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Test Planning Unit 3

Preguntas Unit 3 de Planning

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What is the purpose of curriculum mapping? judge teacher's styles judge teacher's materials detect curriculum gaps between district curriculum guidelines and what teachers actually teach. .
How can we define the word objective? As a statement of what you plan to do as a statement of what your students should be able to do after instruction as a statement of what the teacher should do .
When designing a lesson or instructional unit, teachers develop… Educational goals, informational objectives and instructional objectives Educational goals, learning objectives and instructional objectives Educational goals, informational objectives and teaching objectives.
Informational objectives consist of the following elements: the performance and conditions the product and the criterion the performance and the product.
Within instructional objectives, the conditions refer to: Restrictions in time and space or materials, information… Student´s experiences and attitudes The rules that are imposed on the teacher by the director of the school.
Objectives can be classified: Cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives. Cognitive, psychological and psychomotor objectives. Thinking, affective, and psychomotor objectives.
In the cyclic of a model of teaching, the step 6 is… Provide follow-up Analyse outcomes Evaluate learning.
What is curriculum? Just the experiences that we acquire during our laboral life. The way that is valued all the job done during our whole life. All the planned and unplanned learning experiences that students undergo while in a school setting.
Which are the elements of instructional objectives? Performance, product, conditions and criteria Performance, product, criteria and objective Product, conditions, communications and performance.
Bloom’s taxonomy is ranged in……???? Progressive complexity Regresive complexity Does not follow any range.
What is the correct definition for “Metacognition Knowledge”? Is the knowledge that an individual has about their own cognition and that is used by them to control the mental processes. Is a term which englobes all of the mental activities that serve the acquisition, storage, retrieval and use of knowledge. Is the combination of the mental processes and the physical activity recognised by the educators and the learners.
What is the name of technique for gathering data on what is actually being taught throughout an academic year? Curriculum mapping Curriculum design Curriculum boxing.
What is formative evaluation? It is a initial evaluation that you as a teacher do in order to know what students know. It develops during the process of learning, in order to improve your knowledge. It takes place at the end of the learning process, when you want to evaluate your teaching. .
Does the curriculum mapping judge teachers´ way of teaching? Yes, this is its main purpose No, it isn’t At certain exterm, yes.
In physical domain, there are 4 levels and each one has different student actions. One of the levels is generic movement, which are the 3 student actions that refer to it? Track, crawl, hear. Pantomime, perform, make. Drill, construct, dismantle.
It is important to plan what you are going to teach: You do not need to teach You need to plan in short-term. You have to plan in long-term.
Who is the author of General Areas of Teacher Competence? Smith. Dewey. Froebel.
What is the first task a teacher should do? Learn the name of the students Know to use the material of the class Do a plan instruction for the school year.
What do not a teacher develop when he is designing a lesson? informational objectives instructional objectives teaching objectives.
The three domains for objectives are affective, psychomotor and... synthesis. knowledge cognitive.
Which one of the following is not one of the three primary categories of classifying objectives? Cognitive Sensitive Psychomotor .
Choose the right order of the following: Knowledge-Comprehension-Application-Analysis-Synthesis-Evaluation Evaluation-Application-Analysis-Synthesis-Evaluation-Knowledge Knowledge-Comprehension-Evaluation-Application-Analysis-Synthesis.
What does the curriculum of an elementary school reflect? The values, attitudes, beliefs, and goals of the surrounding community. The values, attitudes, beliefs, and goals of the student himself/herself. The standards the the teacher must complete before the course ends.
Bloom’s Taxonomy and Illustrative Action Verbs levels are organized in the following way: Application,analysis,knowledge, comprehension,synthesis and evaluation. Knowledge, synthesis, application,analysis, comprehension and evaluation. Knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Which is the correct order of the levels of Psychomotor Domain? Creative movement, fundamental movement, ordenative movement and generic movement Fundamental movement, generic movement, ordenative movement and creative movement Generic movement, creative movement, ordenative movementa and fundamental movement.
What means “teaching”? It is only an art that some people have. Are the actions of someone who is trying to assist others to reach their fullest potential in all aspects of development. Is the believe that some people have that learners construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world based upon their experiences.
Which one is the right definition about cognitive science? It studies how people learn, remember and interact, often with a strong emphasis on mental processes and often with an emphasis on modern technologies. It studies the best way to learn: we actively construct our own understanding It studies the enjoyment of and facility with activities that involve touch a different movement, dance and sport.
