TEST BORRADO, QUIZÁS LE INTERESE: PM - Multiple Choice Questions
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PM - Multiple Choice Questions

PM (Piensa Mateo)

Mateo el hm !!

Fecha de Creación: 15/02/2024

Categoría: Universidad

Número Preguntas: 27
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During requirements definition the following tool/approach can be applied: Interviews Fish-bone analysis Earned value analysis.
You have been appointed as new Project Manager for the new Collaborative Robot for house keeping for SMART ROBOT US Inc company. You know it’s important to start with a WBS, what will be your first step? Identify major project deliverables Determine the cost of the project Establish a project change control procedure.
Scope Creep is… An uncontrolled change that will impact project scope A process to keep scope under control during critical phase of the project A tool to validate scope.
Your project is almost completed and the customer wants to make a major change of scope, you should... Reject the change Accept the change Inform the customer of the impact of the change.
As technology complexity increase, the level of uncertainty in defining the work would... be unaffected decrease increase.
You’re working as plan engineer in a project and working on activities duration estimation. You want to apply the lowest value between PERT and 3 points. You’ve asked an SME to provide optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely estimation. The estimation that SME provides are 7, 19 and 10 respectively. What is the value that you’ll apply? 11 12 10.
You are a project manager working on schedule planning during project planning and you realize that the initial planning exercise has an end-date later than the desired/expected. What will be your first action? Check if it is possible to do activities in parallel Reduce the scope Add more resources on the original plan.
You are reviewing Monthly status report of your project. The CPI is 0.85, the actual cost are 2.000€ and budget at completion is 10.000€. What percent of work is completed? 17% 85% Not possible to determine.
You’ve done a stakeholder matrix using Power/interest matrix. For stakeholder that are rated high in interest and power you should handle them by…. Keeping then informed Monitoring them Managing them closely.
You’re a new project manager of a project started 3 months ago. in Bali, project scope is hotel refurbishing. 6 Months duration. Original budget is 2.000.000 $. The current earned value is 800.000$ and the actual costs are 1M and the Planned work after 3 months was 1.1M. What is the cost variance and what is the meaning on this project? -300.000$, cost overrun -200.000$, cost overrun -200.000$, cost underrun.
Which of the following is NOT a quality tool? Control chart Pareto diagram Deliverables.
Communication is very important for your project and you are dedicating a lot of time on communication. Which of the following statement about communication is true? a) The presence of communication barriers may increase the possibility of conflict b) Formal communication is more important than informal communication c) Listening actively and provide open feedback are legitimate aspects of communication a) & b) a) & c) a), b) & c).
During which of the following process is the majority of the budget usually spent? Project initiation Project planning Project execution.
What is the critical path method? Is a tool used to develop schedule, the critical path is the longest path through the network Is the most risky path through the network It is the most expensive path .
Using the following info: PV = 6000 $ EV = 5600 $ AC= 7000 $ BAC = 10000 $ Using Earned Value analysis, what is the schedule variance and project status? SV= -400$, project behind schedule SV = 400$, project ahead of schedule SV = 4400$, project ahead of schedule.
Using the following info: PV = 6000 $ EV = 5600 $ AC= 7000 $ BAC = 10000 $ Assuming that current variances are typical for future performance, what is EAC and what does it represent? 10.000$, is the original cost estimate (Project budget) 12.500, it is the revised estimation of total cost of project (Based on actual performance) 8.600, it is the revised estimation of total cost of project (Based on actual performance).
Your organization has the opportunity to collaborate with another company to develop a new biomedical product. You have been appointed by management to evaluate if this project should be initiated. What will you do? Feasibility study Project Plan Make or Buy analysis.
Which of the following is NOT part of stakeholder’s management? Identify stakeholders Manage stakeholder’s expectation Provide extra project delivery based on stakeholder’s request.
Lesson learned are important because they... Show why an organization chose a specific project Prove that organizational policies are followed Show the cause of variances and the reasons for the corrective actions.
As technology complexity increases, the level of uncertainty in defining the work would... Increase Decrease Not be affected.
Requirements collection process is terminated. Now you need to define the scope. Which of the following is NOT a tool of scope definition? Interviews Workshops Expert judgement.
In schedule management, what does Fast tracking involve? Developing workaround for problems that have occurred already in the past A potential increase in schedule risk Meeting schedule objective doing “right first time approach”.
The major difference between an activity and a milestone is that milestones: Have duration zero Can only be delayed by proper approval Are identified by the customer.
Your project to update the cyber security system for a company has some uncertainties and is difficult to estimate. You have decided to try using PERT to get a better idea of the range of possible durations for this work. You have asked several SMEs to come up with three estimates (best case, worst case, and most likely). The estimates they provided were 7 days, 19 days, and 10 days respectively. Using PERT, what is the expected average duration for this work? 10 11 12.
Using the following info: PV = 4000 $ EV = 3600 $ AC= 4000 $ BAC = 27000 $ Using Earned Value analysis, what is the cost variance and project status? CV= -400$, project overspending CV = 400$, project underspending CV = 7600$, project underspending.
Using the following info: PV = 4000 $ EV = 3600 $ AC= 4000 $ BAC = 27000 $ Assuming that current variances are typical for future performance, what is EAC and what does it represent? 30.000$, is the original cost estimate (Project budget) 30.000, it is the revised estimation of total cost of project (Based on actual performance) 23.800, it is the revised estimation of total cost of project (Based on actual performance).
Which one of the following is not one of the 7 basic Quality tools? Cause and effect diagram Pareto Diagram Canvas Model.
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