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A 82-year-old man was admitted to hospital the night before a prostatectomy for prostate cancer. It is alert and oriented, but has difficulty to see and hear. The wife is bedside the patient and answers most questions directed to the patient. To achieve the preoperative education to the patient, the nurse / o: Ask the patient's wife to wait in the corridor approach to education with the patient preoperative Make use of written materials to educate the patient because this does not listen well Directing education to the wife because this is who will take care of the patient Provide more time to understand the patient preoperative education and carry out procedures .
During the interview with preoperative nurse / or a patient to receive a hysterectomy to treat benign tumors of the uterus tells the nurse / or may not know whether to undergo surgery because she knows she will die as her mother in operating room. The most appropriate response of the nurse / or would be: " Speaks more about what happened to her mom" "I am sure that surgical techniques have improved since his mother was operated." "You have you discussed their feelings with someone else" "Think positively, has shown that positive thoughts can influence an outcome surgical positive.".
A man of 74 years of age will receive a left inguinal hernia repair in the outpatient clinic. Before the operation it is important that the nurse / or determined: if the health plan covers the patient ambulatory surgery if the patient is planning to spend the night in the surgery unit if a family member or friend is available to transport patients to their homes if the patient has had outpatient surgeries in the past .
During the preoperative estimated, the nurse to identify a risk of latex allergy in the patient reported that allergy: eggs and milk Penicillin iodine Guinean and avocados .
The nurse to visit the patient to sign this consent is operating as a medical orderly in order preoperative. The patient tells the nurse that the doctor has not explained well which includes the surgical procedure. The nurse must: ask relatives if they have discussed the surgical procedure with the doctor delaying the signing of consent and notify the doctor that the procedure of informed consent is not complete ask the patient to sign the sheet and tell the doctor will explain the procedure before surgery explain to the patient which includes the surgical procedure before the patient sign the consent .
The nurse to stimulate the family member or friend to stay with the patient in the preoperative area until the patient reaches the operating room mostly for: protect the patient from contamination with other patients. ensure proper identification of the patient before surgery help relieve the stress of separation of the patient and their relatives. protect the patient from contamination with other patients. .
The activity intraoperative done by the nurse to specify the role of circulating is identify and assess the patient. count sponges, needles and instruments. passing instruments to the surgeon and assistants. prepare the table and organize the instruments sterile equipment. .
The definition that best describes the role of nurse / anesthetist or as a member of the surgical team is that he or she has the same credentials and responsibilities of the anesthesiologist. can operate independently in the administration of anesthetic agents is limited / or the administration of anesthetics preoperative only, while the anesthesiologist must assign a classification of the patient anesthesia. have medical supervision of the surgeon or anesthesiologist administered anesthesia while the patient. .
The physical environment and traffic control measures in operating room are mostly designed to prevent transmission of infections. protect the privacy of the patient. ensure the appropriate role of electrical equipment promote the development of the teamwork team's operating room. .
The basic principles of aseptic techniques in the operating room include Consider the clothes as non-sterile surgical sterile, except the front of this chest to top of the table and sleeves 2 inches above the elbows. The washing hands and arms suitable for all members of the surgical team before entering operating room. The use of personal protective equipment such as gloves, masks and eye protection. The use of shoe coverings to keep the shoes clean. .
The estimated physical performed by the nurse / or operating room mainly includes: Knowledge of the patient's surgical procedure. Sounds breathing. Urinary Function Condition and cleaning of the skin .
The data obtained during the peri estimated operating done by nurses to patients in the preoperative waiting area that would indicate a need for special protection techniques during surgery includes An increase of 8-mm Hg in systolic pressure from the time of admission to hospital verbalization of anxiety by the patient. Questions about details of the patient's surgical procedure. a history of spinal arthritis and hip .
The nurse / or the general surgery unit brings a hearing aid to the patient's surgical unit because the patient had left the unit without this and we need to communicate with the patient. This nurse can enter: In the operating room. In the area of toilets (scrub). Corridors of the operating room Desktop information. .
The nurse / patient or note that this sleepy, but oriented. To identify the patient, the nurse / or must ask family members to verify the identity of the patient. ask the surgeon to identify the patient and surgical procedure planned. Verifying the number of ID hospital with his banda ID and the record. Ask the patient to read his name, name of medical and surgical procedure planned. In addition, verifying the number of hospital with his banda ID and your record. .
