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Título del test:
ingles VI segunda parte

guía para el estudio de la materia ingles VI prepa abierta

Jamir Puerto
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 60
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Dad wants to ______ my baby sister _______ Grand mother over/ up name/after in / with.
The whole family ___ forward ___ to their country looked/to return running/ get heart/ eat.
Mr. Adams has to keep __________ touch ________ us. in / with on/were in/out.
Nobody will ___ his protests ___ They are not justified yes/ to see/up set/up.
Will you remember _______________? to your friends about my medicine ask my cuestion.
The fans _______ for Jake Mason outside his hotel wich waited because.
Benjamin has________ on moving to a small city playing planned dod.
National ___ oil will increase this year output over up.
If you don’t _______ an eye ______ your briefcase, you might lose it keep/ on out/up.
I will remind you_______ thank you for you to about our date.
I kept on _______ for Jack till midnight, but he didn’t show up waiting were werebther.
What is the main idea of the text? One shouldn’t keep silence for personal security It is necessary to create a universal language in order to improve man`s communication. The amount of the available food animals .
Which of the following ideas is true according to the text? The amount of the available food animals need determines the territory the choose The goal of Mayakovsky was to proclaim the Russian Revolution.
What does the word “they” underlined in line 7, refer to? lonly in word Late arrivals.
The new technology will bring addition__________ benefits al all to.
Which of the following titles best suits the text? were to come play come how me How the crusades began”.
In the expression “went about” underlined in line 11, the word “about” can be replaced by over she up.
Which of the following ideas is true according to the text? The Turks discriminated Christian pilgrims in Jerusalen The Turks discriminated Christian pilgrims in Jerusalen.
According to the author, Mayakovsky was a political publicist files political come files.
She reminded me____________ about my medicine political publicist.
Dr. Scott:_________ his son to be a doctor too honey hopes.
Which of the following statements expresses the main idea of the text? One shouldn’t keep silence for personal security. It is necessary to create a universal language in order to improve man`s communication. The amount of the available food animals need determines the territory the choose.
Satellites have made human communication easier however the problem of incommunication continues to be a serious matter. order to improve man`s communication.
Which of the following expressions taken from the text is used in a figurative sense? the word has grown the people to world the world has grown smaller”.
They discussed the plans for more than four hours. At last they came to an agree______ ment men met.
Hamlet and King Lear are two of Shakespeare’s __ works major make.
Linda makes a ___ of 5 dollars on every cake she sells profit sells every cake she sells.
We have to ___ the goods by train ship streep.
I appreciated having John’s guid ____ from the very beginning of my studies in Philosophy on two ance.
Her hands are ________ because she was playing with clay and mud. sticky strep.
The______ along the road made visibility impossible. men mist moon.
Elizabeth found the box after digging through ________ of rock and soil. player pay layers.
Did you__________ how serious his mistake was? advertise desired.
___________ their effort, they didn’t get to the airport on time always Although.
Cindy should ______ out _______ strangers when she goes out at night. look/for see/up.
Don’t slow ___________; we only have ten minutes to get there. dod over down.
Eddie has been _________ around instead of stuying. fooding fooling down.
The lecture was called ________ because no one attendéd. off held in order.
Jennifer was punished because of her _______ behavior. with love miss sample.
They were not able to _________ the orders they had been given. carry out took olace exported.
I _________ my best _________ make her understand but failed trap/up screen/to tried/ to .
Liz was shocked at John’s refus __________ to divorce her. al ive get.
The measure ________ of the area is wrong. Check it out. trap ment left out.
Enginner Smith is in charge of the mainten _______ of the computer market ance crew.
We must Ieave at once. left out crew all set.
I don`t trust Bill. He never _______ out his plans. carries means change.
The tickets are sold out. We cannot call the show _______ now to off bitter.
Our boss stimulates us by ________ our new projects up. pulled depature bringing.
African life has not been well ________ by western writers. about to remarkable portrayed.
The cattle were _________ on the farm experimentally brad whit love.
The teacher ________ all the mistakes we committed. pulled furniture pointed out.
It is dangerous for any industry to run out of __________. theaters importance raw materials.
I must ______ the pieces of the motor ______ before having dinner. put / together look/up bitter/to.
I’m____________ a letter from Barbara these days expecting come up.
The word “mate” underline in line 9 can be substituted by burglary couple harmless.
Our country’s _______ with Europe was much higher last year called burglary foreign trade.
The National Bank has opened a new ______ near my office branch turned.
Your calculations are very _______. You don’t have any errors over accurate exported.
Joan is _______ at her husband’s laziness disgusted in order.
The ______ of this product lies in its low cost hope profit mark.
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