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1. The nurse is assessing a pregnant woman. Which signs or symptoms indicate a hydatidiform mole? a. Rapid fetal heart tones b. Abnormally high hCG levels c. Slow uterine growth d. Lack of symptoms of pregnancy .
2. Which findings would be considered positive signs of pregnancy? a. Fatigue and skin changes b. Quickening and breast enlargement c. Fetal heartbeat and fetal movement on palpation d. Abdominal enlargement and Braxton Hicks contractions .
3. In early pregnancy, some clients complain of abdominal pain or pulling. Identify the area most commonly associated with this pain a. RUQ b. LUQ c. RLQ d. LLQ .
4. Before postpartum client is discharged, Ms. Soto RN checks her hormone levels. What happens to the level of hCG during the postpartum period? a. The circulating hCG levels remains high for 2-4 weeks b. The serum hCG levels diminishes over 6 weeks c. Circulating hCG disappears within 24 hours d. The serum hCG level remains high until the clients next pregnancy .
5. During assessment for admission to the labor and delivery area, a client with her husband asks you whether their sons Carlos ages 8 and Mario ages 10 can witness the childbirth. Before answering this question, you should consider which guideline? a. Children and client should share a support person during the childbirth b. Children should attend childbirth only if it takes place at home c. Children should not attend childbirth because it will frighten them d. Each child attending the childbirth should have a separate support system .
6. As part of postpartum F/U you call a new mother at home a few days after discharge. The client answers the phone, begins to cry, and tells you that she has feelings of inadequacy and is not coping with the demands of motherhood. Based on this information which of the following assessments would you make? a. The client’s behavior represents signs of postpartum depression b. The client is acting abnormally, and her physician needs to be notified c. A home assessment is necessary to assure the wellbeing of the mother and the baby d. This is expected behavior for a client 3-7 days postpartum .
7. A client is to have an epidural block to relieve labor pain. Ms. Soto RN anticipates that the anesthesiologist will inject the anesthetic agent into the a. Subarachnoid space b. Area between the subarachnoid space and the dura mater c. Area between the dura mater and the ligamentum flavum d. Ligamentum flavum .
8. A primigravid client is admitted to the labor and delivery area. Assessment revels that she is in the early part of the first stage of labor. Her pain is likely to be most intense a. Around the pelvic girdle b. Around the pelvic girdle and the upper legs c. Around the pelvic girdle and the perineum d. At the perineum .
9. Ms. Rosario, a pregnant client comes to the facility for her first prenatal visit. When providing teaching you should be sure to cover which topic? a. Labor techniques b. Danger signs during pregnancy c. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy d. Test to evaluate for high risk pregnancy .
10. The neonate of a client with type 1 diabetes mellitus is at risk for hypoglycemia. An initial sign the nurse should recognize as indicating hypoglycemia in a neonate is a. Peripheral cyanosis b. Bradycardia c. Lethargy d. Jaundice .
11. Ms. Torres a 26 y/o female comes to the labor and delivery area and tells you: “I believe my membranes have ruptured” When obtaining the patient history what should you ask about first? a. The time of membrane rupture b. the frequency of contractions c. the presence of back pain d. the presence of bloody show .
12. Ms. Rodriguez plans to breastfeed her healthy full-term neonate. You should encourage her to start breastfeeding within 30 minutes of the neonate’s birth because: a. The neonate will be responsive and eager to suck at this time b. Breastfeeding will inhibit prolactin production c. Her breasts will be firm and filled with colostrum at this time d. Breastfeeding will help the neonate fall asleep .
13. A client who is 5 weeks pregnant reports nausea and vomiting. The nurse reassures the client that these symptoms will subside a. 5 – 8 weeks gestation b. 9 – 12 weeks gestation c. 14 – 17 weeks gestation d. 18 – 22 weeks gestation .
14. At 28 weeks of gestation Ms. Rios is admitted to the labor and delivery area with a dx. of preterm labor. An IV infusion of ritodrine (Yutopar) is started, which client outcome reflects the nurse’s awareness of an adverse effect of this medication? “Client remains free… a. from tachycardia b. from hypertension c. from polyuria d. from hyporeflexia .
15. An alarm signals indicating that a neonate’s security identification band requires attention. The nurse responds immediately and finds that the identification bands are no longer on the neonate. Which action should the nurse take next? a. Reprimand the parents for allowing the identification band to come off b. Replace identification bands c. Compare the information on the neonate’s identification bands with that of the mother’s then reattach the identification bands to the neonate’s extremity d. Obtain the neonate’s footprint and compare them with the footprints obtained at birth to assure proper identification of the neonate .
16. A client is in the 8th month of pregnancy. To enhance cardiac output and renal function, the nurse should advise her to use which body position? a. Right lateral b. Left lateral c. Supine d. Semi-fowlers .
17. Sandra a 19 y/o female patient has an episiotomy to widen her birth canal. Delivery extends the incision into the anal sphincter. This complication is called a. First degree laceration b. Second degree laceration c. Third degree laceration d. Fourth degree laceration .