The nurse / or recognizes that the use of local anesthesia would be beneficial to a patient when: The patient is very aprehensible by the surgical procedure. An early high is desired. The patient had recently ingested food and liquids. The surgical procedure requires greater muscle relaxation. .
A patient with a shoulder dislocated is prepared for a manual closed reduction of the dislocation with sedition consents. The nurse / or the administration anticipates: nitrous oxide inhalation. midazolam (Verso) intravenously fentanyl / droperidol (Innovate) intramuscularly ketamine (KETAL) intramuscularly. .
During the admission of a patient to the post anesthesia care unit (PACU) surgery, the nurse would give a higher priority to the estimated: the suitability of respiratory function. the status of the area of surgery. the level of awareness of the patient. the balance of fluids and electrolytes .
A patient 42-year-old recovers from anesthesia in PACU after undergo a hysterectomy. Her blood pressure was 120/68 preoperative and when she was admitted to PACU, her blood pressure was 124/70. Thirty minutes after admission, her blood pressure dropped to 112/60. Her pulse was 72 and her skin is warm and dry. The most appropriate action by nurses at this point would be: Notify the anesthesiologist immediately. Administering oxygen by mask. Continue to monitor the patient and taking vital signs every 15 minutes Increase speed replacement of intravenous fluids. .
When a patient after surgery complains of pain in the area of incision, the nurse / or must: To administer painkillers as indicated in orders postoperative patient. Managing half the dose of analgesic ordered for the patient Consult the anesthesia care provider to determine what is the effective dose and reduced analgesic for the patient. Tell the patient that the drug can not be administered until it is transferred to the postoperative clinical unit. .
When estimating patients from complications after the administration of anesthesia, the nurse / patient recognizes that the greatest risk of developing hyperthermia is postoperative A woman of 78-year-old underwent a radical hysterectomy under general anesthesia. A man of 58 years of age undergone surgery to repair knee cartilage A man 72 years old subjected to a removal of the intestine due to colon cancer under general anesthesia. A woman diabetic 68-year-old subjected to an amputation of the first toe under local anesthesia. .
A patient 83 years old underwent surgery to repair a hip fracture and has outpatient restriction. One problem identified by the appropriate nurse for the patient to be Risk of change in tissue perfusion Impaired in physical mobility. Potential complication: intolerance of activity Potential complication: thrombus embolism. .
A post-surgery patient receives low molecular weight heparin (LMWH). In administering the drug, the nurse: Check the results of PT / PTT before the administration. He explained that the drug prevents clots in the legs. Administers drugs with food to prevent irritation and gastrointestinal bleeding. It informs the patient that he took blood samples every 6 hours. .
After the gallbladder surgery, the patient has a drainage tube T with a thick and dark green. When the patient asked on the tube and drainage, the best response from the nurse to serious: "The drainage is noted that his gallbladder but should be bright yellow rather than green." "The drainage is old blood and fluid that accumulates at the site of surgery, which was drained promotes healing." "The tube you see has been placed on the bile duct and bile drainage is normal. "The tube is draining secretions of the duodenum and small intestine and this is the normal drainage of this area." .
A postoperative patient has not eliminated urine during the last 7 hours after returning to the post surgical unit Initially, the nurse must: Ambulation the patient to the bathroom Verify the orders of postoperative urinary catheterization Please call the doctor. Palpa and percutir bladder. .
When interventions are planned to promote ambulation, coughing, breathing deeply and repositioning of a patient after surgery, the nurse to know that the goals will be best achieved if the patient: Comprising the reason for these activities. It gives recognition when it ends its activities. He warns of possible complications if not carried out these activities. Get enough painkillers to be free of pain. .
26 The exercises that he must show the patient to promote venous return to the lower extremities include (choose all indicated) Rotate the ankles and making circular motions with your feet. In supine position, pressing the back of the knee towards the bed. Bending hip and knee. Tighten the muscles of the buttocks. Dorsiflexión foot. Turn the toes with flexion and extension.
One patient has hurt the tip of a finger, which has caused the loss of the nail. The nurse / or informs you that the nail will grow without permanent damage has occurred to: cuticle Following the nail body of the nail tip of the nail .
The best estimate of nursing is a normal skin: numerous skin with freckles, warm and intact, there are no injuries skin warm and dry, good turgor, pink nails, old surgical scars are observed in the abdomen patient had no history of skin problems, your skin is intact, pink and without injuries except numerous moles brown leather, wet, warm, turgor with immediate return, there are no injuries, patient reported not having problems with skin .
