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Mi vida en otra lengua

Mi vida en otra lengua

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Número preguntas: 30
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1. The kids ___ hungry so I didn't buy snacks. A) not were B) not was C) were not D) was not .
2. Complete the next sentence. We ______ go to the supermarket because we were ti red. A) did B) don't C) didn't D) doesn't .
3. Complete question in the Simple Past Tense. Why ___ she ___ that box? A) did- open B) did - opens C) does - open D) do- opens .
4. Change the sentence to the negative Present Progressive form. Mary works. A) Is Mary working. B) Mary is working. C) lsn't Mary working. D) Mary isn't working. .
5. Maria is not here, she's ___ in the pool! A) swiming B) swimming C) swimmed D) swimed.
6. Complete the sentence in the Past Progressive form. lt last winter. --- A) was snowing B) were coughing C) is raining D) are singing.
7. Complete the following sentence with the correct word. l'm working on my computer ______ my father is reading a book. A) where B) while C)who D) wha.
8. Choose the correct connector for the following sentence. I was doing homework ___ my mother knocked at the door. A) which B) where C)what D) whe.
9. ldentify the sentence that is in Simple Future. A) She will cook a special dish tonight. B) She is going to cook a special dish tonight. C) She will be cooking a special dish tonight. D) She was cooking a special dish tonight. .
1O. Choose the sentence in negative form with the correct word order. A) l'm going to g_o not to the party. B) He not is going to get a job. C) We're going not to see a film. D) They're not going to visit the castle. .
11. She ____ visiting her parents this weekend. A) are B) is C) will D) would.
12. Choose one option to complete the expression below. l'm a little worried. She's 2 hours late. Why ___ she ____ so late? A) will - to be B) would- be C) won't-be D) would -to be.
13. What are the following singular nouns in plural: mouse, goose, woman and J child? A) Mice, gooses, women and childs B) Mouses, gooses, womans and children C) Mice, geese, women and children D) Mouses, geese, womans and childs.
14. How much ____ do you need? A) apples B) strawberry C)bananas D) milk .
15. Complete the sentence with the correct pronouns. He carne to church with ____ , as he always did. A) her B) she C) they D) them .
16. Complete the following text using pronouns. Daniel knows that today is my birthday, and ____ bought ___ a strawberry ice cream because ____ like it a lot, it's my favorite flavor! A) me-I-it B) he- it- me C) me - he- it D) he- me.
17. Choose the comparative form for the next sentence. My brother is ____ my sister. A) laziest B) lazier than C) lazier D) more lazy .
18. Complete the· next sentence. My friends are always tired during the day because they ____ go to bed early. A) always B) often C) hardly ever D) once .
19. Choose the correct words to complete the following sentence. Javier has ____ books on his desk, but Sandra doesn't have ___ _ books on her desk. A) sorne - any B) any- sorne C) many - much D) much - many .
20. Complete the following paragraph with the prepositions. My birthday party is _____ 2 weeks. l'm a little nervous because not everything is ready. The party is _____ Friday 14th, but my birthday is officially ______ Saturday. My friends say it should begin at 9 p.m. A) on-in-up B) in-up-on C) up-on-in D) in-on-on .
21. Ana needs ___ information about the project. A) sorne B) a C)an D) many.
22. Complete the following question. James, ___ were you born? A) when B) where C)what D)which.
23. Season in which leaves start to change color and fall from trees. lt gets dark earlier. A) Summer B) Autumn C) Winter D) Spring.
24. The right outfit for a wedding if you are a woman. A) A dark suit and a tie B) A sweater and sneakers C) A dress and high heeled shoes D) A bathing suit and sandals.
25. This is an indoor activity. A) Hill walking B) Climbing C) Hiking D) Playing chess.
26. lt's considered junk food. A) Candies B) Potatoes C)Banana D) Cheese .
27.1 have a ___ throat and a stomach ___ . 1 have to go to the doctor. A) sore - ache B) ache - sore C) cold - ache D) ache - cold .
28. lt's considered the first of the stages of life. A) Toddler B) Adolescence C) Childhood D) Birth .
29. People play this sport on ice. A) Badminton B) Hockey C) Fencing D) Archery.
30. Choose the correct profession for the following description. lt's the professional that studies the mind and behavior of a person. A) Dentist B) Biologist C) Psychologist D) Lawyer.
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