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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE Methodology and didactics II reading and writing. II B

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Methodology and didactics II reading and writing. II B



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1. Which of the following statements is not correct? Most shared tasks have the advantages of------------------------- a. requiring little preparation by the teacher. b. increasing the teacher's supervision and making load. c. encouraging the students to see each other as a learning resourse.
2. The input of a__________ technique has two parts, the frame which contains the part where it must be made and the items which fits into the frame. a. substitution b. correction c.transformation.
3. these task require the students to work alone without any planned help. Students can work successfully on these tasks when they have developed some proficiency in the language and when they have command of helpful strategies. a.Independent task. b. Guide task. c. Shared task.
4. These tasks try to bridged the gap by providing the support of exercises and focused guidance. a. Shared task b. Independent task. c. Guided tasks.
5. In this approach the students could guide their writing by asking questions, by using an information transfer diagram or a well worked out set of notes that they have prepare, or by finding a good example of the kind of writing they want to do.. a. An experience approach b. shared approach c. guided approach.
6. In this activity, each student produces the question they want to write about. this is then translated into good English and is made into an examination question which the learners answer under examination conditions. a. Linked skills b.Setting your own questions c. ten perfect sentences.
7. In which of the following activities students are presented with a stereotypical statement and asked to amend it to reflect the opinios of the group. a. Rewriting ( and expanding ) sentences. b. Sentence by sentence c . First lines, last lines.
"Rearrange the following set of letters ( n e l c i p) to make a word". It is an example of which of the following techniques? a. Completition techniques. b. Correction techniques. c. Ordering techniques.
9. For this activity , the students are divided into groups. The teacher gives the subject of the composition and then the students in their group discuss and make a list of the main ideas that they will write about . Then the teacher brings the class together and following the students' suggestions makes a list of the main ideas on the blackboard. After this is discussed, the students return to their groups and write a composition as a group. a. Blackboard composition. b. Group-class composition c. Group composition.
10. The purpose of this activity is to focus the students' attention on specific items of language by getting them to analyze the difference between their written recreations and the original which they have heard. a. Story reconstruction b.dictogloss c.Expanding sentences.
11. Which of the following excercise is easier for students if the teacher gives them an example of the sentence pattern? a. Translation b. look and write c. Picture composition.
12. The activity " Rewrite this sentence using the present tens: I drank coffe" corresponds to which of the following techniques. a. Sibstitution b. trasformation c. ordering.
13. "____you_________ to leave now? (want)". It is an example of which of the following techniques. a. Completition techniques b. Identification techniques c. Ordering techniques.
14. The teacher explains a grammar rule to help the students make correct sentences following a rule". It is an example of which of the following techniques. a. identification. b. Understanding explanatons c. Answering questions.
15. Writing is easier if learners write from a. a strong knowledge. b. ideas provided by the teacher. c. what has been written.
16. Written work is usually done for a purpose and for a particular_____________ a. audience b. activity c. text.
17. It involves going back over the writing and making changes to its organization, style, grammatical and lexical correctness and appropriateness. a. Editing. b. Reviewing c. Peer feedback.
18. An important way of encouraging writers to keep their goals and audience in mind is to provide them with____________ a. feedback about the effectiveness of their writing. b. Appropriate written material c. good quality texts.
19. Which of the following does not correspond to the different types of writing? a. Argument b. Literary c. Specified group.
20. In these types of activities all the ideas are considered or the learners follow whatever path their mind takes. a. Brainstorming b. Questioning c. Tree diagrams.
21. In this technique the teacher writes personal letters to each student and then they have to send her a written reply. a. Writing with immediate feedback. b. Writing to your students c. Situational composition.
22. This technique involves genuine communication between the teacher and the students a. Writing with immediate feedback . b. Writing to your students c. Situational composition.
23. "Are this signs of self-correction ?'This question assesses which of the following parts of the writing process? a. reviewing b. ideas to text c. Editing. .
24. "Is the text free of spelling errors, including those that a spellchecker would not find?"This question assesses which of the following parts of the wring process. a, Editing b. Organizing ideas c. Gathering ideas.
25. "In what aspects are there improvements?" This question assesses which of the following parts of the writing process? a. Reviewing b. Ideas to text c. Editing.
26. "Are three clear parts to the piece of writing ?" This question focuses on which of the following parts of the writing process? a. Editing. b. Ideas to text c. Organizing ideas.
27. "Is the text well formatted and consistently formatted?" This question assesses which of the following parts of the writing process. a. Rewriting b. Ideas to text c. Editing.
28. "How much was written in the time allowed?" This question assesses which of the following parts of the writing process? a. Reviewing b. Ideas to text c. Editing.
29. "This arrangement is a perfect fit when describing scene. Depending upon what works best , you can describe from left to write , bottom to top, center to edge, near to far, or the opposite. These structures will help you take your reader along with you as you explore your observation". This information corresponds to which of the following organizational patterns? a. Sequencial b. spatially c Importance.
30. "When writing persuasively or trying to make a point , you'll first want to consider what works best : hooking your reader with your main point and then following up with supportive details. or setting the reader up with the details to lead to your main point". This information corresponds to which of the following organizational patterns? a. Importance b. comparison c. Sequential.
31 Using topic types is most suited to learners who__________________ a, are of at least intermediate proficiency b. are starting to learn English. c. have an advanced English level.
32. Topic type activities are well suite to___________ a group work b. individual work c. paper work.
33. To know about_________ is useful when predicting the kind of information that will be in a text, when taking notes from a text, and when evaluating the adequacy of a text. a. Types of texts b. topic types c. writing tips.
34. Topic types analysis works well with texts that have a clear communication purpose and that use___________ a. only one or at most two topic types. b. three topic types c. four topic types.
35. The process topic type includes texts that tell you about________ a. results b. the stages that are involve c. the principles that are involve.
36. Which of the following is an example of topic types? a. poems b. Application forms c. Instruction.
37. The principle topic type includes texts that tell you about_____________ a. The principles that are involve. b. how to do something c. The people that are involve.
38. Which of the following is an example of topic types? a. letters b. Methods sections of an experimental report. c. Process.
39. It involes learners receiving feedback on their writing from each other. a. Peer evaluation. b. Conferencing on a portfolio c. Reformulation.
40. It involves a one-to-one meeting between the teacher and the learner to talk about the learner's writing. a. Conferencing b. Peer evaluation c. Reformulation.
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