A dark-skinned patient is admitted to hospital with respiratory distress. By making the estimated cyanosis, the nurse / or knows that: is not possible to observe abnormal changes in dark-skinned patients the cyanosis can be seen on the lips and mucous membranes of dark-skinned patients dark-skinned patients in the cyanosis can be seen in the sclera the cyanosis is eliminated with direct pressure on the bottom of the foot in dark-skinned patients.
The doctor removed a mole and black surface of the back of a patient and sends the specimen to pathology to get a diagnosis. The nurse / or documents the procedure as biopsy: shaving Cortadura incision excision .
The nurse / or educates the patient on the protection of ultraviolet light coming from the sun. He / she knows that sun exposure is the major cause of: (may choose more than one answer) skin cancer alopecia keratosis Radiation allergic reactions wrinkles .
A patient takes Zitromax as ordered by his doctor by acute bronchitis. This communicates the nurse to the drug because fotosensitivity and asked what will happen if it is exposed to sunlight. The best response from the nurse to be: fotosensitividad the cause abnormal activity of melanocytes when exposed to UV light resulting in a sunburn abnormal the sun's heat is absorbed by the body and what predisposes a fainting in the heat sun exposure could cause an exaggerated sunburn with redness, swelling and blistering on exposed areas The most common effect of fotosensitividad is damage to the cornea because the drugs cause absorption of UV light by the cornea .
A woman aged 36 has a severe psoriasis on her face, neck and limbs. He resigned his job and has been isolated from social activities as a result of their feelings about their appearance. It is divorced 10 years ago, has no children, said to have no reason to live. The most appropriate intervention by the nurse / or to assist the patient to manage its response to the disease would be: educate the patient about the use of cosmetics and clothing to maximize your appearance encourage the patient to serve as a volunteer in community projects that help the less privileged consult a doctor for a referral psychiatric enable the patient to express his feelings of frustration and despair .
A patient is admitted to emergency room after suffering a burn electricity. In addition to burns, the nurse / or should estimate by: cerebral edema spinal fractures renal failure metabolic alkalosis .
A woman has been spilled hot frying oil in his left leg. His leg is red, and covered with blisters edematous. She refers a lot of pain. According to the classification system, it has destroyed skin: deep partial thickness; moderate not complicated deep partial thickness; more Full thick; more Superficial partial thickness; lower .
During the emergency phase of burns, the nurse / or know that the pain killer should be administered intravenously because: respiratory depression is easier to diagnose and treat when narcotics are administered IV there is no need to administer painkillers often when given IV the absorption of oral drugs or IM has declined because the movement is affected some higher doses of narcotics can be administered IV IM .
The nurse / or determines that the replacement of fluids to a patient with burns greater when the patient is necessary: BP is of 90/58 mmHg has a weight stable has a urinary discharge of 40 ml / hour income is equal to discharge urine .
Once returning intestinal sounds a patient with extensive burns, we can promote better conditions for the healing of wounds and immune competence with: administration of parenteral nutrition via a central catheter enteral feeding tube via a continuous positioning in the duodenum IV administration of vitamins and minerals Oral an income of 5000 Kcal. / day .
A nursing common diagnosis in a patient with burns is alteration in the concept itself related to low self-esteem. The nurse / or assesses that the purpose for this diagnosis is reached when the patient: is set realistic goals with respect to future lifestyle shows interest in learning about wound care at home states that the purpose of the burn is irrelevant accepts the need for psychiatric intervention .
By educating a patient with osteoarthritis in the left hip and lumbar vertebrae, the nurse determines that more education is needed when the patient says: I stay active during the day to prevent the numbness of my joints a shower with warm water in the morning I help relieve the numbness that I feel when I get up I should not take more than one gram of acetaminophen 4 times a day to help control the pain I use a cane if I find that helps me to relieve pressure on my back and hip .
The nurse / or emphasizes the need for exercises arc of movement in a patient with an exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis pain and swelling in the joints of both hands. The nurse / or educates the patient: the movement of joints usually done with the activities of daily living is enough exercise for the joints not to exercise the joints when you have pain use cold applications to the joints before making exercises will lessen the pain passively exercises should be conducted by someone other than the patient .
