to happend Subjetive data Data Permission Consent.
is understood as demographic: This data is personal information such as sex,age and nationality Is health information that an observer can see and test Is health information taht only the patient is aware of .This includes things such as itching or pain Is the displaying of emotion trough facial expressions ,movements ,etc.
Is health information that an observer can see and test Subjetive data Consent Objetive data Body build .
Is then health information that only the aptient is aware of .This includes thing such as pain or itching Objetive data Subjetive data Affect Demographic.
Is a medical condition in wich a person loses kidney function over time CKD CBC ECG TSH.
Is a test to determine how much kidney function a person has GFR test BUN test Blood test Biopsy.
Is a type of protein found in the blood Creatinine Albumin Plasma Urea .
Test that provide a picture of the inside of the body Body fluids Body functions ECG Imaging.
Procedure to examine inside the urethra and the bladder Cytoscopy Endoscopy MRI Hysteroscopy.
This type of test ,measures the number of red blood cells ,white blood cells and platelets in the blood ;and also to measure levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit CBC Blood smear Blood chemistry Urine test.
Is a form of medical imaging that uses many- two dimensional X-rays to create a three-dimensional image of an object X-RAY. CFR test ECG CT-scan.
Is a waste product found in blood that the kidney usually removes Urea Creatinine Albumin CBC.
Is a test to determine the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood GFR test CKD Urinalysis BUN test.
Is a medical imaging technique taht uses magnetic forces on atoms to produce an imaging of the body CT -scan Biopsy X-ray MRI.
Is an imaging technique used to visualise parts of the body by injecting small dose of a radioactive chemical into the body MRI Endoscopy Radiosoisotope scan CT-scan.
Is the pregancy hormone CHG ECG GCH HCG.
Infectious disease caused by bacteria that colonise the samll intestine and affect the body´s absorption of water.Causes violent diarrhea and extreme losses of the bodily fluid E.Coli infection Coeliac Disease Cholera Pancreatic cancer.
Autoinmmune disease ,where the bodys inmmune system attacks its own tissues. Pancreatic cancer Emphysema Coeliac disease E.Coli disease.
The part of a hospital where pregnant women or women who have just given birth to babies are looked after Obstrectics Neonatology Nursery Maternity ward.
A room where someone who is ill rests or gets medical treatment ICU Housekeeping department Sick room consulting room.
Department tha deals with the care of children Nursery Pediatrics Pediatrician Ginecology.
Medical care wich does not provide a cure for disease ,but reduces its severity or slow its progess Cardiology Anesthetic Palliative care Psicologist.
Treats kidney diseases Gastroenterologist Nephrologist Allergist Obstretician .
Listed according to time or date Concise Legible At risk Chronological order .
You use these to see Ears Eyes Mouth Arms.
Special container that stores harmful biological substances Sharp container Oxygen tank Biohazard waist container Latex gloves.
A mattress that helps to prevent sores by keeping preassure off of certain areas of the body Strecher Walker Syringe Alternating pressure mattress .
Thin netted material used for dressing wounds Gauze Bandage Scales Antiseptic.
Hospital garment that a patient wears Bandage Gloves Wheelchair Gown .
Is the joint betwen de upper and lower arm Ankle Wrist Finger Elbow .
Are the body parts that are furthest from the center of the body like hand and feet Hands Toe Extremities Skull.
One of the small extensions at the end of the foot Toes Fingers Toe Finger.
Is the most common foot injury.Occurs when the foot rolls in a twisting motion Dislocation Ankle strain Fracture Ankle sprain.
Is a stretching or tearing of ligaments Strain Sprain Dislocation Fracture.
Is a streatching or tearing of muscle or tendon Sprain Dislocation Knee injury Strain .
Is the place in the human body where inner thigh and the lower abdomen meet Wrist Abdomen Groin Ribcage.
Portion of the head from the chin to the forehead Ears Cheek Jaw Face.
Upper part of the body that contains the brain and the face Arm Neck Forehead Head.
What is the smallest bone iun the body? Patella Stirrup Thigh Tenny.
Bones meet at Joints Ligaments A local restaurant The rib cage .
