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Práctica EFL II

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Listening can be tested in an isolated form (_____________) or integrated with speaking, writing or reading (_____________) depending on the type of communicative directionality of the sub skill we want to measure. discrete test / inclusive test. isolation point / integrative test. discrete-point test / integrative test.
Is the classroom environment important in Project-Based Learning? An atmosphere of collaboration and reflection is mandatory. It is not an important issue as climate do not conducive to learning. An atmosphere of collaboration and reflection should be promoted.
What is literal comprehension? When the information is beyond the immediate text and the student needs to make use of his own knowledge to understand it. When the information is explicity stated in a text and a text is easily understood. When the information is beyond the immediate text and the student needs to predict its meaning.
What is a ''driving question''? Students' learning expectations at the beginning of a project. When the student learns concepts through a trial-and-error approach. A topic, problem or situation that engages our students through a project.
A subcomponent of assessment that involves the use of tests to measure students' communicative competence: Testing. Mock exam. Exam.
Which one is NOT a step in Project-Based Learning?: Monitoring our students and the project. Posing the key question. Establishing the knowledge and the skills needed.
The European Language Portfolio is a _____________ document. two-part three-part four-part.
In "GRASPS", what does the 'p' stands for?: Problem-Solving. Process. Product.
Any didactic programme must define: Context, methodology, attention to diversity and evaluation criteria. Context, material and human resources, methodology and evaluation criteria. Context, sequence of objectives and contents, methodology and evaluation criteria.
________________ is used to check what students have learned after the process of learning has taken place through classes, homework and study: Continuous evaluation. Placement test. Summative evaluation.
Any didactic unit plan must include: Name of the unit, timing, objectives, methodology and evaluation. Name of the unit, duration of the course, objectives, methodology and evaluation. Name of the unit, objectives, methodology, group dynamics and evaluation.
Assessing students' communicative competence implies testing either declarative or non-declarative knowledge: True False.
A classroom activity that allows multiple possible responses or solutions is __________: An open-ended task. A multiple choice exercise. A Project-Based Learning project. .
Literary texts are not seen as complete products to be studied, but as tools to deal with the processes of reading and writing: Product-oriented principle. Task-based principle. Process-oriented principle.
In "GRASPS", what does the 'r' stands for?: Result. Resources. Role.
A general term that we use to refer to the set of procedures which are put into practice when gathering information about students' communicative competence or students' language performance achievement: Assessment. Evaluation. Exam.
________________ is used in order to know if the student's intellectual, aptitude, and knowledge profiles fulfill a certain level of acceptance to achieve the learning goals: Diagnostic Evaluation. Placement Test. Indirect Evaluation.
A grouping of students in which groups are made up of students based on their similarities is a _____________ group. homogeneous heterogeneous.
It refers to the teaching and learning program as a whole: Testing. Evaluation. Assessment.
_____________________ is used to know the previously acquired knowledge of our new students: Diagnostic evaluation. Initial evaluation. Process evaluation.
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