A patient with an acute exacerbation of Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is hospitalized with fatigue, fever and severe pain in his hands and wrists. The urinalysis reveals proteinuria and hematuria. The doctor ordered corticosteroids. During the acute phase of the disease is more important than the nurse: check your fluid intake and discharge and their weight daily protected from the damage that may cause bleeding he frequently east in time and space begins precautions convulsions .
The nurse / or educates a patient newly diagnosed on SLE. She / determines that their education has been effective when the patient says: I try to ignore the symptoms as much as possible and take a positive approach I will have fever all the time with this disease Pregnant if I become a therapeutic abortion will prevent the exacerbation of symptoms I restrict my exposure to sunlight to prevent the symptoms are intensified. .
A cancer patient receives external radiation therapy. After 2 weeks of treatment refers to be so tired that you can not get up in the morning. An appropriate goal for the nursing plan would: establish a daily walking program consult a psychiatrist to treat depression when vigorous exercise reduces fatigue keep resting in bed until the end of radiation treatment .
A patient with colon cancer presents severe vomiting after chemotherapy. A nursing intervention is important: Although the patient 2 times per week manage antiemetic ordered one hour before treatment encourage the patient to eat meals if they are not complete nausea offer crackers and carbonated beverages after treatment .
A chemotherapeutic agents that cause alopecia is ordered for a woman. To maintain their self-esteem, the nurse / or planned: encourage the patient to buy a wig or turban as it begins to lose hair suggest that the patient limit their social contact until the hair grows again suggest that the patient's head to wash with soap sensitive to stimulate growth of new hair educate the patient to the hair loss is not permanent and will grow like this before .
A bone marrow transplant is being considered for treating a patient with acute leukemia that does not respond to chemotherapy. The nurse / or the patient tells you that: the type of evidence and group are not as important in a patient receives a transplant of bone as those who receive transplants of other organs protective isolation will be used for several weeks after the procedure to prevent infection the most common complication of the procedure is the attack by T cells from the donor tissue to the patient bone marrow cells are transplanted under general anesthesia. .
A patient who gave a positive test for HIV 3 years ago, was admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of Pneumocystis pneumonia carinii. This patient has a diagnosis: chronic infection intermediate chronic infection early AIDS HIV infection .
During counseling to a patient who gave a positive test for HIV, the patient sample and does not seem anxious to hear what he says nurse / o. To promote adaptation to the status of HIV, the nurse / or must: educate the patient on medication available for treating identify the need to give proof to others who have been in contact with the patient inform the patient and protect their sexual partners and those who share needles discuss a re-test, thus ensuring continuity of contact with the health system.
A nurse answers the call from a client to her room. The client tells you who is blind and asks you to help you walk toward the bathroom. To help the patient, the nurse should: Guiding the patient to the bathroom into their own hands describing the location and providing verbal support Walking slightly compared to patients and enable it to hold the elbow of the nurse Take the patient by the arm and guide slowly toward the bathroom Give the patient descriptive and accurate directions to the bathroom so that is able to walk independently .
A counselor at a camp for children with diabetes to a campfire with them exploded when a piece of wood, sending sparks in their eyes. Initially, the nurse or camp must: Rinse eyes with normal saline cold and sterile for 10 minutes Apply ice towel to his eyes Apply antiseptic ointment ophthalmic briefcase first aid in the eyes Cover your eyes dry and barren patches and protective shields for the eyes .
A client with keratitis by herpes simplex type I left eye is concerned about his diagnosis and feared that his right eye was also affected. The nurse explained to him that to prevent infection from spreading, the client must: Using eye drops arranged for the left eye in the right eye as a prophylactic measure Place a bandage occlusive the affected eye Avoid touching the eye and wash hands thoroughly and frequently use of disposable paper to clean the eye frequently .
A client is preparing to be discharged after surgery for outpatient cataract surgery. To assess whether the patient understands the procedure and postoperative procedures, the nurse / or asks the patient: Describe how well you can see with the eye surgery Explain who will care at home while the rest is in bed during the first 24 hours Show the administration of eye drops Describe your pain on a scale from 1 al10 .
A middle-aged woman is diagnosed with primary open-angle glaucoma during a routine examination by his ophthalmologist. During the initial estimate of the client, the nurse hopes that the history of the patient include: See aureoles around with colored lights Sore eyes accompanied by nausea and vomiting No sign of pain or pressure Blurred vision .
