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Rebeca Wong
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Choose a connector for the sentence. “_________ I play, everybody shouts” Last. When. While. Then.
If want to tell something that happened during the day and the person in front of me does not understand when I speak in English, what happens to me? I get upset with the other person for his or her inability to understand me. I feel desperate. I feel glad that even as I can´t speak well I lost the fear to express myself I feel frustrated.
Choose a connector for the sentence. “He sings along to the music on the radio _______ he takes a shower” When. Last. Then. While.
Choose a verb for the sentence. “Peter __________ TV in the evening” Watching. Watches. Watch. Watched.
What do you consider is the best way to correct spelling on your writings? Asking someone else to help you correct mistakes. Using an on –line translator is the best way to learn. Avoiding using the words that you don´t know well. Looking up in books the words you aren´t sure about.
Choose a verb for the sentence: “The Gomez family members _________ dinner together every night” Drink. Wash. Take. Eat.
Choose a verb for the sentence. “Susan and Peter _________ very early.” Look up. Drink. Cook. Wake up.
In which of these sentences are the prepositions used correctly? 1. My daughter is coming home next Monday. 2. I am used to watching TV in the morning. 3. In Mexico everybody usually goes home at every Christmas. 4. My children always get up late Sunday mornings. 1, 2, 4 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3.
Which sentence is grammatically correct? Have Rafael and Julieta Morales three children? What are one important change I American families? Why Mexican families are changing? Why is Julieta working as a hospital administrator this year?.
Complete the following sentence with the correct verb form. “We planted an apple-tree in the backyard; unfortunately it __________” Was dying. Died. Has died. Had died.
Choose a superlative adjective for the sentence. “China´s population is _________of all the countries.” Fatter. Heavy. The largest. Small.
Complete the following sentence in simple past using the correct verb form and auxiliary: What time ___________ the last train ______? Did - leave. Does - left. Did - left. Does - leave.
What would you do if you´re waiting for someone at the airport and foreigner approaches you and asks you this: “Do you know what time the bank opens?” I´d try to answer using my knowledge in the English. I´d say I don´t understand the question. I´d just say the specific time they open. I´d use body language and point to the watch.
Choose a logical verb with the correct form of the verb to be for the sentence in past progressive. “I _____ at the party.” Are dancing. Is looking. Were eating. Was dancing.
Rewrite the sentence using plural nouns and change the number 1 for 100. “There is one mouse in the kitchen.” There are one hundred mice in the kitchen. There are one hundred mouse in the kitchen. There is one hundred mice in the kitchen. There is one hundred mouse in the kitchen.
Choose the correct plural noun for the following sentence. “As we get older, so do our _____!” Tooth. Teeths. Tooths. Teeth.
Choose one of these prepositions for the sentence: at, on, in or after. The telephone rang _________ the doorbell. At. In. After. On.
Choose the correct expressions “in-at-on” to complete the sentences: 1. “My mother´s birthday is _____April.” 2. “I always get up early ______Friday mornings.” 3. “Please, try to be home_______ lunch time.” 1-in/2-in/3-on 1-on/2-in/3-at 1-on/2-at/3-at 1-in/2-on/3-at.
Turn this statement into a question: "Molly buys gift certificates at the department store." Did Carla ___________ gift certificates at the department store? Buyed. Buy. Bought. Buys.
Order 6 of the following numbers to make a coherent sentence. 1. potato chips. 2. the saltiest 3. why 4. are 5. snack 6. does 7. is 8. ? 7-1-3-2-5-4 6-2-1-7-3-8 3-6-2-1-7-5 3-4-1-2-5-8.
What´s the correct question to get this answer based on the grammar for the simple past and the best choice of a question word? “The concert began at six o´clock.” When did the concert began? When did the concert begin? What time did the concert begin? What time did the concert began?.
Rewrite the sentence using the simple future tense: “Juan is an expert on using computers” Juan will be an expert on using computers. Juan is being an expert on using computers. Juan will an expert on using computers. Juan be an expert on using computers.
Rewrite the sentence using the simple future tense. “The team has a party” The team will party. The team will has a party. The team will have a party. The team have a party.
Complete the question “Will you please call me up when you _______ there?” Arrives. Will arrive. Would arrive. Arrive.
Order the following words to make a coherent sentence. 1. He. 2. be 3. would 4. the 5. organizing 6. not 7. ? 8. evidence 3-1-6-2-5-4-8-7 3-1-2-6-5-4-8-7 1-3-6-2-4-5-8-7 1-3-6-2-5-4-8-7.
Choose the correct connector for the next sentence: “I was studying ______ Mom was making dinner.” When. Because. While. Although.
Complete the following question: “________ were you born?” I was born in 1980. What. Which. When. Where.
What´s the grammatically correct answer to the following question? “What were you doing yesterday at 3 PM?” I did not work on my PC. I was working on my PC. I have worked on my PC. I were working on my PC. .
¿Qué aplicabilidad tiene el ingles en u vida cotidiana? Lo menor posible, porque no es un área que te guste o se te facilite. Tratas de aplicarlo en todas las áreas de tu entorno donde sea posible. En cuestiones personales, sólo cuando te ves obligado a hacerlo. En la escuela o casa cuando realizas actividades referentes al módulo.
From the correct plural form of the following Word: Child. Child´s. Childrens. Childs. Children.
Complete the next sentence with the correct object pronoun: “I love Mary, I´ve just bought a nice bunch of the flowers for _________.” Her Him He She.
Read the following sentence: “Every word on that page is working hard to highlight your talents and skills.” Now, change it to the grammatically correct interrogative form asking “why?” Why every word on that page working hard to highlight your talents and skills? Why is every word on the page working hard to highlight your talents and skills? Why every word on that page is working hard to highlight your talents and skills? Why does every word is working hard to highlight your talents and skills?.
Choose the correctconnector for the next sentence: I was studying ____ Mon was making dinner. When. Because. While. Although.
Why is the following question incorrect? “Why do you did that during last class?” Because “do” and “did” can never be used together in the same sentence. Because the auxiliary in past is “did”, the verb should be in infinitive without “to”. Because “do” is for the questions in present and this is a question in past. Because “do” can not be repeated as an auxiliary and as a verb in the same sentence.
What´s the correct question to get this underlined answer?: I went to the movies yesterday. When did you go to the movies? How did you go yesterday? Why did you go to the movies? What time did you go to the movies?.
What´s the contraction of “will not”? Willn´t. Wan´t. Won´t. Will not.
How do you offer a drink in a polite way? What do you want to drink? What would you like to drink? What do you like to drink? What drink would you prefer?.
How do you offer a drink in a polite way? What do you want to drink? What would you like to drink? What do you like to drink? What drink would you prefer?.
What´s the the right short answer for this? “Would you like go to the movies next weekend?” No, I would not like. No, I would not. No, I wouldn´t. No, I would´t like.
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