18. Sandra on her third postpartum day complaints of chills and aches. Patient chart shows temperature of 100.6 F (38.1 C) for the past 2 days. You then assess for foul smelling yellow lochia. Based on your knowledge what do these findings suggest? a. Lochia alba b. Lochia serosa c. Localized infection d. Cervical laceration .
19. After admission to the labor and delivery area, a client undergoes routine tests: CBC, U/A, VDRL, and gonorrhea culture. The gonorrhea culture is positive, although the client lacks s/s of this disease. What is the significance of this finding? Maternal gonorrhea may cause… a. A neural tube defect in the fetus b. An eye infection in the neonate c. Acute liver changes in the fetus d. Anemia in the neonate.
20. You are providing care for a client in her first stage of labor. What is the shortest but most difficult part of this stage? a. active phase b. Complete phase c. Latent phase d. Transitional phase.
21. Mariana is a newly pregnant patient. Today during her visits expresses that she isn’t taking her prenatal vitamins because they make her nauseated. In addition to telling Mariana how important taking the vitamins are you should advise her to: a. Switch brands b. Take her vitamins on a full stomach c. Take the vitamin with orange juice for better absorption d. Take the vitamin first thing in the morning .
22. Adela is a 22 y/o female G1P0. During the first 24 hours after delivery, patient doesn’t show consistent interest in her neonate. Based on your knowledge how should you interpret this behavior? The client is… a. Experiencing postpartum depression b. Questioning her role as a mother c. Showing expected behaviors for the taking in period d. Failing to attach to the neonate .
23. A 12 hours old b/b neonate has a continuous Grade II murmur with no thrill. The splitting of S2 that was heard with inspiration immediately after birth is no longer present. The neonate’s heart rate is 150 beats/minute. Based on these assessment findings, how should the neonate be transported to the parents? a. Maria a hospital volunteer assigned to the nursery can transport the neonate in an isolette/incubator b. Wanda, a nursing assistant should transport the neonate in a bassinet/cradle c. Ana, an LPN should transport the neonate with an oxygen hood to administer oxygen during transport d. Lourdes, an RN should transport the neonate in a warmed isolette with cardiac monitor and oxygen saturation monito.
24. Ms. Carballo RN currently works within a OB-GYN Clinic is teaching Maritza a 28 y/o female how to use a diaphragm. Which instructions should the nurse provide? a. Insert the diaphragm 4 hours before intercourse b. Leave the diaphragm in place for at least 6 hours after intercourse c. Remove the diaphragm immediately after intercourse d. You may use the diaphragm without spermicidal jelly or cream .
25. Anabelle is a 29 y/o female G2P1 patient is currently progressing through pregnancy but she develops constipation. Based on your knowledge what is the primary cause of this problem during pregnancy? a. Decreased appetite b. Inadequate fluid intake c. Prolonged gastric emptying d. Reduced intestinal motility.
26. Karla is a 27 y/o female currently with a GA of 15 2/7 is schedule for serum alphafetoprotein (AFP). Which maternal history finding best explains the need for this test? a. FHx of spina bifida in a sister b. FHx of down syndrome on the father’s side c. Hx of gestation diabetes during a previous pregnancy d. Hx of spotting during the first month of the current pregnancy.
27. You are preparing to administer an IM injection of prophylactic vitamin K to a normal fullterm neonate. Which needle should you use? a. 25G 1” needle b. 25 G 5/8” needle c. 22G 1” needle d. 22G 5/8” needle.
28. Just after delivery, you measure a neonate’s axillary temperature at 94.1 F (34.5 C). Based on the results what will be your next course of action? a. Rewarm the neonate gradually b. Rewarm the neonate rapidly c. Observe the neonate at least hourly d. Notify the physician when the neonate’s temperature is within physiological levels .
29. A client comes to the office for her first prenatal visit. Patient reports that January 19 was the first day of patient LMP. According to Nagale’s rule, what date should the nurse record as the EDD? a. October 26 current year b. October 26 next year c. October 19 current year d. October 19 next year .
30. A 28 y/o female who admits uses heroin delivers a neonate at 32 weeks gestation. Which neonatal assessment is most important for you to perform? a. Auscultation of breath sounds for signs of pulmonary problems b. Careful observation of respiratory effort because of the neonate’s prematurity c. Evaluation for signs of drug withdrawal d. Observation of jaundice .
31. While caring for a 32 y/o female in the labor and delivery room you observe late deceleration. Its characterized by and indicates which of the following a. U-shaped deceleration occurring after the first half of the contraction, indicating uteroplacental insufficiency b. U shaped deceleration occurring with the contraction indicating cord compression c. V-shaped deceleration occurring after the contraction indicating utero-placental insufficiency d. Deep U-Shaped deceleration occurring before the contraction, indicating head compressio.
32. Ms. Santos RN in the OB/GYN ward enters room 502 patient is a 28 y/o female G2P2 s/p vaginal delivery room administer patient’s morning medications. The patient is in the bathroom. Based on this Ms. Santos should: a. leave the medications on the bedside b. leave the medication after telling the family member to administer it c. leave with the medication and return shortly to administer it d. wait for the patient to return to bed, then leave the medications at the bedside .