A primary role of the nurse who works at a health clinic for women to promote the preservation of hearing is: Include otoscopes examinations for all patients who visit the clinic Promoting women in rubella immunization To discourage excessive television viewing Monitor the level of noise at the clinic .
A patient with acute otitis media left ear that does not respond to antibiotics, receives a miringotomía with placement of a vent pipe in an ambulatory surgery center. Before leaving the center after the procedure, it is important for the nurse to educate the patient: Avoid coughing or sneezing Avoid water that will fall on the ear Use acetaminophen or aspirin for pain Restrict fluid intake for 24 hours to prevent nausea .
A customer with Meniere's disease is totally incapacitated by dizziness and is lying on her bed holding rails and stare the TV. A nursing intervention to decrease the patient is vertigo; Keeping the head of the bed elevated to 30 degrees Turn off the TV and darken the room To promote fluid intake to 3000ml/día Change the position of the patient every 2 hours .
A diagnosis of nursing appropriate for a patient with Meniere's disease that presents an acute attack of vertigo, nausea and vomiting and campaneo in the ears is: Potential for damage related to dizziness Alter the sensory perception audit-related increase in the pressure of the middle ear Alterations in verbal communication related to hearing loss Potential changes in health maintenance related to disability care .
A patient with hearing loss asks the nurse for a cochlear implant. The response from the nurse se basa in the knowledge that cochlear implants are indicated for patients with: Forfeited driving hearing Presbicussis sensorioneural Deafness deep after acquiring language Congenital deafness .
A customer presents a systemic pressure of 120/60 and an intracranial pressure of 24 mm Hg. The nurse determines that the pressure of cerebral perfusion of this customer indicates: A self adequate cerebral blood flow An intracranial pressure normal A high blood flow to the brain Impaired in blood flow to the brain .
The intracranial pressure monitoring is carried out in a patient with head injury. The blood pressure of this patient is of 92/50 mm Hg and his intracranial pressure is 18 mm Hg. By using these values to calculate the pressure of cerebral perfusion (CPP), the nurse to determine: The CPP is so low that of ischemia and death is imminent neurons To prevent cerebral hypoxia, blood pressure should be increased The CPP is adequate for a normal blood flow to the brain By lowering blood pressure patient, will reduce intracranial pressure, increasing blood flow to the brain .
In a patient with damage to the head that is admitted to an emergency room, it is estimated the state of unconsciousness with no response to painful stimuli. To promote brain blood flow in the patient, is more important than the nurse to monitor the patient initially on the following: Test result of arterial blood gas Blood pressure Level of conscience Frequency respiratory .
In making the estimate of a patient with trauma to the head, the nurse recognizes that an early indication of the increase in intracranial pressure is: slow response of pupils to light changes in orientation vomiting headache .
Al intracranial pressure monitor a patient with a catheter intraventricular, nursing intervention that takes precedence is: protective aseptic techniques to prevent infection remove the cerebrospinal fluid to maintain pressure within normal levels maintain the patient's head in a fixed position continuous monitoring of the intracranial pressure wave .
A patient underwent emergency room by ambulance after her husband found her unconscious on the floor of the bathroom. By admitting the patient, it is important that the first nurse sees the patient as follows: patencia track air health history State neurodevelopmental State of bodily functions .
A doctor ordered mannitol intravenously to a patient unconscious. The nurse hopes that the therapeutic effect of this drug will result in declining: cerebral edema seizure activity brain inflammation brain metabolism .
The nurse noted drainage from the nose of a patient with a frontal skull fracture and recognizes that an intervention absolutely contraindicated for this patient is: nasopharyngeal suction the patient feed the patient meals solid put a bandage below the nose laying the patient supine .
The daughter of an unconscious patient admitted to emergency room with possible stroke brain vascular concerns that his mother has history of hypertension who does not handle well. He has been using estrogen replacement therapy for the past 6 years. Estrogen and antihypertensive therapy are the only drugs used. Their only activity is to take care of your home and look overweight. The finding that the nurse recognized as the most significant risk factor for heart attack patient is in: Estrogen replacement therapy Obese Hypertension State of sedentary life .
A patient is hospitalized with a stroke expressed by hemiplegia and difficulty speaking. In obtaining the health history by the family, the nurse recognizes that the effects of stroke may be more likely to complicate the history of the patient: Hypertension Moderate Consumption of alcohol Diabetes mellitus Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease .
