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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEInglés Profesional y Académico Tema 2

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Inglés Profesional y Académico Tema 2

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Señale la opción que NO es correcta: El lenguaje jurídico... Utiliza terminología greco-latina Usa oraciones simples, respetando siempre el orden sujeto-verbo-objeto Utiliza gran cantidad de perífrasis verbales Emplea arcaísmos.
¿Cuál es el equivalente de "indictable offence" en inglés americano? Summary offence Felony Misdemeanor Petty offence.
¿Qué término se utiliza actualmente en el Reino Unido para "plaintiff" en civil? Defendant Respondent Claimant Prosecutor.
"Law derived from custom and from precedent rather than from written codified statuses" es la definición de: Common law Civil law Statute law Criminal law.
"Body of principles and rules of law contained in written codes" es la definición de: Statute law Civil law Criminal law Common law.
"Law concerning the private rights of individuals" es la definición de: Common law Civil law Statute law Criminal law.
"Law concerned with the pinishment of offenders" es la definición de: Statute law Civil law Common law Criminal law.
"Each of the parts of a court, depending on its jurisdiction" es la definición de: Division The bench The judiciary Summons.
"Previous case or legal decision, taken as a guide for future cases" es la definición de: Precedent Judgement Division Common law.
"To become approved by a legislatute or body empowerde to sanction or reject" es la definición de: Pass Enact Claim Gain.
"To establich by legal and authoritative act" es la definición de: Pass Enact Claim Endure.
"The judges of a country, seen as a group" es la definición de: The juciciary The bench Ambas son correctas.
"Decision by a judge in civil procedings" es la definición de: Sentence Judgement Division Civil law.
"Punishment imposed on a person after a criminal trial" es la definición de: Offence Judgement Sentence Criminal law.
"Area and matters over which a court has legal authority" es la definición de: Jurisdiction Division Offence The bench.
"Court order requiring someone to appear in court on a certain day to give evidence" es la definición de: Summons Sentence Judgement Offence.
Coloca la preposición adecuada: "Witness ... the prosecution" For To Of Aganist.
Coloca la preposición adecuada: "Witness ... the defence" For To Of Aganist.
Coloca la preposición adecuada: "Judgement ... the claimant" For Aganist To Over.
Coloca la preposición adecuada: "Judgement ... the defendant" For To Aganist Over.
A person who commits a crime is a(n)... Offender Defendant Suspect Todas son correctas.
When a police officer warns someone that they will be charged with a crime and that what they say may be used in evidence, they ... the suspect Caution Uphold Judge Force.
"Legal punichment given by a court to a convicted person" es la definición de: Sentence Judgement Verdict Conviction.
When an accused person says that they were somewhere else when an act was commited, you say they have a(n)... Alibi Verdict Sentence Plea.
"Decision returned by a jury" es la definición de... Verdict Judgement Sentence Offence.
"Act of setting a person free because they have been found non guilty" es la definición de: Acquittal Alibi Uphold Reverse or overturn.
"Finding that a person accused of a crime is guilty" es la definición de: Conviction Examination Reverse or overturn Sentence.
"Formal questioning in a court" es la definición de: Examination Acquittal Plea Service.
"A defendant's reply to a charge put to them" es la definición de: Plea Verdict Service Conviction.
When you are representing the defendant in court you say you are ... the defendant For Aganist With On.
A decision that has to be followed is called a ... decision Binding Wilfully Service Charged.
When there is more than one judge sitting together they sit... In bench In a panel En banc Todas son correctas.
When a case is heard with no public it is heard in... Chambers Camera Closed court Todas son correctas.
A lawyer who is in active service is called a ... lawyer Practising Wilfully Alibi Binding.
A legal term to say "intentionally" is... Wilfully Reasoned Acquittal Convinced.
"When a court supports the decision of a lower court" es la definición de: Uphold Reverse Overturn Todas son correctas.
"When a court does not support the decission of a lower court" es la definición de: Reverse Overturn Ambas son correctas.
El opuesto de "minor crime" es... Big crime Serious crime Huge crime Large crime.
El opuesto de "serious crime" es... Little crime Minor crime Small crime Unrelavant crime.
"The delivery of court documents" es la definición de: Service Examination Uphold Reverse.
When an act starts to be applied it enters into... Force Plea Service Todas son correctas.
Statutory Instruments have the same satndings as Acts, that is they have ... of Law Force Steatment Charge Reverse.
When judges have to give the reasons for their decisions is called a ... judgement Reasoned Provisional Charged Plain.
If someone is accused of there offences, they are ... with those offences Charged Judged Reversed Overturned.
The plain English equivalent for "a priori" is: From what comes before From the former Before seeing the facts Todas son correctas.
The plain English equivalent for "ad hoc" is: For this purpose In fact In closed court By itself.
The plain English equivalent for "affidavit" is: Sworn steatment Current state of affairs The other way around Ninguna es correcta.
The plain English equivalent for "alias" is: Elsewhere Otherwise known as In good faith In fact.
The plain English equivalent for "alibi" is: Elsewhere By right The other way around Ninguna es correcta.
The plain English equivalent for "bona fide" is: In good faith In fact In blazing offence Among other things.
The plain English equivalent for "de facto" is: In fact By right By itself Todas son correctas.
The plain English equivalent for "de iure" is: By law In the absence of In chambers By the fact itself.
The plain English equivalent for "habeas corpus" is: Produce Current state of affairs By the fact itself Ninguna es correcta.
The plain English equivalent for "in absentia" is: In the absence of In private In closed court In chambers.
The plain English equivalent for "in camera" is: In private In closed court In chambers Todas son correctas.
The plain English equivalent for "inter alia" is: Among other things Current state of affairs In private Ninguna es correcta.
The plain English equivalent for "ipso facto" is: By the fact itself In fact By itself At first sight.
The plain English equivalent for "per se" is: By itself Among other things The other way around Ninguna es correcta.
The plain English equivalent for "prima facie" is: At first sight By itself By the fact itself In blazzing offence.
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