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review of the objectives of English2 course.

Victor Manuel Diaz Frias
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 14
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Verbs in the past Regular verbs use the ending __________. Example: We __________ (play) soccer for hours. -ing; playing -s; plays -ed; played.
Verbs in the past Irregular verbs change form. Match both columns I __________ my grandparents yesterday. i visited them last week. Did you find them home? Yes they __________ safe and sound. We __________ breakfast. I loved visiting them.
Verbs in the past: Quantity. Match both columns There was an old lady in the classroom.She was our ENglish teacher. There were some new students. Those boys and girls were in class 101.
Verbs in the past: Quantity. Match both columns according to the information. Look at that window. Yesterday, there ___________ some spots in it. There __________ this girl. She noticed the spots when they were cleaning the window.
Verbs in the past: Question with quantity (How many). Complete the question: _____________ students __________ _______________ in your classroom? How much students was there How many students was there How much students were there How many students were there.
Match both columns accordign to the information. It was our first day of school. Our English teacher explained us the way on how to work within the classroom. I did not understand her explanation. Some of my classmates were not sure about her explanation as well. "Did you ask us to work individually?" "Are you anxious?," she smiled, "let me explain you in another way.".
Verbs in the past: ability. Complete the sentence with the auxiliary verb. When I was a child, I used to fall from my skates. I wasn´t able to wear them. I __________ ride my bike. I was four or five, but I was able to ride my bike. could could not couldn´t .
Verbs in the past: ability. Complete the information from the sentence: "Did your father ____________ wear skates, " my teacher asked. No, he did not. He told me that I was wearing them until I was six. used to use to not use to.
Verbs in the past: past progressive Complete the information according to the context. The past progressive is form with ________________________. Be + main verb + -ed ending Be + main verb + -s ending Be + main verb + -ing ending + -s final Be + main verb + -ing ending.
Verbs in the past: past progressive Complete the sentence: I looked at you. You __________ _______________ (answer) the phone. I just smiled. was answering was taking were playing were answering were confused.
Verbs in the past: past progressive match the information according to WH-connector. We use ___________ because there is an interruption in the action. We use __________ because both sentences are happening at the same time.
Verbs in the past: past progressive Complete the sentence: We __________ ________________ (wait) for the pizza delivery __________ we __________ _______________ (watch) TV. waited/when were watching were waiting/when watched were waiting/while were watching.
Verbs in the past: past progressive Complete the information We __________ ______________ (wait) for our grades __________ the Principal __________ (come) in to the classroom. were waiting /when came was waiting /when come were waiting /when coming.
Verbs in the past: telling a story I was completing my homework when I heard a noise. It sounded a little bit creepy. I worried. Suddenly I found out it was Fluffy playing with a roach. This is a sample of a(n) ________________. short story fairy tale anecdote fact.
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