Mi Daypo

TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEmi mundo en otra legua

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mi mundo en otra legua

50 Preguntas directas de examenes

Alex niño
(Otros tests del mismo autor)

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1. Choose the correct words to complete the next text in English If it's necessary you can use a word more than once. 1. Elija las palabras correctas para completar el siguiente texto en inglés. Si es necesario, puede usar una palabra más de una vez. "Tell me, please. Why _____ you _____ him _____ Mary _____ know he was the thief? "Dime, por favor. ¿Por qué _____ _____ él _____ Mary _____ sabes que él era el ladrón? A) Did – invited – when – did B) Did – invite – when – did.
2. Classify the following sentences as true (T) or false (F) Sentences 2. Clasifique las siguientes oraciones como verdaderas (T) o falsas (F) Frases 1. Negatives in the simple past tense are formed by adding DID NOT before the simple form of the verb. 2. The verb BE is not an exception to the previous sentence. 3. YES / NO questions in the simple past are NOT created using the auxiliary DID. 4. Questions with WH words in simple past are created by using the auxiliary DID before the subject. A) [T-2,3] [F-1,4] C) [T-1,4] [F-2,3].
3. Order the numbers of the following words to make a logical sentence in the conditional for future 3. Ordene los números de las siguientes palabras para hacer una oración lógica en el condicional para el futuro 1. Every day 2. Your brain 3. Read 4. Work 5. Better 6. If you 7. Will A) 5 – 7 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 3 – 1 C) 6 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 4 – 5 .
4. Choose a connector for the sentence. 4. Elija un conector para la oración. "___ I play soccer, everybody shouts." A) When B) Then.
5. Indicate if the next question is correct or not and why: "What did you wear if you would go to the party?" "¿Qué te pusiste si ibas a la fiesta?" A) Yes, it's correct because first you express a question and then a condition with "would B) No, the first auxiliary for conditionals is wrong and the second verb is in wrong form too .
6. Read the text and complete it with the correct pronouns: 6. Lee el texto y complétalo con los pronombres correctos: 1. He came to church with ____ (her/she), as _____ (him/he) always did. 2. _____ (her/she) took the precaution to place _____ (him/he) next to her. A) Her – he – she – him ella - él - ella - él B) She – he – she – him .
7. Change the next sentence to past continuous. All of the reindeer are leaping around in the snow. All of the reindeer _____ around in the snow. 7. Cambia la siguiente oración para continuar pasado. Todos los renos saltan en la nieve. Todos los renos _____ alrededor en la nieve. A) Had leapt D) Were leaping.
8. Decide which sentences are true Decide cuales oraciones son verdaderas 1. We use the present continuous to talk about what´s happening now 1. Usamos el presente continuo para hablar sobre lo que está pasando ahora. 2. "now", "at the moment" are simple present time 3. In the simple present tense we add "ing" to all the verbs. 4. We use the auxiliary verb "to be" with the present progressive tense. 4. Usamos el verbo auxiliar "estar" con el presente progresivo. A) 1 – 4 B) 2 – 4 .
9. What does this sentence express? "I'll take a seat. Look over there, there's an empty chair." 9. ¿Qué expresa esta oración?   "Voy a tomar asiento. Mira hacia allá, hay una silla vacía". A) A prediction or promise D) A decision made at the moment of speaking. D) Una decisión tomada en el momento de hablar.
10. Choose the correct expressions "in-at-on" to complete the sentences 10. Elija las expresiones correctas "in-at-on" para completar las oraciones A) 1-on / 2-in / 3-at B) 1-in / 2-in / 3-on .
11. Si conocieras a una persona de habla inglesa a través de una red social ¿cómo intercambias información con ella sobre tu proyecto de vida? A) Consultarías las expresiones gramaticales y vocabulario en un diccionario o traductor para poder expresar bien tus ideas B) Expresarías de manera autónoma tus ideas utilizando las nociones gramaticales y vocabulario propias para su información C) Usarías tus nociones gramaticales para expresar tus ideas apoyándote de un diccionario o traductor para consultar vocabulario D) Darías respuestas cortas y directas sin estructuras gramaticales complejas, para evitar conversar y usar más vocabulario.
