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Teacher´s leadership in the school does not necessarily mean that all teachers must become headmasters; but they can design new projects, new models of presenting skills and improving learning processes or establishing new links with families and the schools´ communities. Verdadero Falso.
Teaching concepts that helps define the boundaries of a subject area is a feature of the Dogme approach. Verdadero Falso.
Which is the main goal of Critical Thinking from the pedagogical point of view? Seek the social, moral and political commitment of students. Seek new ways of integrating skills by communicative means. Seek the truth and objectivity by questioning, looking for alternatives with integrity and fair-mindedness.
Teachers can professionally develop themselves as social mediators if, for example, they research and propose solutions to educational problems that affect children and families of a community. Verdadero Falso.
An approach by threshold concepts is useful to introduce complex topics. Verdadero Falso.
What is an asynchronous communication tool? A tool that offers the possibility for people to communicate when they coincide at the same time and in the same location or virtual space. A tool that offers information, explanations, etc., but does not require or encourage any specific interaction other than its visualization. A tool that offers the possibility for people to communicate with each other and allows each individual to contribute at different times and/or places.
The fact students are able to design their own material does not mean that teachers adopt a passive role about it. Verdadero Falso.
What is the name of the approach that lies on being creative with the material and resources available in the class or school? Flipped Bricolage or tinkering Dogme.
What is the difference between peer mentoring and peer coaching? Mentoring helps novices become familiar with the role they will carry out and coaching is about setting new goals for improvement supervised by a colleague. The main difference is that the mentor is always a professional who trains a student and coaching is a discussion between two professionals. Mentoring is about gaining experience and checking the pros and cons of the job whereas coaching is about attending training for personal promotion.
Which is the most accurate meaning of the expression "good critical thinker" in the context of CT? Students achive high moral standards after a CT approach to a topic. The self-assessment of the students shows successful achievements. Students show a high level of commitment to critical procedures.
Critical bilingualism has three dimensions. Autonomy and singularity are two of them. Which is the other one? Politics Participation Citizenship.
What did John Dewey mean by saying that thinking is linked to reality? CT is applied to authentic material. The process of thinking critically provides ethical solutions to real problems. It gives the opportunity of openly discussing with the students.
Which action would be recommendable for a teacher in case that in order to do a task students find that there are a huge number of resources they can use in the internet and feel a bit lost? Scaffolding the task by limiting the number of resources they can use. As that might happen continually, they must develop the skill to select the most reliable information on their own. Explain clear criteria to let them select the most appropriate resources.
Dogme approach is based on presentations that strictly take half of the lesson time. Verdadero Falso.
Are the acronyms VLE, LMS and CMS referring to the same teaching practice? Verdadero Falso.
In Spain, inspectors of education are always civil servants who previously have been teachers. Verdadero Falso.
Which are the two constitutive elements of the "fippled classroom"? The activities to be done out of the school and the type of interaction in class. The videos done by the students and their correction in class. The rubric that students follow to do the tasks at home and the face-to-face grouping in the classroom.
What does the acronym VLE stand for? Virtual Learning Experience Virtual Lessons Experience Virtual Learning Environment.
According to the Delphin Report, which skill can be defined as follows: "to identy the intended and actual inferential relationships among statements, questions, concepts, descriptions or other forms of presentation intended to express beliefs, judgments, experiences, reasons, information, or opinions". Analysis Inference Interpretation.
Which is the goal using synchronous and asynchronous tools with students? Seek familiarisation with ICT tools. Seek social interaction. Seek the technological integration.
According to the Delphi Report, to which skill does the sub-skil "conjeturing alternatives" belong? Analysis Explanation Inference.
The fact that students are able to design their own material does not mean that teachers adopt a passive role about it. Verdadero Falso.
Teaching concepts that help define the boundaries of a subject area is a feature of the Dogme approach. Verdadero Falso.
What did John Dewey mean by saying that thinking is linked to reality? CT is applied to authentic material. It gives the opportunity of openly discussing with the students. The process of thinking critically provides ethical solutions to real problems.
What are we defining when we refer to a mixture of technological and traditional classroom practices that are meant to function in a combined way in the teaching-learning processes? Blended learning Embedded approach Dual track.
A possible drawback of the Dogme approach is that it might not be compatible with the requirements demanded by schools and educational regulations. Verdadero Falso.
A clear advantage of teacher-produced materials is that it may be constantly updated, responding to the students´ interests and motivations. Verdadero Falso.
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