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TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESEOutsystems Reactive Web Developer

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Outsystems Reactive Web Developer

Outsystems Reactive Web Developer Examen

Outsystems Student
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Which of the following is not a Development Environment? Service Studio Integration Studio Service Center.
One of the following Tools allows you to manage the application's lifecycle across an infrastructure. Which one? Service Center LifeTime Service Studio Integration Studio.
During the 1-Click Publish, your application data model, code, and interface is compiled and generates .NET code, HTML, JavaScript and CSS. True or False? True False.
In which Service Studio layer can Screens and Blocks be found? Processes Interface Logic Data.
In which Service Studio layer can Entities be found? Processes Interface Logic Data.
Regarding Reactive Web Apps in OutSystems, which of the following options is false? A Reactive Web App is a cross-device app. Data requests are executed synchronously. The code generated by OutSystems results in a single-page application. A developer builds the Reactive Web App in Service Studio.
Regarding Mobile (Phone or Tablet) Apps in OutSystems, which of the following options is false? Mobile Apps can run natively on iOS and Android. Mobile Apps can be distributed as a PWA. Mobile Apps do not have offline capabilities. The programming model of Mobile Apps is similar to Reactive Web Apps.
What happens when a developer publishes a Module? The OutSystems platform compiles it and generates the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The browser opens. Nothing. The code is uploaded but only compiled when a user accesses the application.
Which of the following options is false regarding Modules and applications? An application is composed of a set of Modules. Modules can be of different types, such as Reactive Web App, Blank, or Extension. Elements can be exposed and reused, but only within the same application. A Module that reuses an element from another Module is called a Consumer.
Business concepts that need to be stored and accessed in our applications should be modeled as... Entities. Entity diagrams. Entity relationships. Database tables.
Which of the following mappings between OutSystems and the Database is NOT correct? Entities - Tables. Attributes - Column. Reference attribute - Primary Key. Index - Index.
Which of the following statements about Entities is false? Entities have attributes. Entities do not require an identifier. Entities are only stored in memory. Entities can be created, updated, and deleted.
If an Entity Attribute named HouseNumber is created, what needs to be done about its Data Type? It should be set to Integer. It should be set to Decimal. Nothing, it will automatically be set to Identifier. Nothing, it will automatically be set to Integer.
Which of the following is not an Entity Action of the Customer Entity? CreateCustomer. RetrieveCustomer. UpdateCustomer. DeleteCustomer.
Which of the following is a characteristic of a Static Entity? It can't be changed after the first publish. It contains a set of Records. It has two Entity Actions. It can't be extended with any new attributes.
Regarding the Records of a Static Entity, which of the following options is false? The values for all 4 default attributes must be defined. Records can only be added and removed during development. The record identifier is the identifier of Static Entity. The Identifier attribute is required for all Static Entities.
Static Entities are most similar to which other programming concept? Linked lists. Enumeration. Hash Maps. Static variables.
Screens are composed of several elements called Widgets. True False.
What type of variables can be created inside a Screen? Local Variables only. Input Parameters only. Input Parameters and Local Variables. Input Parameters, Output Parameters, and Local Variables.
Which of the following options is false? Input Parameters allow passing data between Screens when navigating between them. Local Variables from a Screen may be directly accessed from another Screen. Local Variables allow temporarily storing relevant information inside a Screen. When the value of a Local Variable changes the user interface reacts immediately.
The Expression widget... ... displays only static text. ... displays text calculated at runtime. ... displays only the result of mathematical expressions.
Which of the following behaviors is true for Links and Buttons? Links can only navigate to Screens. Buttons can only have a Screen Action as an On Click Destination. Links and Buttons can either Navigate to screens or trigger Screen Actions. Only Links can navigate to external URLs.
Regarding the If Widget, which of the following options is false? Functions can be used inside the Condition of an If. More branches may be added to an If Widget. Only one of the branches is shown at runtime. Multiple widgets may be added inside each branch.
Regarding the Container widget, which of the following options is false? Containers allow grouping several widgets. By default, containers can span from 1 column up to 12 columns. Containers can be placed inside other containers. All containers must have at least one widget inside.
Which of the following options is correct? Screen Actions can call other Screen Actions from a different screen. Client Actions can call Screen Actions. Server Actions can call Client Actions. Client Actions can call Server Actions.
Client Actions and Server Actions can have the following variables: Input and Output Parameters, but no Local variables. Input Parameters and Local Variables, but no Output Parameters. Input and Output Parameters, as well as Local Variables. Output Parameters and Local Variables, but no Input Parameters.
