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Inglés mar



Fecha de Creación: 17/03/2023

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 69
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Unit 1: Motor Tanker.
Motor Vessel.
theory and practice of navigating, directing the course of a ship. Navigation: Multilingual: Convention:.
speaking more than one language. Multilingual: Convention: Navigation:.
formal agreement between countries. Convention: Multilingual Distress.
carried or used aboard a vessel. On board: Watchkeeping: Disabled:.
being on duty aboard a ship for a period of time. Watchkeeping: Urgency: Distress:.
serious danger to ship, crew and passengers. Uses Pan Pan. Urgency: Safety: Disabled:.
serious and immediate danger to ship, crew or passengers. Uses Mayday. Safety: Distress: Urgency:.
imminent risk for navigation. Uses Securité. Safety: Distress: Urgency:.
vessel damaged in such a manner as to be incapable of proceeding. Disabled: Adrift: Not Under Command:.
vessel moving uncontrollably by current, tide or wind. Adrift: Disabled: Not Under Command:.
vessel unable to manoeuvre as requiered by the COLREGs. Not Under Command: Capsized: Adrift:.
vessel turned over. Capsized: Not Under Command: Wreck.
vessel destroyed, sunk, or abandoned at sea. Wreck: Derelict: Moored:.
vessel still afloat, abandoned at sea. Derelict: Moored: Hampered.
vessel secured by ropes or made fast to the shore or anchors. Moored: Hampered: Underway:.
vessel restricted by her ability to manoeuvre by the nature of her work. Hampered: Underway Moored:.
vessel not at anchor, or made fast to the shore or aground. Underway: Hampered: Derelict:.
International Maritime Organization. IMO: SMCP: STCW: .
Standard Marine Communication Phrases. SMCP: STCW: GMDSS:.
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. (RIPA) COLREG: STCW: SMCP.
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers. STCW: SMCP: GMDSS:.
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System. GMDSS: STCW: COLREG:.
Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. (RIPA). COLREG: STCW: SMCP: .
Unit 4. change or addition to a convention or law.
you need it against asphyxia, when there is too much smoke in the air.
are foldable ladders that hang from the main or exposed deck along the hull side, are used for boarding lifeboats.
is a safety device designed to extinguish incipient fires, consists of a sheet of a fire retardant material.
you need it to spray water or powder to a fire to put it out.
bunker gear is the PPE used by firefighters.
you need it to take care of a wound or injury.
is launched instantly, directly by the ship, it is stored in a slip way and drops into the water for a quick gateway in case of fire, explosion, etc.
is a distress signal for lifeboats and liferafts, is used as a line of sight distress signal by day and night.
you need it in the cold sea.
designed to be lowered with the use of davits.
is an object that keeps a person afloat, you must throw it after a person overboard, so its attached to the railing next to the water.
is a sleeveless buoyant or inflatable jacket for keeping a person afloat in water.
usually inflatable, stored in a container called canister abord a ship, you need it to save lives in case the vessel has to be abandoned in an emergency.
is used to throw weighted ropes known as lines over long distances, it uses a variety of launching methods and can be used for numerous maritime applications.
Life-Saving Appliances.
is a rescue boat we use when there is a man overboard.
the place where the crew and industrial personnel assemble before boarding a survival craft.
Public Address System.
something specified as compulsory.
a boat designed to rescue persons in distress and to marshal survival craft.
a oyrotechnic signal complying with the requirements of the IMO International Life-Saving Appliances Code.
it is design to save people who must abandon ship in case of emergency, such as sinking or fire, it is unsinkable, with buoyancy that cannot be damaged, and is constructed to withstand heavy, rough seas.
signal that uses smoke from a fire or device to represent words or send messages over long distances.
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea.
a framework of two poles with a long piece of canvas slung between them, used for carrying sick, injured, or dead people.
Unit 5. a device or structure external to the ship, designed to assist in determining the ship’s position, define a safe course, or warn of dangers or obstructions.
a nautical chart is a map that depicts the configuration of the shoreline and seafloor.
go on board a ship.
(EOT) is a communication device used in a ship for the pilot on the bridge to order engineers in the engine room to power the vessel at a certain desired speed.
is used on the bridge, enclosed bridge wings and in the engine room. It includes three text displays and LED indications to give instant view of selected telegraph positions.
the process or activity of accurately ascertaining one’s position and planning and following a route.
an onboard instrument, device, chart, method, etc.,intended to assist in navigation.
is in the engine room and on open bridge wings where they are normally used.This unit includes push-buttons to select teelgraph positions, sub telegraph mode and for control transfer.
Unit 6. Emergency on board - vessel turned over.
structural impact between two ships or one ship and a floating or still object such as an iceberg.
a space which has any of the following characteristics: limited openings for entry and exit, inadequate ventilation, not designed for continuous occupancy. Some examples are tanks, cargo holds, boiler spaces, vaults, manholes, underground tunnels.
is the combustion, chemical reaction of two substances (fuel and oxidiser) with the development of heat happening onboard ship.
is the impact of a ship on seabed or water wayside.
is caused by prolonged exposures to very cold temperatures. When exposed to cold temperatures, your body begins to lose heat faster that it’s produced.
is a situation where someone from the crew of the ship falls out at sea from the ship. This can happen in circumstances like bad weather, accidents or even negligence.
negative polluting effects that oil spills have on the environment and living organisms, including humans, due to the environmental discharge of various organic compounds that make up crude oil.
is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially the marine ecosystem, due to human activity.
a ship that disappears below the surface of water, falling and unlikely to recover.
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