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1. __________ the Plaza Grande yesterday? No, I didn’t. I went to the Panecito. a. Did you visit b. Have you ever been to c. Have you visited.
2. Your friend Jaime is very ________. He can’t stay quiet for more than two seconds! a. active b. talkative c. significant.
3. June is the ________ month in Quito. It never rians. a. windiest b. sandiest c. driest.
4. Can you turn on a light? It is too ________ in here. a. dark b. still c. shrill.
5. What is the _________? It is an underground train. a. subway b. railroad c. was playing.
6. She is my mother’s sister. You mean your ________. a. cousin b. aunt c. niece.
7. Do you want to go with me to the soccer game? I’d _________. I don’t like that sport. a. wont b. should not c. rather not.
8. If you want to watch anything, you need to hook _________ your TV to an antenna. a. down b. up c. in.
9. Do you know when the U.S. Open stats? I don’t know. Let me _______ it up online. a. look b. watch c. see.
10. Miguel, your room is a mess. Please ________ away all your toys. a. pick b. put c. cast.
11. Did you like the movie? Very much! The ending was really ________. a. surprising b. fascinated c. surprised.
12. I work in a genetics laboratory. Wow! That sounds _________. a. annoying b. interested c. interesting.
13. I hate watching “The Exorcist”. It is too ________. a. scaring b. scared c. scary.
14. I’m really _________ of snakes. I never get close the them. a. scared b. scary c. scare.
15. Did you hear? Gregorio won first prize in a chess tournament. Really? That is _________! a. shocked b. amazing c. amazed .
16. Can you help me with calculus? It is too _______ for me. a. confused b. confounded c. confusing.
17. I am so ________ about my new job! It is exactly what I hoped for. a. exciting b. excited c. annoyed.
18. A lot of the houses in New Orleans were _________ damaged by Hurricane Katrina. a. badly b. surprisingly c. conveniently.
19. A: Calm down, Cesar! B: Why do you say that? I’m not angry _______. a. absolutely b. at all c. so.
260. He doesn’t like to share. He’s very _______. a. unreliable b. unacceptable c. selfish.
21. A: I fell from my bike yesterday and sprained my ankle. B: Well, __________ you didn’t break it. a. I guess b. absolutely c. at least.
22. A: My research is about sports injuries. I’m a medical doctor. B: _________? Me too! a. Do you b. Are you c. Can you.
23. A: Excuse me, teacher. Is ________ Everest the tallest mountain in the world? a. Peak b. Mount c. Mountain.
24. Be careful with that pot. You could burn yourself! It has _________ water. a. smoked b. boiling c. pickled.
25. I don’t understand what this guy’s talking about. He’s not _______ any sense. a. making b. doing c. having.
26. Do you remember that looked pretty interesting? It turned ________ it was really boring. a. off b. in c. out.
27. A: I think Classical music is the best. B: Yeah, jazz is also great, _________. a. though b. I see c. really.
28. I wish I _________ have a dog. However, my apartment is very small. a. should b. could c. can.
29. Hey, Carl. Is my music bothering you? I can turn it _________ if you want. a. down b. in c. on.
30. A: Hi, Esteban! I haven’t seen you in months. B: I know! What _________ since we graduated? a. are you doing b. you done c. have you been doing.
31. A: I am traveling with my family to Mompiche tomorrow. ________ if I left my dog with you for the weekend? B: No problem! a. It feels good b. It seems ok c. Would it be all right.
32. I don’t feel safe when you drive. You are too _______. a. laid-back b. reckless c. competitive.
33. A: Someone stole my computer from my house. B: Well, _________ you are safe and unhurt. a. actually b. at least c. oh, gosh.
34. Why are you laughing, Evelyn? This is not _______. a. funny b. fun c. outgoing.
35. A: I travel to the mountains every winter. I ski very well. B: _________? That is really cool. a. I guess b. Do you c. Better go.
36. A: What do you think about Barcelona this year? B: _________, they are playing really well. a. If you ask me b. I know c. The thing is.
37. A: I’m going to make cupcakes. Do you want one? B: ________. I’m on a diet. a. I’d better not b. I’m not having them c. I don’t have to.
38. A: Do you like living with your roommate? B: Yes, I really do. We get ________ very well. a. along b. up c. out.
39. A: I would really like to skateboard. B: It is really dangerous, _________. a. though b. just c. I agree.
40. I wish I _________ a longer vacation. I would love to travel to Asia! a. had b. have c. were having.
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