12. Complete the sentences using the correct form of "going to" Choose affirmative, interrogative o negative 1. Pedro's sweater is dirty. He (wash) _____ it. 2. I've decided to pick up some eggs. I (fry) _____them. 3. Rosa needs that sofa. She (sell) _____ it. 4. My tooth is aching a lot. I (visit) _____ my dentist. A) 1- is will go to wash 2- amn't going to fry 3- isn't going to sell 4- am going to visit C) 1- is going to wash 2- am not going to fry 3- aren't going to sell 4- am going to visit C) 1- va a lavar 2- no voy a freír 3- no va a vender 4- voy a visitar.
13. Decide whether the following sentences are in present progressive or simple present tense 1. Simple present 2. Present continuous a. My brother is playing the guitar at the moment b. I often write poems to my wife c. Your parents are talking now d. Jose is taking his grandparents to his house in this moment e. The sun barely shines with this weather A) [1-b,e] [2-a,c,d] B) [1-c,d] [2-a,b,e].
14. ¿Si desconoces la manera en la que se puede ser usado un comparativo en inglés, que opción te puede ayudar a eliminar tu duda? A) Apuntar la palabra y buscar al final de la unidad C) Buscar en un diccionario y verificar los usos de la palabra .
15. ¿Que método utilizas para comprender temas como el uso de los pronombres y adjetivos? A) Leer repetidamente el texto hasta memorizar la información relevante. B) Buscar datos que te remitan a la información relevante para aprenderla. C) Hacer pausas durante la lectura para mejorar la retentiva. D) Leer pausadamente para aprender el mayor número de información.
16 Observe the picture and complete the sentences with the correct pronoun: 1. Susana I'm so nervous! This is our first time in a contest! 2. Mateo: you are doing great, don't be afraid. People will notice it, as I do. 3. Mateo: ____ (they/them) will clap a lot. 4.Other competitors: watch ____ (they/them), they are incredible. 5. Other competitors: let's ask ____ (they/them) to teach ____ (we/us). 16 Observa la imagen y completa las oraciones con el pronombre correcto: 1. Susana estoy tan nerviosa! ¡Esta es nuestra primera vez en un concurso! 2. Mateo: lo estás haciendo genial, no tengas miedo. La gente lo notará, como yo. 3. Mateo: ____ (ellos / ellos) aplaudirán mucho. 4.Otros competidores: ver ____ (ellos / ellos), son increíbles. 5. Otros competidores: pidamos a ____ (ellos / ellos) que enseñen ____ (nosotros / nosotros). A) They – them – they – us B) They – them – them – us .
18. What's the correct question to get this answer based on the grammar for simple part and the best choice of a question word? "The concert began at six o'clock". 18. ¿Cuál es la pregunta correcta para obtener esta respuesta basada en la gramática de la parte simple y la mejor opción de una palabra de pregunta? "El concierto comenzó a las seis en punto". A) When did the concert began? B) When did the concert begin? C) What time did the concert begin? .
19. Order 6 of the following numbers to make a coherent sentence. 1. Potato chips 2. The saltiest 3. Why 4. Are 5. Snack 6. Does 7. Is 8. ? A) 7 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 B) 6 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 8 C) 3 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 5 D) 3 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 8.
20. Is the underlined part correct? Why? "Ignacio wanted to leave early, but his boss wouldn't let him" 20. ¿Es correcta la parte subrayada? ¿Por qué?   "Ignacio quiso irse temprano, pero su jefe no lo dejó" NO NO C) It's incorrect because this is not a conditional D) It's correct to use "wouldn't" for a refusal in negative in past.
21. Match the numbers of the left column with the letters of the right column to create logical and correct sentences 1. When we arrived at the station 2. It's too hot 3. I found a ten-dollar bill between two pages of the book 4. Why are you wasting your money? a. Thank God, the wind's blowing. b. When I read it c. The seller had charged you a lot d. Thank God, the wind blows. e. The train is waiting f. While I was reading it g. The train was waiting h. That's too expensive crear oraciones lógicas y correctas 1. Cuando llegue a la estación. 2. hace demasiado calor 3. Encontrará un billete de diez dólares entre dos páginas del libro. 4. ¿Por qué estás perdiendo tu dinero? a. Gracias a Dios, el viento sopla. segundo Cuando lo leo hacer. El vendedor te había cobrado mucho. re. Gracias a Dios, el viento sopla. mi. El tren esta esperando F. Mientras lo leia gramo El tren estaba esperando h. Eso es demasiado caro A) [1-e] [2-d] [3-f] [4-c] B) [1-g] [2-a] [3-f] [4-h].