A patient with stroke caused by thrombosis of the middle cerebral artery presents facial paralysis on the right side and the upper and lower extremities. Based on the location of the stroke patient, a finding that the additional nurse would expect this would be as follows: Bladder Aton Loss of central vision Aphasia Apraxia .
The nurse identifies nursing diagnosis of impairment in verbal communication for a patient with aphasia. A nursing appropriate intervention to assist the patient to communicate is as follows: Prevent embarrass the patient changing the subject if she fails to respond within a given time. Develop a list of simple words that she can read and practise recitation Asking questions can be answered simply that a "yes' or 'no'. Making the patient practice exercises and facial language to improve motor control necessary for speech. .
During the acute phase of an ischemic stroke a patient, the nurse observes the neurological status knowing that after a heart attack, the increase in intracranial pressure by cerebral oedema most probably reached its peak in: 24 hours 12 hours 72 hours 48 hours .
After a stroke, a patient presents urinary incontinence. A bladder retraining program for this patient should include the following: Insert a catheter. Then, occlusion and drained every 4 hours to reset the tone of the bladder. Assisting the patient to a comfortable flat or every 2 hours. Limit fluid intake to 1000ml/día to reduce the volume of urine. Perform intermittent catheterization after each urine tests to verify whether there was residual urine. .
When a nurse makes a diagnosis of the type and cause a headache that presents a patient, the most important tool is as follows: MRI of the brain Patient history Electro miografía CT brain .
A nurse is witnessing a seizure of a patient who moves his arms and legs, falls to the floor and returns to be aware immediately. The kind of seizure experiment that this patient and the nurse documents is as follows: Myoclonic seizure Aton seizure Simple partial seizure with motor symptoms Complex partial seizure .
A doctor ordered Dilantin to a patient to control their seizures. A statement indicating the patient understands what relates to their self-care related to the drug includes the following: "If I have a seizure, should I call for an ambulance that takes me to the hospital" "At the start using this drug, my blood samples taken frequently to monitor the levels of drugs in blood" "I use applicators cotton instead of toothbrush to wash my mouth" "I will take medicine at the start of the seizure, before losing consciousness" .
In obtaining the health history of a patient tested for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, a finding identified as characteristic of early multiple sclerosis is as follows: Fecal Incontinence Weakness in the legs Memory lapse Intermittent fever .
In planning the care of a patient with multiple sclerosis, the nurse recognizes that the primary goal in the management of patient care should be: To increase the nutritional intake of vitamins Remove stress Maintaining the integrity of the skin Maximize the role neuro muscular .
A nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of impairment in physical mobility related to bradiquinesia for a patient with Parkinson's disease. To assist the patient to outpatient safely, the nurse should: Making the patient of small steps in a straight line directly in front of the feet. Educating the patient to slide toward the front foot with each step, always keeping his feet in contact with the floor. Allow the patient to outpatient only with assistance Educating the patient to Mecca from side to side to start the movement of the legs. .
A patient diagnosed with Parkinson's disease tells the nurse who has problems with constipation. The nurse explains that constipation occurs with Parkinson's disease is mostly a result of: Decline in physical activity Side effect of dopamine agents Decrease in nerve conduction the intestine Old age .
A patient with myasthenia gravis have a diagnosis of nursing alteration in nutrition: minor requirements related to body impediment to swallow. To promote nutrition, the nurse suggested that before eating, the patient should avoid: Speaking by phone Take Mestinon Writing on the computer Writing letters .
To protect a patient trauma during an episode of delirium, the nurse: Call the family to have someone stay with the patient He assured the patient with chest restrictions to prevent a fall out of bed. Notify the physician on the patient's condition and requests a tranquillizer. Stay with the patient and he graciously refocuses on time, space and person .
By making a review of the mental state of a patient, the nurse is suspected depression when the patient responds: "To make those people there?" "Wait, let me think about it" "Don’t no" "Is that the correct answer" .
A patient with Parkinson's disease was identified dementia and depression. The nurse anticipates that the greatest improvement in the patient's condition was achieved with the administration: Agents dopaminergic drugs and anti-depressant Anticholinergic agents Drug antidepressant inhibitory Agents antipsychotics such as haloperidol (Haldol). .
