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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEmi vida en otra lengua

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mi vida en otra lengua

modulo 12 mi vida en otra lengua plan nuples 22 prepa abierta


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Which object pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in the sentence? Can you tell the people the way to the train station? A) Them B) Him C) Her D) It.
Complete the following sentence with the corresponding pronoun. Laura saw _____ (her friends) last week. A) Her B) Them C) Him D) They.
Which questions are logical and gramaticallly correct? 1. What do you do? 2. What is Lorenzo playing? 3. Why are Rebeca watching TV? 4. Are Sergio a doctor? 5. What are you doing? A) 1, 2, 4 B) 3, 4 C) 3, 5 D) 1, 2, 5.
We call them regular verbs because the past tense of each is dormed by adding “ed” to the end of the verb. but some verbs have many different ways of forming the past tense, because there is no regular pattern, these verbs are kown as irregular verbs. Change to past tense the following verbs: Choose, weep, Like, beat, drive, fly Chose, wept, liked, beat, drove, flew Chose, weped, liked, beated, wrote, flyed Chose, wept, liked, beated, drived, flew Choose, weped, liked, beat, drove, flew.
Choose the correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuons. “They _____ football at school.” A) Are playing B) Is playing C) Was playing D) Were playing.
Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in past progressive. “I _____ at the party.” A) Were wating B) Is looking C) Was dancing D) Are dancing.
Choose the correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous “My parents _____ for me” A) Were waiting B) Is waiting C) Are waiting D) Was waiting.
What’s the grammatically correcxt answer to the following question? “What were you doing yesterday at 3PM?" A) I were working on my PC B) I did not work on my PC C) I have worked on my PC D) I was working on my PC.
Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in past progressive. “It _____ last winter.” A) Are singing B) Is raining C) Was snowing D) Were coughing.
Change the sentence to simple past tense: “Paty is going to bake cookies for the guests” A) Paty is baking cookies for the guests B) Paty baked cookies for the guests C) Paty was baking cookies for the guests D) Paty bakes cookies for the guests.
Complete the conversation with the correct past forms of verb “to be” Lore: I _____ IN Istanbul last summer, Roberto: Really? How long _____ you there? Lore: For three weeks Roberto: _____ you there on business or on vacation? Lore: I _____ there for fun. A) Was → was → were → were A) Was → was → were → were C) Was → was → were → was D) Were → was → was → were.
What’s the contraction of “will not”? A) Won’t B) Wan’t C) Willn’t D) Will not.
Form the correct plural form of the following word: child A) Childrens B) Child’s C) Children D) Childs.
Choose a connector for the sentence. "___ I play soccer, everybody shouts." A) Then B) When C) While D) Last.
¿Qué aplicabilidad tiene el inglés en tu vida cotidiana? A) Tratas de aplicarlo en todas las áreas de tu entorno donde sea posible B) En la escuela o casa cuando realizas actividades referentes al modulo C) La menor posible, porque no es un área que te guste i se te facilite D) En cuestiones personales, sólo cuando te ves obligado a hacerlo.
In the next sentence, identify the type of verb, not the tense. The girl lives in Mexico A) Irregular B) Regular C) Progressive D) Perfect.
Choose the grammatically correct negative form of the following sentence: “I’m taking care of Mary’s pet.” A) “I’m not taking care of Mary’s pet.” B) “I not taking care of Mary’s pet.” C) “I’m not take care of Mary’s pet.” D) “I don’t taking care of Mary’s pet.”.
Turn the next sentence into a question. Pepe was sleeping because the Math class was boring? _____ because the Math class was boring? A) Did Pepe sleep B) Was Pepe sleeping C) Does Pepe sleep D) Is Pepe sleeping.
Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in future. “I _____ hot chips.” A) Am going eating B) Am eating C) Are going to eating D) Am going to eat.
Choose a verb for the sentence. "Peter _____ TV in the evening" A) Watches B) Watching C) Watch D) Watch.
Which object pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in the sentence? Can you help my sister and me to finish the homework, please? A) Her B) Him C) Us D) It.
You’re invited to a wedding and the invitation says: “after the ceremony, there’s a reception with family and friends”. You understand that: A) Relatives and friends will get together a day after the wedding B) There will be a reception after the end of the ceremony C) Relatives and friends will get toguether a day before the wedding D) There will be a reception before the end of the ceremony.
What does this sentence express? “It will probably rain tomorrow morning.” A) A prediction about the future B) Something that won’t happen C) A planned action in the future D) Uncertainty about the future.
Which sentences are incorrect based on the grammar for simple past? 1. Where did you picket up your English? 2. Why did you salm the door? 3. When does she had the accident? 4. What time did the match was start? A) 2 – 3 – 4 B) All of them C) 1 – 3 – 4 D) None of them.
Which sentences are in simple present? 1. My brother is playing the guitar at the moment. 2. I often write poems to my wife. 3. Your parents are walking to the classroom now. 4. Jose is taking his grandparents to his house in this moment. 5. The sun barely shines with this weather A) 2, 4, 5 B) 1, 3 1, C) 3, 4 D) 2, 5.
Si conocieras a una persona de habla inglesa a través de una red social ¿Cómo intercambiarías información con ella sobre tu proyecto de vida? A) Usarías tus nociones granmaticales para expresar tus ideas apoyándote de un diccionario o traductor para consultar vocabulario B) Darias respuestas cortas y directas sin estructuras gramaticales complejas, para evitar conversar y usar mas vocabulario C) Expresarías de manera autónoma tus ideas utilizando las nociones gramaticales y vocabulario propias para su formulación D) Consultarías las expresiones gramaticales y vocabulario en un diccionario o traductor para poder expresar bien tus ideas.
Al revisar la forma de formular preguntas en future, observas que hay distintas maneras para hacerlo. ¿Qué opciones aprendes? A) La más sencilla para facilitar el estudio y no preguntar B) Todas para tener diferentes alternativas para preguntar C) La mas usada para poder encontrar Material dE apoyo con mayor facilidad D) La que mas se te facilite, para tener al menos una forma segura para usar.
Choose a correct verb conjugation for the sentence in past continuous. “We ______ in a small town.” A) Is living B) Was living C) Are living D) Were living.
Choose a comparative adjective for the sentence. “Sandy’s hair is _____ Nancy’s” A) Tallest B) Fat C) Longer than D) Skinny.
What’s the correct and logical question for this answer? “Beto is presenting his findings to Andres” A) How does Beto do it? B) What is Beto doing? C) Where did Beto go? D) When will Beto go?.
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