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Fecha de Creación: 20/02/2023

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 242
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The prural of boy is "boys" T F.
The singular of boy is "boys" T F.
The singular of girl is "girls" T F.
The prural of girl is "girls" T F.
The prural or man is "men" T F.
The singular of man is "men" T F.
The prural of woman is "women" T D.
The singular os women is "woman" T F.
The prural of she is "they" T F.
The prural of party is "partys" T F.
A day of the week is Monday T F.
A month of the year is May T F.
A day of the week is Friday T F .
A day of the week is Sunday T F.
A month of the year is Friday T F.
A month of the year is Saturday T F .
A day of the week is July T F.
A day of the week is June T F .
Christmas is celebrated in December T F.
A day of the week is November T F.
"Verde" in english is green T F.
"Negro" in english is black T F.
"Amarillo" in english is orange T F.
"Rojo" in english is red T F.
"Azul" in english is brown T F.
The contrction of (I am) is (I'm) T F.
The contrction of (you are) is (your) T F.
The contraction of (she is) is (she's) T F.
The contraction of (he is) is (he's) T F.
The contraction of (it is) is (its) T F.
The contraction of (they are) is (they're) T F.
The contraction of (we are) is (we're) T F.
"Blanco" in english is brown T F.
The cardinal number 15 is written (fifty) T F.
The cardinal number 23 is written (twenty three) T F.
The cardinal number 54 is written (fifty five) T F.
The cardinal number 19 is written (ninety) T F.
The cardinal number 200 is written (three hundred) T F.
(A,an,the) are articles T F.
(Boy,girl, australia,book) are nouns T F.
(From, at) are articles T F.
(I, he, it, we, they) are nouns T F.
(beautifull, small, tall) are verbs T F.
(Write, listen, read) are adjetives T F.
(beatufull, small, tall) are adjectives T F.
The possessive adjective of (I) is (my) T F.
The possessive adjective of (you) is (our) T F.
The possessive adjective of (he) is (her) T F.
The possessive adjective (she) is (her) T F.
The possessive adjective of (we) is (our) T F.
The possessive adjective of (they) is (your) T F.
The nationality of Australia is Australian T F.
The nationality of China is CHINESE T F.
The nationality of Italy is Italian T F .
The nationality of Ecuador is Ecuatorian T F.
The nationality of France is French T F.
The nationality of Brazil is Brazilian T F.
The ordinal number 1st is written (first) T F.
The ordinal number 2nd is written (third) T F.
The ordinal number 3rd is written (third) T F.
The ordinal number 15th is written (fifteen) T F.
The ordinal number 17th is written (seventeenth) T F.
The ordinal number 18th is written (eigteenth) T F.
The ordinal number 21th is written (tweenty one) T F.
The ordinal number 26th is written (tweenty sixth) T F.
The ordinal number 90th is written (ninetleth) T F.
The ordinal number 19th is written (nineteenth) T F.
The past simple of the verb (feel) is (fel) T F.
The past simple of the verb (say) is (said) T F.
The past simple of the verb (take) is (took) T F.
The past simple of the verb (speak) is (spoken) T F.
The past simple of the verb (drive) is (drove) T F.
The past participle of the verb (come) is (come) T F.
The past participle of the verb (drink) is (drunk) T F.
The past participle of the verb (catch) is (caught) T F.
The past participle of the verb (cut) is (cutten) T F.
The past participle of the verb (know) is (knew) T F.
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "Camila are a pilot" T F.
In the following sentece "the to be verb" is correct? "I am police officer" T F.
In the following sentece "the to be verb" is correcto? "Julieta are a musical" T F .
In the following sentence "the to be verb" is correct? "They are world champions" T F.
In the following question "the to be verb" is correct? "Are he at home?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxilliary correct? "Does they live in New York?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do they have any children?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Does she work every Saturday?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct? "Do Peter play football?" T F.
In the following simple present question, is the auxiliary correct?"Do you read books?" T F.
The eyes of a person are in the head T F.
The hair of a person is on their foot T F.
The neck of a person is on their legs T F.