Al educate the husband of a woman who is being evaluated by Alzheimer's disease on the condition, the nurse explains that: The diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease can be done only when other causes of dementia have been ruled out. The presence of brain atrophy and enlarged ventricles detected in the test magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed the diagnosis of Alzheimer's patients with dementia. Drug new as donepezil (Aricept), have shown dramatically reverse Alzheimer's in some cases. The most important risk factor for Alzheimer's disease is a family history of the disease. .
The most prominent manifestation that the nurse would expect in a patient with trigeminal neuralgia reported during the estimated: Lost taste Inability to close eye Not feeling the forehead and eyelids Brief periods of intense facial pain .
When caring for an adult patient ageing, the nurse anticipates the development of delirium in patients at high risk, such as those with: (choose the correct answers, you can choose more than one) Prior surgical experience Acute infections Dementia preexisting Multi-drug therapies History of depression Parkinson's Disease .
A nurse plans to care for a patient with acute episode of trigeminal neuralgia, an intervention is appropriate: Dental care with regular brushing of teeth Exercise the muscles of the face and jaw Assessing the hydration and nutritional status Application of ice towels to the affected area .
The nurse educates the patient can get herpes simplex infections to seek health care if pain occurs around the ear because: The prophylactic analgesic prevent painful episodes of Bell's palsy The complete recovery of Bell's palsy is more likely if they start immediately corticosteroids The herpes treatment with antiviral agents may prevent the development of Bell's palsy The administration of the herpes simplex vaccine can prevent the development of Bell's palsy .
A patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome, she asked the nurse who has caused his illness. In responding to the patient, the nurse explains that the Guillain-Barre: It is an infection of peripheral nerves transmitted from a bacterial infection in the respiratory tract It is caused by a reaction to viruses in a vaccine or during an infection, which then cause destruction of nerve fibers It results from the degeneration of the myelin that covers nerve fibers caused by glass spasms and lack of blood filled It must be caused by stimulation of the immune system that results in an abnormal immune destruction of myelin .
A patient aged 24 was hospitalized with the onset of symptoms diagnosis of Guillain-Barre syndrome. During this phase of the patient's illness, estimated to be more essential to carry out the nurse is: To assess respiratory function continuously To evaluate the sensory and motor function of the limbs Monitor the patient's vital signs every 2 hours To determine the level of consciousness every 2 hours .
A woman 45 years of age is hospitalized with Guillain-Barre syndrome. The nurse explains that during the first 2 weeks of your illness, treatment must include Administration immunoglobulin (Sandoglobulin). Mechanical ventilation Administration of methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol). Haemodialysis .
El nurse in hopes that the patient with trauma to spinal cord serves an entire upper limbs when the lesion is at the level of: T1 T6. C8. L1. .
Durin the initial phase of care a patient with trauma to the spinal cord at C5, the nurse assigned a high priority to maintain respiratory function because: The extension of edema on the site of injury may affect the function of the phrenic nerve Without control of abdominal muscle, the patient can not cough effectively to clarify their lungs The immobilization of the patient's spine promotes the accumulation of respiratory secretions At C5 there is a total loss of muscle function and diafragmático intercostal .
A nurse discusses with a patient with spinal cord injury at the C6 long-term goals. An appropriate outcome for the patient who is this: It fed the same with splints on their hands Push a wheelchair on a flat surface and soft It was transferred independently to a wheelchair Guide control in a car with his hands .
A patient with a spinal cord injury at the T1 had been optimistic thinking he was going to regain its normal function, but 10 days after the injury, the doctor informed him that there is a spinal cord injury to complete and that there will be little or no improvement in his role. The patient refuses to discuss its status and becomes verbally aggressive towards the nurses and to the health team. Demand be transferred to another hospital where doctors "know what they do." The best response to this behavior of nurse patient is: Sympathize with their feelings and wait for the dependent during this phase Tell your courage is destructive and delay their rehabilitation efforts Allowing his outbursts and ask about their care plan Ignore the courage, but continue making the necessary care .
A young woman married and has returned to his home after an extensive rehabilitation for a spinal cord injury at C8. The nurse goes to the home and visitor realizes that the mother and husband of the patient carries out many activities of daily living that the patient carried out during his rehabilitation. The most appropriate action for the nurse at the moment is: Encourage the patient to carry out their own care as he had taught Recognize that it is important that the family of the patient is wrapped in their care and support their activities To request the mother and husband to stop carrying out activities that the patient can perform on your own Include the husband and mother to build a care plan to increase the independence of the patient.
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