One of the characteristics of schemas are… They are impersonal They are complete and constantly stoped They are incomplete and constantly evolving.
Constructivists view learning... As a project to learn more about the mind interconections As a study of mental development and concepts reconstruction As the result of mental construction.
What are the four areas for learning refering to the constructivism?: Knowledge, attitudes, concentration & intelligence Knowledge, concepts, skills & attitudes Knowledge, intelligence, skills & memory.
A schema is...? A theoretical way of organize your ideas A practical store to resume all the principal ideas A theoretical multidimensional store for almost innumerable items of knowledge.
The term teaching method refers to... The general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction. The general principles, knowledge and planification used for classroom instruction The general principles, actions and organization used for classroom instruction.
Which is the Accommodation? It is the process whereby new knowledge is incorporated into existing mental structures. It is the process of arriving at a stable state where there is no longer a conflict between new and existing knowledge. It is the process whereby mental structures have to be altered in order to cope with the new experience which has contradicted the existing model. .
What is flipped classroom? low-tech student- centered low-tech teacher -centered high-teach teacher-centered.
Which of the following teaching methods are based on low tech? Kinesthetic Learning and Flipped Classrooms, from Teacher-Centered Methods Only Differentiated Instruction, from Student-Centered Methods Differentiated Instruction and Personalized Learning, from Student-Centered Methods.
What is the kinesthetic learning? It is a low-tech and a student-centered teaching method It is a teaching method that imply the idea of multiple intelligence. It is a high tech methodology that requires student to create. .
What is inquiry based learning based on? Students investigation and hands-on projects. Students learning comes from the desire to engage students in more active learning in the classroom. A new method discovered by Rousseau.
What is not one of the multiple intelligences? Logical/mathematical Musicial Philosophiam .
In which teaching method teachers are the main authority figure and students passively receive knowledge from their teachers through lectures and direct instruction? Game-based Learning (High Tech) Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning High Technology Approach to Learning.
Lev Vygotsky defended… Children are working within their zone of proximal development (ZPD). Children have four stages of cognitive development. Children have to learn by their owns,with no social interaction.
What is the pedagogical content knowledge? Knowledge about how to transfer the curriculum directly to your student Knowledge about the school settings Knowledge about the content knowledge and pedagogy .
The feedback and reflection dimension of the decision-making model means that... You examine the results of the teaching and then decide if it´s adequated. Students give their opinion about the resources their teaches have used Planning lesson or thinking about it even if they have already been taught.
Which are the three basic teaching functions? Planning, implementation and evaluation Planning, observing and evaluation Reflection, Planning and evaluation.
Reflective teaching is… Is a teacher preference to analyze what happened in children lives Is a teacher’s habit of examig and evaluating his/her teaching on a regular basis. Make children think about their learning process.
Indicate which of these statements, related to Theories that shaped Teaching, is false: Johann Pestalozzi and John Dewy had both theories based on learning through experimentation. Jean Piaget created one of the most complete theoretical statements called ``Stages of Cognitive Development´´. Maria Montessori created one of the most complete theoretical statements called ``Stages of Cognitive Development´´. .
When a teacher manages to perform an Instructional Decision Making, should: After making a plan, will have to evaluate, and then implement it It is not necessary to make any plan or follow any guidelines. Make reflections and feedback, after obtaining the results of the Instructional Decision Making plan. .
Indicate which of these statements is true: It will always be more truthful to listen to the advice of other experienced teachers since it will work with all children, than to our own common sense and our previous knowledge. A well-educated teacher should be prepared in five areas of teacher competence to be effective in bringing about intended learning outcomes. An effective teacher is fair, responsive, understanding, kindly, stimulating, original, alert, attractive, responsible, steady, poised, authoritarian, .
Which one is related to “Teachers’ attitude toward themselves" If teachers possess empathy for their students and value them unique individuals, they will be more effective and will derive more satisfaction from their teaching. If teachers are to understand and symphasize with their students' feelings, they must recognize and understand their own feelings. Teachers who are not enthusiastic about what they teach can hardly hope to instill enthusiastic respons on their pupils.
Choose the competence that is incorrect. Display attitudes that foster and well-being and link with the community. Command of knowledge in the subject matter to be taught. Display attitudes that foster and well-being and link with the community. .
Which author is often referred to as the father of kindergarten? J. Dewey J. Bruner Froebel.
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