The flow of an action can have... ... multiple Start and End nodes. ... one or more Start nodes but only one End node. ... only one Start node but multiple End nodes. ... only one Start node and one End node.
Regarding the If statement, which of the following options is false? Both True and False branches are mandatory. Only one of the branches is executed, depending on the If condition's outcome. If statements can also be used to implement ad-hoc loops. More branches may be added if needed.
Regarding the Switch statement, which of the following options is false? The first branch that the condition evaluates to True is executed. Every branch that evaluates to True is executed. If no branch evaluates to True, the Otherwise branch is executed. The Otherwise branch must exist.
Inside an Action flow... ... only one Exception Handler may exist. ... it's mandatory to have at least one Exception Handler. ... the Exception Handler flow can't intersect other flows.
If we have multiple Exception Handlers in an Action flow and an Exception is raised... ... the execution is always moved to the Global Exception Handler. ... the execution is moved to the Exception Handler that is most specific to the Exception. ... the execution is moved to all Exception Handlers of the Action. ... a Switch statement is needed to select which Exception Handler will continue the execution.
In an Aggregate, the Sources section is used for... Defining values for testing the Aggregate's output records. Defining the Entities we want to retrieve records from. Defining conditions to get specific subsets of records. Defining the order of the Aggregate's output records.
Considering that we can add several filters to an Aggregate, which of the following options is false? A record is included in the output if it matches at least one of the filters. Filters are concatenated with the AND operator. All filters are translated to SQL and included in the WHERE clause. Logical operators and some built-in functions can be used inside filters.
Regarding Sorting in Aggregates, which of the following options is correct? Aggregates only support one sorting criterion. If more than one sorting criterion is defined, all of them must have the same direction (ascending or descending). It is mandatory to set the direction for all sorting criteria (ascending or descending). It is only possible to set multiple sorting criteria if duplicate records exist in the entity.
In an Aggregate, the purpose of the Test Values section is… To define values for testing the preview of the Aggregate's output. To set the conditions to get specific records, not all the records. To define the order of its output records. To define the Entities we want to get records from.
Regarding Screen Aggregates, which of the following options is false? Screen Aggregates run asynchronously and in parallel. Screen Aggregates only exist within the scope of the Screen where they were defined. Screen Aggregates can only be executed when explicitly called. Screen Aggregates can only fetch data from the database.
How is the data fetched by an Aggregate bound to a Table or a List widget? By setting the Source property of the widget to the output of the Aggregate. The binding is done automatically since the Aggregate is in the scope of the Screen. By adding an Expression inside the widget that refers to an attribute of the data fetched by the Aggregate. By creating a Screen Action that programmatically assigns the widget to the data fetched by the Aggregate.
Considering ListItem and List Actions, which of the following options is false? List Actions can only be used inside List Items. List Items can be used outside of Lists. When List Items have the full swiping option activated, the List Action is not necessary. The List Action triggers a Screen Action that will have the logic to be executed on swipe.
Regarding data relationships, which of the following options is correct? An Entity must have an identifier to allow relationships. A reference attribute needs to be mandatory. An Entity can only have one reference attribute. The Entity identifier must be an integer.
Which of the following steps is necessary to create a 1-to-1 relationship between Entity A and Entity B? Set the data type of the identifier attribute of Entity B to Entity A Identifier. Add a new Entity C, with two reference attributes of type Entity A Identifier and Entity B Identifier. Add a new reference attribute of type Entity B Identifier to Entity A. Add a new Entity C, with the identifier attribute being a composition of types Entity A Identifier and Entity B Identifier.
Which of the following steps is necessary to create a 1-to-many relationship between a Master Entity A and a Detail Entity B? Set the data type of the identifier attribute of Entity B to Entity A Identifier. Add a new Entity C, with two reference attributes of type Entity A Identifier and Entity B Identifier. Entity A must have a reference attribute of type Entity B Identifier. Entity B must have a reference attribute of type Entity A Identifier.
Which of the following steps is necessary to create a many-to-many relationship between Entity A and Entity B? Set the data type of the identifier attribute of Entity B to Entity A Identifier. Add a new reference attribute of type Entity B Identifier to Entity A. Add a new Entity C, with two reference attributes of type Entity A Identifier and Entity B Identifier. Add a new reference attribute of type Entity B Identifier to Entity A and a new reference attribute of type Entity A Identifier to Entity B.
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