17. Chose the correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous "We _____ the four o'clock bus" 17. Elija la conjugación verbal correcta para la oración en pasado continuo "Nosotros _____ el bus de las cuatro en punto" A) Is taking B) Were taking C) Was taking D) Are taking.
22. Rewrite the sentence using the simple future tense: Reescribe la oración usando el futuro simple: A) Juan is being an expert on using computers B) Juan be an expert on using computers C) Juan will be an expert on using computers .
23. Choose the correct plural noun for the following sentence. "As we get older, so do our _____!" Elija el nombre plural correcto para la siguiente oración. "A medida que envejecemos, ¡también nuestro _____!" A) Tooth B) Teeth .
24. Relate the tenses on the left to their corresponding questions on the right. Tenses 1. Simple present 2. Present continuous Questions a. What are you doing? b. What do you do? c. Where is Mexico playing? d. Is your sister at school? e. Is Rafael working in the office, now? A) [1-b,d] [2-a,c,e] B) [1-c,e] [2-a,b,d] .
25. Choose a connector for the sentence. "He sings along to the music on the radio _____ he takes a shower" A) [1-b,d] [2-a,c,e] B) [1-c,e] [2-a,b,d] .
26. Turn the first statement into a question: "My sister and I needed to get up early the last month, because we didn´t have a car". ______ Need to get up early last month? A) Did we B) We did .
27. Read this sentence: Mary words Change it to present progressive in the next forms: 27. Lee esta oración: Mary words Cambia esto para presentar progresivo en las siguientes formas: 1. Affirmative 2. Negative 3. Interrogative 1 – Mary is working 2 – Mary is not working 3 – is Mary working? 1 – Mary is work 2 – Mary is not work 3 - is Mary work? .
29. Which sentence is grammatically correct? 29. ¿Qué oración es gramaticalmente correcta? A) Have Rafael and Julieta Morales three children? B) What are one important change I American families? C) Why Mexican families are changing? D) Why is Julieta working as a hospital administrator this year?.
28. Rewrite the sentence using the simple future tense "The team has a party" 28. Reescribe la oración usando el futuro simple. "El equipo tiene una fiesta" A) The team will party B) The team will has a party C) The team will have a party D) The team have a party.
30. Turn this statement into a question: "Molly buys gift certificates at the department store". Did Carla _____ gift certificates at the department store? ¿Carla _____ certificados de regalo en la tienda por departamento A) Buyed C) Buy D) Bought D) Buys.
31. ¿Qué aplicabilidad tiene el inglés en tu vida cotidiana? A) Tratas de aplicarlo en todas las áreas de tu entorno donde sea posible B) En cuestiones personales, sólo cuando te ves obligado a hacerlo .
32. Complete the following sentence with the correct verb form 32. Completa la siguiente oración con la forma verbal correcta "We planted an apple-tree in the backyard; unfortunately it _____. "Plantamos un manzano en el patio trasero; desafortunadamente es _____. A) Was dying B) Died .
33. Change the statement below to the negative form in past tense 33. Cambie la siguiente declaración a la forma negativa en tiempo pasado She _____ the ingredients for the Thanksgiving stuffing this morning. Ella _____ los ingredientes para el relleno de Acción de Gracias esta mañana. A) Didn't mixed D) Didn't mix.
34. Choose a verb for the sentence. "Peter _____ TV in the evening" 34. Elige un verbo para la oración. "Peter _____ TV por la tarde" A) Watched B) Watch C) Watches .
35. What is the tense for each sentence? ¿Cuál es el tiempo para cada oración? The British Trevor Baylis invented in 1996 a wind-up radio. It doesn't need electricity or batteries. You wind it up by hand. He got the idea for the radio while he was watching TV. El británico Trevor Baylis inventó en 1996 una radio de cuerda. No necesita electricidad ni baterías. Lo enrollas a mano. Se le ocurrió la idea de la radio mientras estaba viendo la televisión. A) Pats, past simple, present, past progressive B) Past, present, present simple, past progressive .