The hand of a person has fingers T F.
The ears of a person are one the head T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Marco and Ruth was to his home" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "Marco and Ruth was studying all the day" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "You was sleeping in her home" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, the auxiliary verb is correct? "She was writting a letter" T F.
In the following past continuos sentense, tha auxiliary verb is correct? "Luciana were riding a horse" T F.
John, este es mi lápiz/ Jhon,_______is my pencil this that these.
Mira, aquellos son mis padres./ Look,_______ people are my parents those this these .
Disculpe, ¿es este su monedero?/Excuse me, is______ your wallet? those this these .
Entre estas películas no sé cuál quiero ver,/ Between,_____ movies, I don't know which one I want to see. these this that .
¡Mira esos hermosos animales!/ Look at _______ beautiful animals! that this those .
Estas son nuestras chaquetas. /______ are our jackets. these this that .
¿Esos son tus amigos?/Are _____ your friends? those this these .
Entre estos dos vestidos, ¿Cuál prefieres? / Between dresses, which one do you prefer? that this these .
¡Ese es mi teléfono móvil!/:_______ is my mobile phone! that this these .
Este es mi nuevo abrigo./______ is my new coat This that these .
Aquellas naranjas parecen deliciosas./________ oranges look delicious those that this .
Estos son los temas que necesitamos estudiar./_____-are the units we need to study this these those .
Creo que conozco a esa mujer./ I think I know ______ woman. that this these .
Puedes escoger entre estas dos plantas./You can choose between______ two plants these this those .
there are many tourists_____New York. At on in .
I met him_____ the South of Spain on in at.
My apartment is_____ the first floor on in at.
The meeting is_____ 3:30 at in on .
What do you do ______ weekends? at in on .
We often go to the beach____ the summer. in on at .
My birthday is_____ the 10th of June on in at .
His birthday is_____May In on at.
Every year I go home_____Christmas. In at on .
We are getting married____ the spring. in on at .
I'm seeing my grandmother____ Tuesdar. on in at.
Susan____ my new friend is are am.
I_____ a very good driver. are is am .
My neighbours______ very noisy. are is am .
Your black cat_____ in the garden. is are am.
Susan and Mike______my parents. is are am.
They____ my best friends. are is am .
I____sure are is am.
Your best friend____ at home. is are am.
We____ from Spain. are is am.
Luke and Tom____ actors. is are am.
We____ in the park. are is am.
Last night we____(walk) to the cinema. walked walk weak .
Sam_____(stop) the car to take a picture. spell stop stopped.
I_____ (study) for the car to take a picture. studied study start .
The school____(begin) three weeks ago. began begin begun .
When she was younger she____(hate) cheese. hot hat hated.
She___(miss) the party. missed miss mis.
When I was young, we always____(go) to Florida for the summer. went want wanted .
My father never_____(play) football when he was a child. plays played play .
It____(take) us five minutes to get to the office last Friday. token take took .
We____(meet) them at the restaurant met mit meet.
He____(find) a book fear found fat .
_____ she want to come? Does Do Don't.
He _____play tennis (negative) doesn't don't do .
____you want to go to London? (negative) does doesn't don't .
They_____ like pineapple (negative) don't doesn't do .
Why____ we fight for this? do don't does .
_____she like pears? do Does don't.
Yes,she____ does doesn't don't.
It ______ hurt! (negative) doesn't don't do.
_____she want to live in Valencia? don't do does .
_____ you want to stay here? do doesn't does .
She_____ like it (negative) doesn't don't do .
Mis padres son geniales./______parents are great. me my your .
Tu nombre es Peter./_____ name is Peter Your our their .
Su nombre es Mario./_____name is Mario. our his her.
Su nombre es Claire./_____name is Claire her his our .
Tengo una mascota su nombre es Trek./I have a pet ____name is Trek. my its our .
Nuestro nombre de familia es Smith./_____family name is Smith. our his her .
Sus nombres son Peter and Claire./_____names are Peter and Claire. his our your .
Sus nombres son Charles y Oscar./____name are Charles and Oscar. their his my .
