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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEMethodology and Didactics 1 version 05

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Methodology and Didactics 1 version 05

Abril- Agosto 2018

Fernanda Zarango
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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Número preguntas: 40
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1. What level is this activity appropriate for? students report back on an unsimplified work of English - language fiction. a. Advance b. Intermediate. c. Beginner. .
2. How do you think has been described in this example? students get really excited when the teacher offers to let them to sing a song. a. Adults. b. Adolescents. c. Children.
3. We are trying to establish commercial links with international trading partners so I need to improve my English. What is this kind of English we need? a. Business English b. Target language community interaction c. English for specific purposes.
4. What level is this activity appropriate for? students practice introducing themselves with language such as "nice to meet you", Hi my name is Karen. a. Beginner b. Intermediate c. Advance .
5. What is the teacher role according to the following situation ? The teacher encourages students to participate and makes suggestions about how students may proceed in an activity. The teacher should be helping students only when necessary. a. Assessor b. Prompter c. Resource.
6. Consulting a range of printed material, online resources, and attending development sessions and seminars, is a matter of... a. managing the class b. keeping abreast c. being reliable .
7. one of the reasons for a teacher to keep a record is: a. It works as a way of looking back at what has been done in order to decide what to do next. b. Reuse the material that has already been used without having selected what worked and what did not. c. Control students´ attendance and check if everybody has done their task.
8. Being reliable is a matter of the idiom "practicing what we preach" which of the following phrases express the meaning of it? someone who tells others to save their money, but goes out and buys a flashy new car that doesn't need. Do as you tell others to do. you say you won't accept belated taks and then you do. .
9. English should predominate in an English lesson, but making use of students´mother tongue is acceptable when... students find it difficult to grasp the meaning of something teachers doesnt know how to explain the meaning of a new word in English students misbehave and need to be punished. .
10. In order to rough- tune their language, teachers should... use complex grammar and vocabulary raise their tone and voice in order for the listener to understand. consider the kind of language that students are likely to understand.
11. walking to side to side, or striding up and down the aisles between the chairs is a physical characteristic of the teacher that shows: proximity movement appropriacy .
12. what is the best student grouping for this activity? the teacher explains the rule for the pronunciation of "s" plurals (pins, cups, brushes). a. pair work whole class solowork.
13. which method or approach is being described in the following statement? language is not just patterns of grammar with vocabulary items slotted in, but also involves language functions. a. TBL b. CLT c. PPP.
14. Which method or approach is being described in the following statement? the teacher says almost nothing, the students have to listen to each other, think and correct themselves as far as possible. a. The Silent way b. Grammar- traslation c. The lexical approach .
15. Which method or approach is being described in the following statement? By repeated drilling of new language ( coupled with appropriate rewards and encouragement), students learn correct language habits. a. Task - based learning b. Grammar traslation c. Audiolingualism.
16. Which method or approach is being described in the following statement? The teacher presents the context and situation for the language and both explains and demonstrates the meaning and form of the new language. a. PPP b. TBL c. CLT.
17. Identify the ESA in the following situation: The teacher discusses advertisements with the students. What are they for? what different ways do they try to achieve their effect? What are the most effective ads and the students can think of? Perhaps the teacher plays some radio commercials or puts some striking visual ads on an overhead projector. a. Engage b. Study c. Activate .
18. Identify the ESA in the following situation: " Teacher shows students a particular robot. They are introduced to the words. "Can" and "can't " . They practice the forms in sentences. The teacher makes sure that grammar and pronunciation are correct. a. Engage b. Study c. Activate.
19. Identify the ESA in the following situation: The teacher focuses the student's attention on the relative clause construction use in the text (e.g. I'm the type of person always burns" and "I'm the type of person who burns easily") . The use of "who" clause is discussed and students practice sentences saying things like "They're the kind of people who enjoys" movies", etc. a. Engage b. Study c. Activate.
