TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: Módulo 12 Mi Vida En Otra Lengua
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Módulo 12 Mi Vida En Otra Lengua

Practica para examen


Fecha de Creación: 27/09/2022

Categoría: Idiomas

Número Preguntas: 15
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1. Choose the correct words to complete the next text in English If it´s necessary you can use a word more than once: ¨Teel me, please. Why_____you_____him_____Mary_____know he was the thief?¨ A) Did - invited - when - did B) Did - invite - when - did C) Did - invited when - do D) Did to invite - when - do.
2. Classify the following sentences as true (T) or false (F) Sentences: 1. Negatives in the simple past tense are formed by DID NOT before the simple form of the verb. 2. The verb BE is not an exception to the previous sentence. 3. YES/NO questions in the simple past are NOT created using the auxiliaey DID. 4. Questions with WH word in simple past are created using the auxiliary DID. A) [T-2,3] [F-1,4] B) [T-2] [F-1,3,4] C) [T-1,4] [F-2,3] D) [T-1,3,4] [F-2].
3.Order the numbers of the following words to make a logical sentense in the conditional for future: 1. Every day 2. Your brain 3. Read 4. Work 5. Better 6. If you 7. Will A) 5 - 7 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 3 - 1 B) 5 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 6 - 3 - 1 C) 6 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 7 - 4 - 5 D) 6 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 7 - 5.
4. Choose a connector for the sentence: ¨_____I play soccer, everybody shouts A) When B) Then C) Last D) While.
5. Indicate if the next question is correct or not and why: ¨What did you wear if you would go to the party?¨ A) Yes, it´s correct because first you express a question and then a condition with ¨would¨. B) No, the first auxiliary for conditionals is wrong and second verb is in wrong from too. C) Yes, it´s correct because it´s an indirect question, so you can use two different auxiliaries. D) No, instead of ¨you would go¨, it shoul say ¨would you go¨ because it is interrogative.
6. Read the text and complete it with the correct pronuuns: 1. He came to church with ___ (her/she), as___ (him/he) always did. 2. _____ (her/she) took the precation to place ___(him/he) next to her. A) Her- he - she - him B) She - he - she - him C) Her - he - she - he D) Her - him - she - him.
7. Change the next sentence to past continous. All of the reindeer are leaping around in the snow. All of the reindeer _____ around in the snow. A) Had leapt B) Have leapt C) Had been leaping D) Were leaping.
8. Decide which sentences are true: 1. We use the present continuous to talk about what´s happening now. 2. ¨now¨, ¨at the moment¨ are simple present time. 3. In the simple present tense we add ¨ing¨ tu all the verbs. 4. We use the auxiliary verb ¨to be¨ with the present progressive tense. A) 1 - 4 B) 2 - 4 C) 1 - 3 D) 2 - 3.
9. What does this sentence express? ¨I´ll take a seat. Look over there, there´s an empaty chair.¨ A) Aprediction or promise. B) Plans about the future. C) Uncertainty of actions happening in the future. D) A decision made at the moment of speaking.
10. Choose the correct expressions ¨in-at-on¨ to complete the sentences: 1. ¨My mother´s birthday is ___ April¨. 2. ¨ I always get up early ___ Friday mornings¨. 3. ¨Please, try to be home ___ lunch time¨ A) 1-on / 2-in / 3-at B) 1-in / 2-in / 3-on C) 1-in / 2-on / 3-at D) 1-on / 2-at / 3-at.
11. Si conocieras a una persona de habla inglesa a través de una red social ¿cómo intercambiarias información con ella sobre tu proyecto de vida? A) Consultarías las expresiones gramaticales y vocabulario en un diccionario o traductor para poder expresar bien tus ideas. B) Expresas de manera autónoma tus ideas utilizando las nociones gramaticales y vocabulario propias para su información. C) Usarías tus nociones gramaticales para expresar tus ideas apoyándote de un diccionario o traductor para consultar vocabulario. D) Darías rspuestas cortas y directas sin estructuras gramaticales complejas, para evitar conversar y usar más vocabulario.
12. Complete the sentences using the correct form of ´´going to´´ Choose affirmative, interrogative o negative: 1. Pedros´s sweater is dirty. He (wash)_____it. 2. I´ve decides to pick up some eggs. I(fry)_____them. 3. Rosa needs that sofa. She (sell)_____it. 4. My tooth is aching a lot. I (visist)_____my dentist. A) 1- is will go to wash 2- amn´t going to fry 3- isn´t going to sell 4- am going to visit B) 1- are going to wash 2- going to frying 3- isn´t going to sell 4- is going to visit C) 1- is going to wash 2- am not going to fry 3- aren´t going to sell 4- am going to visist D) 1- is going to wash 2- am not going to fry -aren´t going to ell 4- am going to visit.
13. Decide whether the following sentences are in present progressive or simple present tense 1. Simple present 2. Present continuos a. My brother is playing the guitar at the moment b. I often write poems to my wife c. Your parents are talking now d. Jose is talking his grandparents to his house in this moment e. The sun barely shines with this weather A) [1-b,e] [2-a,c,d] B) [1-c,d] [2-a,b,e] C) [1-a,b,e] [2-c,d] D) [ 1-a,c,d] [2-b,e].
14. ¿Si desconoces la manera en la que puede ser usado un comparativo en inglés, que opción te puede ayudar a eliminar tu duda? A) Apuntar la palabra y buscar al final de la unidad B) Subrayar para crear un glosario al final del modulo C) Buscar en un diccionario y verificar los usos de la palabra D) Entrar a un buscador de internet y leer las páginas que salen.
15. ¿Que método utilizas para comprender temas como el uso de los pronombres y adjetivos? A) Leer repetidamente el texto hasta memorizar la información relevante. B) Buscar datos que te remitan a la información relevante para aprenderla. C) Hacer pausas durante la lectura para mejoar la retenitiva. D) Leer pausadamente para aprender el mayor número de información.
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