36. ¿Qué dinámica sigues para asistir a la asesoría de Módulo C) Las programas conforme a un plan de trabajo D) Asistes cuando estás próximo a tu examen final. .
37. The sentence "these days I'm sleeping a lot. " Expresses: 37. La frase "en estos días estoy durmiendo mucho. "Expresa: A) Some plans for the future; with the structure of present continuous C) Temporary present, even though it's not happening at the moment .
38. Order the following words to make a coherent sentence. 1. Be 2. Will 3. Christmas 4. Where 5. Eve 6. You 7. On 8. ? A) 4 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 8 C) 4 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 8 .
9. What does this sentence express? 9. ¿Qué expresa esta oración? "I´m ten now. When I get married, I´ll have a lot of babies." Something the person believes will happen in the future.
40. Read the following sentence: A) Why every word on that page is working hard to highlight your talents and skills? B) Why every word on that page working hard to highlight your talents and skills? .
41. Match the words on the left to the corresponding sentence(s) on the right Some or any Sentences 1. Some 2. Any a. We have one dog, two cats and ____ fish b. There are ____ chocolate biscuits in the cupboard c. I can't find ____ books about Mexican movies d. My daughter doesn't have _____ friends in Jalisco. e. Would you like _____ grapes? A) [1-c,d] [2-a,b,e] B)[1-a,b,e] [2-c,d].
42. Tu asesor de Módulo 3 "Mi vida en otra lengua", te da material de un tema Nuevo para que lo estudies sobre "el uso de los plurales irregulares", pero no logras entenderlo, ¿Qué haces? A) Te reúnes con compañeros para que ellos lo analicen y te lo expliquen C) Buscas más referencias para entenderlo, si en necesario pides ayuda al asesor .
43. Match the correct grammar preposition of time. Prepositions may repeat. Example Preposition of time 1. ___ Februa 14th is Valentine's Day. 2. ___ half past tree, I'm going to the cinema 3. ___ June, I will do it a. At b. In c. On A) [1-c] [2-b] [3-c] B) [1-c] [2-a] [3-b] .
44. Choose one of these prepositions for the sentence: at, on, in or after The telephone rang _____ the doorbell. A) On B) After.
45. Order the following words to make a coherent sentence 45. Ordena las siguientes palabras para hacer una oración coherente. 1. He 2. Be 3. Would 4. The 5. Organizing 6. Not 7. ? 8. evidence A) 3 – 1 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 8 – 7 B) 3 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 8 – 7 .
46. Order the next words to make a meaningful sentence 46. Ordena las siguientes palabras para hacer una oración significativa. 1. You 2. Last 3. ? 4. Go 5. Week 6. Did 7. Where A) 7 – 6 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 3 B) 6 – 1 – 4 – 7 – 2 – 5 – 3 .
47. Después de leer un texto donde aparecen cuantificadores en una pregunta o información en inglés, que haces normalmente? A) Verificas haber entendido B) Supones que entendiste .
48. Is it possible to distinguish irregular and regular verbs in a sentence in present? Why? 48. ¿Es posible distinguir los verbos irregulares y regulares en una oración en el presente? ¿Por qué? A) It's always possible if the auxiliary used is analized B) Sometimes it's possible, sometimes it's impossible .
49. Order the words to make a coherent sentence 1. Movies 2. The 3. I 4. To 5. Am 6. Going A) 3 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 1 B) 3 – 5 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 .
50 The expressions and words below aren't in order. Chose 5 of them and indicate the sequence they must follow to create a logical and complete sentence in present progressive. 50 Las siguientes expresiones y palabras no están en orden. Elija 5 de ellos e indique la secuencia que deben seguir para crear una oración lógica y completa en presente progresivo. 1. The radio 2. Listen to 3. When you are 4. Hear his voice 5. Listening to 6. You can A) 7 – 2 – 1 – 6 – 4 C) 3 – 5 – 1 – 6 – 4 .
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