How many bone does an adult human have? 500 110 207 206.
The rib cage protects your: Liver Heart Lungs All above.
How many bones are in the spine ? 100 23 66 33.
What´s in the center of a bone ? Cream filing Compact bone Cacellous bone Bone marrow.
Disorder that consist on swelling of the bursa Osteoartritis Scoliosis Bursitis Osteoporosis.
It consist of a 80 bones ; vertebral column ,the rib cage and the skull Axial skeleton Appendicular skeleton Upper body Lower body .
This condition results in the loss of bone tissue and calcium ,the bone gets thinner Osteomalacia Osteoporosis Osteoarthristis Bursitis.
Is a break with no open wound Open fracture Impacted Close Fracture Complex.
Is a break in wich the bone is fragmented or shattered Greenstick Incomplete Comminuted Stress fracture .
A small tube that lets blood and tissue exchange nutrients Vein Artery Alveoli Capillary.
One of the two upper chambers of the heart Valve Atrium Ventricle Aorta.
Estructure in the heart that opens and closes Ventricle Capillary Vena cava Valve.
Is the major tube in the heart taht carries blood to the body Aorta Artery Atrium Vena Cava.
Is a condition in wich the heart beats abnormally Capillary Gastritis Pulmonary disease Arrhythmia .
Is one of the two upper chambers of the heart. It holds blood returning to the heart from the lungs and body Vena cava Atrium Valve Aorta.
Is a small tube in the body that lets blood and tissue,exhange oxygen and nutrients Carbon dioxide Capillary Alveoli Heart.
Is a tube in the body that carries blood back to heart Ventricle Vein Artery Aorta.
Is one of the two lower chambers of the heart. It holds blood that is going to be sent out to the body Atrium Ventricle Aorta Vein.
Wich ventricle pumps blood to the lungs? left right.
Gets blood from the pulmonary vein: Right atrium Left ventricle Left atrium.
Body´s only veins with oxigenated blood Superior vena cava Pulmonary artery Pulmonary veins.
Blood with little oxygen Bright red Dark red blue.
Blood with plenty of oxygen Dark Red Bright Red.
These organs are part of the upper respiratory tract except: Sinues Pharynx Trachea Larynx.
Concern the exchange of gases in the lungs with those in the tissues External respiration Internal respiration .
The accumulation of fatty deposits within the lining of an artery is termed : Embolism Thrombosis Atherosclerosis Aneurysm.
An arterial wall weakned by atherosclerosis ,malformation,injury or other causes may balloon out forming an : Hypertension Tumor Embolism Aneurysm.
The formation of a clot within a vessel is called: Thrombosis Atherosclerosis Emphysema Aneurysm .
Is the process by wich external air is drawn into the body in order to supply the lungs with oxygen ,and used air is expelled from the lungs Internal respiration External respiration Exhale Inhale.
A small part that makes up lining tissue Oxgen Alveoli Bronchial tube Epithelial cell.
The sacs that bring oxygen into the bloodstream Alveoli Lungs Capillarie Lung cancer.
A condition in wich cells in the lungs grow uncontrollably Emphysema Bronquitis Lung Cancer Aneurysm .
A disease that destroys alveoili and limits their function ,causing bretahing and heart problems Lung cancer Asthma Respiratory system Emphysema .
A condition where people have trouble breathing because: Snezze Asthma Pharynx Lung cancer.
Is caused by several different microorganism ,most commonly bacteria and viruses. Pneumonia Asthma Tuberculosis .
The fluid secreted by the lier that aids in the digestion and absorption of fats Saliva Cecum Bile Blood.
The firts portion of the small intestine Jejunum Ileum Cecum Duodenum.
The muscular ,hollow organ that contains strong acids used to digest food Esophagus Colon Pancreas Stomach.
An _____ is usually caused by acid Appendicitis Cramping Ulcer Liver.
Gastric juices in the stomach Kill bacteria Work together to digest food Include hydrochloric acid All of the above .
The muscle of the esphagus squeeze the food downward using ye process of: Gravity Peristalsis Rugae Chyme.
_____ are created to start the digestion Mouth Stomach Enzymes Large and small intestine.
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