Me gusta tu bolso nuevo./I like _____ new bag. her his your .
Su madre no sabe lo del accidente./_____mother doesn't know about the accident. his our their .
Nos llevó a todos en su coche./She drove all of us in_____car. his her our.
He____ at home when I called. was were weren't.
We_____ so tired that we decided to stay at home. wasn't was were.
The game_____very funny. was were weren't .
I_____ very happy during my childhood. were was weren't .
He_____ sick the whole weekend. was were weren't.
We_____ so young back then! wasn't was were.
They____ bored. were was wasn't .
I think that they____(negative) so professional as they sald. weren't was wasn't.
The weather_____ amazing during our vacations. was were weren't.
My parents_____ at the supermarket this afternoon. was were wasn't.
We_____(negative) married back then. weren't was wasn't .
Nariz in english is____ nouse eye foot .
pecho in english is_____ mouth arm chest.
ojo in english is_____ eye knee stomach .
pie in english is_____ hair foot face.
pierna in english is_____ leg arm neck .
brazo in english is_____ lips arm shoulder.
boca in english is_____ mouth eye knee.
cuello in english is_____ neck fingers hair .
diente in english is____ ankle face tooth .
labios in english is____ lips face waist.
actor in english is____ judge actor doctor .
arquitecto in english is_____ architect lawyer surgeon .
juez in english is_____ judge firefighter manager .
doctor in english is____ police engineer doctor .
abogado in english is_____ lawyer vet dentist .
cirujano in english is____ writer surgeon nurse .
cientifico in english is_____ scientist nurse journalist .
profesor in english is_____ teacher musician actor .
veterinario in english is____ vet actor architect.
dentista in english is _____ doctor judge dentist .
rojo in english is______ red blue green .
azul in english is____ black blue orange .
verde in english is ______ green purple golden .
negro in english is______ yellow silver black .
naranja in english is_____ orange grey yellow .
morado in english is____ purple silver belge .
dorado in english is _____ pink golden silver .
plateado in english is ____ silver golden white .
amarillo in english is _____ yellow red green .
gris in english is_____ white grey black .
lunes in english is _____ Monday March May .
martes in english is_____ May Thursday Tusday .
miércoles in english is______ Wednesday Saturday Sunday .
jueves in english is_____ Tuesday Thursday March .
12:15 it's quarter past twelve it's ten to twelve it's quarter to six .
6:30 it's quarter to six it's half past six it's twelve past six .
5:02 It's two past five it's twenty past ten it's quarter past twelve .
11:50 it's ten to eight it's two past five it's ten to twelve .
7:00 it's seven o'clock it's ten to eight it's six o'clock .
10:20 it's quarter past ten it's quarter to ten it's twenty past ten .
7:55 it's five to eight it's quarter to eight it's half past seven .
6:12 it's quarter to six it's half past six it's twelve past six .
7:50 it's ten to eight it's five to eight it's quarter to six .
5:45 it's quarter to six it's five past six it's quarter past five .
2:30 it's half past six it's half past two it's quarter to six .
6:15 it's quarter past six it's quarter to eight it's half past seven .
11:20 it's twenty past eleven it's five past six it's quarter past five .
10:55 it's two past five it's five to eleven it's ten to eight .
9:50 it's ten to nine it's it's ten to twelve it's quarter to six .
10:22 it's two past five it's twenty two past ten it's ten to eight .
6:50 it's ten to seven it's quarter to eight it's half past seven .
1:45 it's quarter to two it's five to eight it's quarter past seven .
12:10 it's twelve past six it's quarter to six it's ten past twelve .
5:40 it's twenty to six it's twenty past ten it's quarter past twelve .
it's half past seven 7:30 17:30 8:30 .
it's ten to seven 6:10 6:45 6:50 .
it's twenty two past ten 10:22 10:20 10:30 .
it's five to eight 8:05 7:55 8:55.
it's quarter to eight 7:45 7:50 7:15.
it's twenty to six 5:40 6:40 6:45.
it's quarter to ten 9:40 10:15 9:45.
it's half past two 2:45 2:30 2:00 .
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