

Título del Test:
Inglés1 ADE

Inglés examen administracion


Fecha de Creación: 26/05/2022

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 30
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I have my camera here because I ............photos Tengo mi camara aqui porque voy a hacer fotos Am going to take Going to take am going to taken Was going to taken.
I´ve been...a book all day. He estado leyendo un libro todo el dia Readed Reading Reads Read.
.... you seen Joseph? Has visto a Joseph? Did Have Do Has.
He .....down the street when I saw him Estaba caminano por la calle cuando lo vi Were walking Did walking Walking Was walking.
I....all wewnd nd finally I´ve finished the presentation. He estado trabajando todo el fin de semana de y por fin he terminado la presentación. Have working Has been working Have benn working Has working.
While she......, you can watch a film. Mientras ella coduce puedes ver una peli. Is driving Driving Are driving Have been driving.
Many accidents...by dangerous driving. Muchos accidentes se producen po una conducción peligrosa. Caused Is caused Are caused Will caused.
The economic situation is bad now and things....worse. La situación economica es mala ahora y las cosas van a empeorar. Will going to get Going to get Are going to get.
"Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks.I...... Quieres el periódico? No, gracias.Lo he leído. Was read Have read Did read Has read.
He ....down the street when I sawhim. Estaba caminando por la calle cuando lo vi. Walking Did walking Was waking Were walking.
She...her current work, so she thinking about changing job. no le gusta su taajo actual, por lo que está pensando en cambia de trabajo. Doesn´t likes Doesn´t like Don´t like Isn´t like.
The concert last night... at 7.30. El concierto de anoche fue a las 7.30 Were Was Is Are.
Did you know the answers of the test? It was very difficult. Sabias los resultados de la prueba? Era muy difícil. Hva Did Are Does.
Last week I.... a letter to Jane. La semana pasda escribi una carta a Jane. Written Wrote Am writing Write.
I.... all mornung and now I am really tired. He estado trabajando toda la emana y ahora estoy realmente cansado. Has been worting Work Am working Have been working.
I.... a shower when the phone rang. Me estaba duchando cuando sonó el teléfono. Did have Have Has Was having.
"Let,s have party" " That´s a good idea. We....lots of people. Hagamos una fiesta! Es una buena idea. Is going to invite Wille invite Invites Had invite.
.... you ever been in Argentina? Ha estado alguna vez en Argentina? Are Have Is Did.
"Are they still having dinner? no, they..... Todavía están cenando' No, han terminado. Have finish Have finished Has finished Finshed.
You.....to me. No me estás escuchando. Isn´t listening Don`t listening Am not listening Aren`t listening.
She...walking for 3 hours, so she is tired now. Ha estado caminando durante 3 horas, así que ahora está cansado. Were Has been Did been Have been.
I....at 10.30 last night. Anoche estuve trabajando a las 10.30. Did working Was working Works Have work.
How long has she....? Cuánto tiempo lleva aprendiendo? Have learned Learned Been learning Learning.
....Do you read romantic nonels or horror novels. Lee usted novelas romántias o novelas de terror? Are Does Is Do.
They....yet, they´re still working. Aún no lo son, todavía están trabajando. Isn´t Don´t are Am not Aren´t.
He.... his shoes. His shoes are clean now. Ha limpiado sus zapatos. Sus zapatos están limpios ahora. Have cleaned Has cleaned Clean Was cleaned.
Yesterday evening I.... television. Ayer por la tarde vi la televisión. Watching Watches watch Watched.
Look at the sky! It.....snow! Mira el cielo! Va a nevar. Will to Going to Is will Is going to.
Joe.... too much recently He should eat less. Joe ha estado comiendo demasiado últimamente, deberia comer menos. Are eating Has been eating Have been eating Eat.
Look at those black couds! It... Mira esas nubes negras! Va a llover Going to rain Will going to rain Is going to rain Are going to rain.
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