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Ingles III

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__________ history with Paul makes The teacher angry. A) Discuss B) Discusses C) Discussed D) Discussing.
I really hoped _____________ traveling this month. A) not be B) not being C) not to be D) do not be.
Tom and Jane bought the car. Now its _________. A) they B) their C) theirs D) they’re.
Only these three books are in English. The other______ are in Spanish. A) own B) owns C) one D) ones.
Mike typed ________ letters. It was Sam who typed most of them. A) few B) a few C) little D) a little.
Bess __________ tired of Edgar before they were married. A) got B) went C) put D) made.
______ John _________his promise? A) Has / forgot B) Does / forgot C) Has / forgotten D) Does /forgotten.
Mike has _________mother twice this week. A) visits B) a visit C) visited D) be visiting.
_______ they ________ on the project lately? A) Should/ work B) Have / worked C) Will / working D) Could / to work.
I __________ read any of Hemingway’s books until last summer. A) wouldn’t B) hadn’t C) don’t D) can’t.
We have _____________ not telling James about the accident. A) considered B) decided C) expected D) planned.
Jean doesn’t want ___________ my brother. A) help B) helps C) to help D) helping.
We must leave ______midday. Let’s hurry. A) into B) about C) toward D) through.
The mail comes __________midday. A) over B) into C) about D) through.
The President and his wife ___________ cut the ribbon last night A) itself B) himself C) yourselves D) themselves.
Mother advised Linda_________ A) how she is studying Biology B) what to use is the problem C) how to dress well D) what she will fix.
The students are not lazy. __________them will arrive late. A) none B) most C) none of D) most of.
Sam shouldn’t marry Joan. She’s _______ smart for him. A) too B) quite C) almost D) enough.
I finished my homework, but Anne didn’t finish_________ A) her B) she C) hers D) she’s.
Jack spoke_______ fast_______ Frank. A) as / as B) same / than C) so / as D) more/than.
______was nice ________ you A) It / meet B) It / to meet C) There/meet D) There/ to meet.
Con “the” A) Do you like ________rock music? B) This is ________ pencil I was looking for. C) We know ______ apples are usually red. D) Is your brother working for ________ Mr. Taylor?.
Con ‘a” A) She invited us for ________ dinner tonight B) Ruddy goes to the seaside every _________ week. C) John had _______ wonderful time during his trip. D) The children don’t want to go to ______ bed early. .
Con “the” A) We never have _________ breakfast before seven. B) He will be in _______ jail for three months. C) They shouldn’t play in ________ street. D) Mary left For________ School late.
Con “the” A) He goes to _______bed late. B) She went to _____Art Museum. C) I was in ______jail for one year. D) We sailed in ________ Lake Victoria.
Sin “the” A) Steve is ______teacher’s cousin. B) Did Bill receive _____post-card? C) Maggie called _____Doctor Palmer. D) Are you living near ______ Johnson’s?.
Sin “the” A) You will have fun in ______ Andes. B) He spends hours in _______ Art Museum. C) I visited _______ Mount Everest last summer. D) She studies in _________ University of California.
When i was born, Aunt Sally _____________ married yet. A) Had / been B) Did / being C) Should / be D) Would / to be.
A continuación se le presenta un texto que usted deberá leer con atención y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en el, contestará las preguntas 29y 30. The octopus is often cast as a villainous monster in adventure movies. It is said to hide in dark places, waiting for unsuspecting divers to pull them to their deaths. In reality, the octopus is not a fearsome monster at all, rather it is an intelligent, timid and very interesting animal. The octopus is not nearly as aggressive as its close relative, the ten-armed squid*. One octopus will indeed attack, and even sometimes eat another octopus that enters its territory, but divers report that it will usually try to avoid contact with man. Interestingly enough, however, octopi in captivity can become very friendly with man and will seek human company rather than avoid it Octopi are sometimes playful and clever. A naughty** laboratory specimen waited for the technicians to leave the laboratory to make nightly trips to a nearby tank to eat fish. The technicians were mystified*** by the disappearance of the fish until they caught the octopus on one of its nightly raids. Far from being a monster to be feared, the octopus is another of the interesting members of nature. * squid - a marine mollusk with a long body and ten arms around the mouth. ** naughty - mischievous, playful, teasing. ***mystified - bewildered, perplexed. Which of the following ideas is included in the text? A) Laboratory technicians like to play with octopi. B) Octopi like to be kept in laboratories. C) Octopi are considered shy and smart animals. D) Laboratory technicians fear octopi.
The phrase “The octopus is not nearly as aggressive as its close relative, the ten-armed squid” means: A) Octopi and squids have ten arms. B) Squids are more aggressive than octopi. C) Squids and octopi belong to the same family. D) Octopi become aggressive when they are near .
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