20. Identify the ESA in the following situation: The teacher does vocabulary work on words such as "pale" , "fair - skinned", "freckles", "tan", etc, ensuring that students understand the meaning and the hyphenated compound nature of some of them, and that they are able to say them, and they are able to say them with the correct pronunciation in appropriate contexts. a. Engage b. Study c. Activate.
21. From the examples below, which is a real conditional present sentence? a. If you work hard, you'll pass the exam. b. If it was very warm, we ate outside. c. if you pay online, you get a discount .
22. A number of words are sometimes countable when they mean one thing, in which of the examples below "sugar" is countable? a. "One sugar or two" b. I like sugar c. A cube of sugar.
23. From the examples below,which is a present perfect continuous sentence? a. In August, we'll have been living here for twenty - six years. b. We have been travelling for long. c. When you get back, I´ll have been working on this unit for 5 hours.
24. There are some nouns that appear to be plural, but which behave as if they are singular. From the examples below identify which one is correct? a. Children like to play in the rain b. The news is depressing. c. The poor live in terrible conditions. .
25. There are four types of phrasal verbs: intransitive, transitive and inseparable, transitive and separable, and transitive, 2 + participles, inseparable. From the examples below, which shows the fourth type? a. He's broken up with his girlfriend b. Slow down at the corner c. I have to go on a diet.
26. From the examples below, which is a hypothetical conditional future sentence? a. I would have come by car if I´d know about the rail strike b. I'd take a dog for walks if I had one c. If I were you I'd get a new jacket .
27. From the example below, which is a hypothetical conditional past sentence? a. I would have come by car if I´d know about the strike b. If you pay online, you get a big discount c. If I had a son, I´d take him to the park.
28. From the examples below, which is a compound adjective? a. walking stick b. Cherry tree c. Fair- skinned .
29. In the sentence, "I filmed the man I met" the object of the clause is the... a. verb b. noun c. pronoun.
30. Which of the following sentences show an example of anaphoric reference? a. He picked up the stick and threw it for the dog b. She opened it and took a large spoonful c. Hold on, I´d just like to say that...
31. From the examples below, which is a real conditional past sentence? a. Id I won the lottery, I´d travel around the world b. we ate outside, if it was very warm c. Id I had a dog, I´d take it for walks.
32. From the examples below, choose the one that includes a collective noun a. The good die young b. Darts is a game played by large men c. I´d like some coffee.
33. From the examples below, which one belongs to the deductive approach? a. The students listen to a recorded dialogue. The teacher draws their attention to the invitation language being used, isolated parts of invitation model for the student's attention models for the student's attention. Students practice using the same language. b. The students read a text and in their groups discuss the different way the writer refers to past time. c. Students watch a film of a job interview in preparation for an interview role- play. They pay particular attention to the way questions are asked. .
34. What is the feedback type that corresponds to the following example? S: We look at the people yesterday. T: What's the ending we put on verbs when we talk about the past? a. Clarification request b. Metalinguistic request c. Explicit correction.
35. From the examples below, which one represents an attempt mistake? a. "Really" actually b. "They prefer sometimes" sometimes they prefer c. "roll of a turkey" a turkey roll.
36. What is the feedback type that corresponds to the following example? T: what´s your surname? S: Lucy T: "Pardon me? what´s your surname? S: Lopez T: excellent a. Metalinguistic request b. clarification request c. Elicitation .
37. When the teacher repeats what the students has just said with a questioning intonation indicating that he is some way doubting the accuracy or content or what is being said, he is using... a. Echoing b. Reformulation c. Elicitation.
38. The following example shows student being corrected during a practice phrase in which she is making sentences using the comparative form of adjectives. What feedback type corresponds to the following example? Ginny: Trains are safer planes. Teacher. Safer planes? (with surprising questioning intonation). Ginny Oh... Trains are safer than planes. a. Elicitation b. Reformulation c. Echoing.
39. Choose the feedback type that corresponds to the following examples. S: The dog run fastly. T. "Fastly" doesn't exist. "fast" does not take- ly. That's why I picked "quickly". a. Recast b. Explicit correction c. Clarification requests.
40. From the examples below, which one belongs to the deductive approach? a. The teacher shows a diagram of the elements used to form the simple present and explains each to students b. The teacher tells students what she did during the last weekend, emphasizing the past actions, then she asks students what they did. c. Teacher tell students what the object of the lesson will be that day and the kind of activities they will do during that lesson.
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