33. A medication order is place for a 22 y/o G1P1 who was admitted due to UTI infection and it reads “Ceftin (cefuroxime) 1 g q 12h IV”. This medication order is an example of: a. A prn order b.A single order c.A STAT order d. c. A standing order .
34. You are providing care to Lisa a 42 y/o female s/p TAH-BSO with the following medication order: 1000mL D5NS; run 150mL/hour IV. In the supply unit you have available IV bag of 1000mL D5NS. Approximately how many hours will the IV run? a.19 b. 91 c. 10 d. 8 .
35. On assessing the laboratory reports of a client who is 12 weeks pregnant, the nurse observes that the client’s level of serum ferritin is low. Which condition does the nurse expect in the client? a. Tetany b. Anemia c. Renal failure d. Hypertension .
36. When planning a diet with pregnant woman, what is the nurse’s first action? a. Teach the woman about MyPlate b. Review the woman’s current dietary intake c. Caution the woman to avoid large doses of vitamins especially those that are fat soluble d. Instruct the woman to limit the intake of fatty foods .
37. The nurse is caring for a female client who is recently had an abortion after learning that the fetus had a neural tube defect. The client wants to conceive again and asks the nurse for advice. What suggestion is best to prevent neural tube defect in future pregnancies? a. Take 15mg of iron every day b. Take 46g of protein everyday c. Take 4mg of folic acid every day d. Take 1300mg of calcium every day .
38. A pregnant client has severe and persistent vomiting. The client has lost weight, is dehydrated, and has electrolyte abnormalities. Which condition does the nurse suspect the client has? a. Tetany b. Glossitis c. Hypocalcemia d. Hyperemesis gravidum .
39. Some men experience pregnancy-like symptoms, such as nausea, weight gain, and other physical symptoms. What is this phenomenon called? a. Quickening b. Labor syndrome c. Couvade syndrome d. Pregnancy syndrome.
40. While examining the breasts of a pregnant client, the nurse observes that the client has inverted nipples. What does the nurse interpret from this finding? The client… a. Had a breast reduction surgery in the past b. Has to apply iodine tincture on the nipples c. Has normal breast changes during pregnancy d. Baby will probably have difficulty latching.
41. A pregnant client complains of constipation. While checking the client’s history, the nurse learns that the client is taking oral iron supplements. What instruction does the nurse give the client to relieve constipation? a. drink mineral oil before going to bed b. take a stool softener before going to bed c. drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day d. discontinue taking iron supplements .
42. The nurse is assessing the fundal height of a pregnant client. During the assessment, the nurse observes that the client has difficulty breathing and is sweating profusely. After recording the heart rate and blood pressure of the client, the nurse changes the client’s position. What is the rationale for this nursing intervention? The client has… a. Excess body weight b. Gestational hypertension c. Supine hypotension d. Respiratory tract infection .
43. An expectant father confides in the nurse that his pregnant wife, 10 weeks of gestation, is driving him crazy. One minute she seems happy, and the next minute she is crying over nothing at all. “Is there something wrong with her?” What is the nurse’s best response? a. This is normal behavior and should begin to subside by the second trimester b. She may be having difficulty adjusting to pregnancy, I will refer her to a counselor I know c. This is called emotional liability and is related to hormone changes and anxiety during pregnancy. The mood swings will eventually subside as she adjusts to being pregnant d. You seem impatient with her. Perhaps this is precipitating her behavior .
44. The nurse observes that the newborn has milky secretions from the nipples. What is the reason for this finding? a. High levels of maternal insulin b. High levels of maternal estrogen c. Low levels of maternal thyroxine d. Low levels of maternal progesterone.
45. What should nurses be aware of regarding infertility? a. Infertility is perceived differently by women and men b. Infertility has relatively stable prevalence among the overall population and throughout women’s potential reproductive years c. Infertility is more likely the result of a physical flaw in the woman that in her male partner. d. Infertility is the same thing as sterility.
46. A man and a woman who have not achieved a successful pregnancy are scheduled to meet with a family specialist. Which simple evaluation is usually the first test to be performed? a. Semen analysis b. Testicular biopsy c. Endometrial biopsy d. Hysterosalpingogram .
47. A pregnant client in the first trimester has developed pregnancy complications and undergoes a medical abortion. The nurse finds from the client’s blood reports that the client is Rh negative. What is a priority action by the nurse? therapy after the abortion a. Initiate methotrexate b. Instruct client to use douches after the abortion c. Administer Rho(D) immune globulin after the abortion d. Administer nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs .
48. The nurse is assessing a client who is taking oral contraceptives and reports severe pain in the legs. What symptoms should the nurse primarily assess for in the client? a. Severe muscle spasms b. Thrombus formation c. High creatinine levels d. Hyperglycemic events.
49. Which contraceptive method provides protection against sexually transmitted infections? a. Intrauterine device b. Oral contraceptives c. Tubal ligation d. Male/female condoms .
50. Which infection is prevented with the Cervarix and Guardasil vaccine? a. Bacterial vaginosis b. Vulvovaginal candidiasis c. Pelvic inflammatory disease d. Human papillomavirus .
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